Children’s Sermon: Mary’s Christmas Song – the Magnificat

Use this Advent/Christmas children’s sermon to teach kids what we can praise God for. Scripture: Luke 1:46-55 Needed: Christmas music – hymnals, lyric sheets, or stereo to sing along to Children’s Sermon Ask students, What is your favorite Christmas song? (Listen to the kids’ answers and then sing a few of the songs. You might even have one of your musicians assist you by playing the piano or guitar.) Did you know that Mary, Jesus’ mother, wrote

Children’s Sermon: Uzzah’s Mistake – Listening to God Exactly

Use this children’s sermon about Uzzah touching the Ark of the Covenant to teach kids that we need to listen to God exactly. Scripture: 1 Chronicles 13:1-11 Needed: picture of the Ark of the Covenant Children’s Sermon Tell kids a close-listening riddle. An example is, “Pete’s mother had three children. One was named Oliver. One was named Penelope. What was the third child’s name?” If no of the students get the answer, repeat the question, emphasizing the

Children’s Sermon: Ministering to One Another – David and Abigail

Use this children’s sermon about David and Abigail to teach kids how to minister to others. Scripture: 1 Samuel 16:14-23; 25 Needed: a musical instrument and a loaf of bread Children’s Sermon Set out a musical instrument and a loaf of bread in plain view. Ask, what can you do help someone feel better when they’re in a bad mood? (Listen and comment on answers. Then, pick up the musical instrument.) In the Bible, King Saul had

Children’s Sermon: Love Your Enemies Like David Did – Saul and David

Use this children’s sermon about David and King Saul to teach kids how we should treat our enemies. Scripture: 1 Samuel 24 Needed: a torn piece of cloth Children’s Sermon Hold a torn piece of cloth in your hand as you speak. Ask children, Has anyone ever been mean to you? Do you ever feel like getting back at someone when they do something to you? Like if they hit you, you want to them back? Or

Children’s Sermon: Looks Can Be Deceiving – God Judges the Heart

Use this children’s sermon about David to teach children that God looks at our hearts, not our appearance. Scripture: 1 Samuel 16 Needed: an empty cookie package and a trashcan with a clean liner with cookies inside it Children’s Sermon Empty a package of cookies into a trashcan with a clean liner and put it out of sight. Keep the empty package (one that kids can’t see through) and offer it to kids as they come up

Children’s Sermon: One Stone – David vs. Goliath

Use this children’s sermon about David and Goliath to teach kids how powerful God is to help us. Scripture: 1 Samuel 17 Needed: a stone Children’s Sermon Toss a stone in your hands as kids come up, or roll it in your hand like a die.One of the kids will probably ask you what you have or what you’re doing. When one of the students does ask, hand it to them. If none of them ask, hand

Children’s Sermon: The Tabernacle – What They Did at the First Church

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about the Tabernacle to teach kids about what Jesus did for us on the cross. Scripture: Leviticus 1 Needed: a picture of the Tabernacle , a notebook and pencil, Silly Putty ( note: if you make your own Silly Putty, test it beforehand to make sure it works) Children’s Sermon (Summarize Leviticus 1 with the following story.) After God used Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, God also

Children’s Sermon: What’s So Important about Marriage? – Seventh Commandment

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about the seventh of the Ten Commandments to teach kids that marriage teaches us to be faithful to God. Scripture: Exodus 20:14 Needed: something that represents marriage, such as a wedding picture, a veil, a wedding ring, etc., and something that represents our faith, such as a cross or a picture of Jesus Children’s Sermon Show students your first object and talk about how it represents marriage. Ask, Did you know that

Children’s Sermon: Don’t Fill In Someone Else’s Hole – Eighth Commandment

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about the eighth of the Ten Commandments to teach children how much damage stealing does. Scripture: Exodus 20:15 Needed: picture of a POW digging a hole Children’s Sermon Show students your picture of a POW (prisoner of war) digging a hole. Say, did you know that one thing people used to do to punish prisoners they captured in war was to make them dig holes? Does that sound fun? Digging a hole

Children’s Sermon: Idols Don’t Measure Up – Second Commandment

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on second of the Ten Commandments to teach kids why we don’t worship idols. Scripture: Exodus 20:4-5 Needed: a picture of Jesus and any object that represents something you use, such as a cooking pan or tool or a piece of firewood Children’s Sermon Tell students about your object and what it helps you do. Ask, Do you think I should tell my _ object how happy it makes me? (Pretend to

Children’s Sermon: God and the Walls of Jericho

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about Joshua and the battle of Jericho to teach kids about listening to God’s instructions. Scripture: Joshua 5:13-6:27 Needed: optional tower of blocks or cushions Children’s Sermon Summarize Joshua 5:13-6:27 with the following story and actions. Say, today, we’re going to pretend to be the Israelites. After God used Moses to free the Israelites from their slavery in Egypt, the Israelites had to live in the desert for 40 years. Now, that

Children’s Sermon: The One and Only God – The First Commandment

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about the first of the Ten Commandments to teach children that there is only one true God. Scripture: Exodus 20:3 Needed: nothing Children’s Sermon Ask students to point to your pastor or another well-known member of your church. How you know that’s _? What if I said that I’m _? Would you believe me? No, there’s only one _ and you know who it is because you know _. NEW 📖 52-Week

Children’s Sermon: Lifting Up the Snake, and Jesus

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about Moses and the bronze snake to teach children to look to Jesus for salvation. Scripture: Numbers 21 Needed: picture of the bronze snake , picture of Jesus during the crucifixion Children’s Sermon Show students your two pictures. Ask, Does anyone notice something that’s the same in these two pictures? There are crosses in both the pictures. But what’s on the cross in the first picture? (A snake.) And who’s on the

Children’s Sermon: Don’t Ruin Someone Else’s Work – Sixth Commandment

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about the sixth of the Ten Commandments to teach kids why we shouldn’t harm other people. Scripture: Exodus 20:13 Needed: something you made Children’s Sermon Show students your object and explain how proud you were to make it. Ask, How do you think I would feel if someone destroyed this after I made it? (Lead students to see that you would be hurt if someone ruined it.) I think God feels the

Children’s Sermon: “It’s For Your Own Good!” – Fifth Commandment

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about the fifth of the Ten Commandments to teach kids that God gave us our parents to help us enjoy His blessings. Scripture: Exodus 20:12 Needed: a list of rules your parents gave you as a child (it’s okay if some of them seem outdated or old-fashioned as it will only add to the amusement of your message without detracting from the meaning) Children’s Sermon Show your students the list of rules

Children’s Sermon: Breaking the Rules is No Fun! – The Ten Commandments

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about the Ten Commandments to teach kids that God’s rules help keep us safe and happy. Scripture: Exodus 20 Needed: two toy cars and anything else you can add to the scene below, such as a toy stop sign or police officer Children’s Sermon Show the children your two toy cars. Act out a scene in which one car doesn’t stop a stop sign and hits the other car. Ask students, What

Children’s Sermon: Taking Your Children’s Name in Vain – Third Commandment

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on the third of the Ten Commandments to show kids how holy God’s name is. Scripture: Exodus 20:7 Needed: nothing Children’s Sermon Tell your students a funny story about something that went wrong, but insert their names in the places where people sometimes take God’s name in vain. You could say something like the following. I was driving down the road when I heard a big pop. “Oh, (name of a student)!”

Children’s Sermon: What’s So Special about Sunday? – Fourth Commandment

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about the fourth of the Ten Commandments to teach kids why it’s important to keep the Sabbath. Scripture: Exodus 20:8-11 Needed: six objects that are the same and one that is different, such as six plain pencils and one with a colorful pattern Children’s Sermon Show students your seven objects and ask, Which of these do you think looks the most special? They’re all good _. They all work. What makes this

Children’s Sermon: Saved from Our Mistakes – Moses Gets a Second Chance

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about God talking to Moses from out of the burning bush to show them that God forgives us for our mistakes. Scripture: Exodus 2:11-4:17 Needed: something that was broken that you fixed or a pet or a picture of a pet that made a mistake but you forgave Children’s Sermon If your object is an item, describe what it is and how it broke. Ask students what you should do with it.

Children’s Sermon: Saved for a Purpose – The Birth of Moses

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about the birth of Moses to help kids think about the purpose God has for them. Scripture: Exodus 1:22-2:10 Needed: something that might have been thrown away or something that’s been recycled, such as an item you picked up from a thrift store or a garage sale, or some reclaimed material that you’re using for a new purpose, or even a pet you rescued as a stray or from an animal shelter

Children’s Sermon: God Turns Things Around for Joseph

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on Joseph and his brothers to teach kids how God always works things out for good. Scripture: Genesis 37-50 Needed: a picture of people helping each during a natural disaster and a picture of people helping each other after a natural disaster Children’s Sermon Recall any recent or historically significant natural disaster. Talk about how it destroyed homes and caused damage around the community. Talk about how awful it was. Then, ask,

Children’s Sermon: Isaac Practices Peace

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on Isaac to teach kids how to live at peace with others. Scripture: Genesis 26:12-22 Needed: Three six-sided dice Children’s Sermon Call the students up front and ask for three volunteers from the congregation for a game of Bump. Have the volunteers line up in the center in front of you and the children. Give each of the three volunteers a die. If the first one rolls a 1 or 2, they

Children’s Sermon: Jacob Asks Esau to Forgive Him

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on Jacob and Esau to teach kids how to ask for forgiveness. Scripture: Genesis 32-33 Needed: an invoice from home (or make your own ) and a gift box (possibly filled with cookies, coloring pages, or other small prizes) Children’s Sermon Show students your invoice and say, This is a bill. Do any of you know what a bill is? A bill is something that you have to pay when you owe

Children’s Sermon: The Rainbow of Hope

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on Noah’s Ark and the Flood to teach kids that God always gives us hope. Scripture: Genesis 9:12-16 Needed: Picture of a rainbow Children’s Sermon Ask students, How many of you have ever had a bad day? What kinds of things can happen to make it a bad day? When you have a bad day, does that mean that the next day is going to be bad, too, or do things usually