In my experience, church attendance goes up around Christmas while Sunday School participation is sometimes weak.
One way to combat that is make sure kids are excited about coming the following week. Why not have a special game time (maybe 10 minutes long) as an incentive for children to come? They might even bring some friends. This post will point out some fun game ideas from around the Internet that you can use for Christmas games in Sunday School.
Christmas Party Games for Sunday School
As always, Shawn Howell shares some fun games for kids. These would be a great addition to your Jesus Birthday party or Children’s Church lessons for Christmas.
Christmas Games for Kids from LifeWay Kids
10 Game Ideas from LifeWay: These are all following the minute-to-win-it format. These include the games in the video above plus 7 more.
1. Candy Cane Pick Up – Place a pile of candy canes on a table and provide a tray or basket for each player. Give each player a candy cane to put in his mouth with the hook end down. The player must use the candy cane hook to pick up the other candy canes and move them to the basket. The player with the most candy canes in their basket after one minute wins!
2. Gingerbread High Rise – Provide graham crackers, icing, and a paper plate for each player. Players have one minute to build a tower using the graham crackers and icing. The player with the tallest tower after one minute wins!
3. Whipped Cream Tannenbaum – Provide a paper plate and 3 cans of whipped cream per player. Each player has one minute to spray the whipped cream on the paper plate in the shape of a Christmas tree. The player with the tallest Christmas tree after one minute wins!
There is also a helpful collection of Christmas games for kids from These include “Find the Star” and many more.
Another great idea is to use these games as part of a Sunday School Christmas party. This can be after church, during class time, or even a different day of the week. We’d love to hear your ideas. I will probably try some of these as Christmas games for children’s church
whaoooo, it will be fun to have these games. thanks so much.
Thank you! These games all sound fun.