Use these craft activities to teach kids why we practice communion and what did Jesus do on His last night with friends during the Last Supper. Christ commands us to remember Him and the sacrifice He made on our behalf. We recall how our Lord gave His body and blood for us. These crafts recollect the Lord’s Supper and principles of remembrance. A “last supper plate” uses elements of the story in a decorative display. Describe the disciples and actions with the “Communion diorama” egg carton. Have fun and remember!
Bible Verses or Craft Captions to Consider… (Main Text: Luke 22:14-23)
And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” 20 And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood. -Luke 22:19-20
Do this in remembrance….Jesus gave His life for you!
The disciples shared…Jesus shared with them!
Jesus shared Himself with us!
The bread of life…Jesus sustains me!
Last Supper for Kids Activities and Lesson Ideas
- Watch the demonstration of this Children’s Sermon and connected Craft Demonstration
- Compare another children’s sermon for kids church
- Download our free Sunday School on the Last Supper and preschool lesson plan
- Download our free Lord’s Supper Sunday School Lesson and Communion Coloring Page
- Start your Bible Study by learning about scripture verses on communion
Do This in Remembrance of Me: Craft Ideas for the Last Supper

Craft one: “Last Supper Plate”
You will need:
- Paper plate
- Glue or tape
- Scissors
- Construction paper, cardstock or cardboard
- Markers or decorating materials
- Stickers, glitter, jewels, or other decorations
- Communion cup or small cup (optional)
- Crackers (optional)
- Decorate paper plate with verses and captions related to the Last Supper.
- Glue actual crackers or bread to plate. Add extra decorations as desired.
- If desired, use a small cup or communion cup to represent the “blood of Christ” given in Communion. Add a cross or heart, if preferred.
- If hanging for decoration, add a magnet or pipe cleaner to display. Use to REMEMBER the Last supper!
Craft Two: “Communion Diorama”
You will need:
- Scissors
- Construction paper or cardstock
- Glue and/or tape
- Decorative materials (markers, crayons, stickers)
- Egg carton
- Popsicle stick, “puppet” or game piece
- Crackers or “Teddy Grahams” (optional)
1. Decorate popsicle sticks or cupcake liners as disciples (alternate: use teddy graham crackers or other edible element).
2. Add cracker pieces or bread pieces for “bread” to the egg carton.
3. Decorate carton with verses or captions.
4. If desired, add a Last Supper picture and/or extra verses.
5. Use to tell or recall the story of the Last Supper. Have fun!