The Greatest Commandment Children’s Sermon on Matthew 22:34-40

Download our children’s sermon notes below and watch the example video as you prepare to share this message with your church or Sunday School. Children’s Message: Love God and Love Your Neighbor  Main Objective: This Gospel lesson reminds us of what should be the most important element of our lives as Christians. At the end of the day, the essential “rule” to follow is that we love God and love one another. If we put that first,

“Give to Caesar” Bible Craft Ideas on Matthew 22:15-22

This week’s Gospel lesson features coins, monetary value, and the idea of living as people made in God’s image, and with the purpose of serving Him. These two (ish) crafts focus on putting Christ first and foremost. We present here a coin collage of sorts (with variation possibilities), as well as a coin bank for collecting prayers or tithes. Additional Suggestions for teaching Sunday School: Use crayons or colored pencils to make a “coin rubbing” on plain

Whose Is It? Children’s Sermon (Matthew 22:15-22) Render Unto Caesar Object Lesson

This children’s sermon message is based on Matthew 22:15-22 where Jesus says, “Render unto Caesar.” It’s a perfect passage to teach kids about giving their whole lives to God. Download the printable PDF object lesson notes below, gather your teaching supplies, and watch our demonstration video sermon below as you prepare to share this message with the kids in your church this Sunday. Whose is it? Who do you belong to?Children’s Sermon on Render to Caesar things

Everyone’s Invited (Matthew 22:1-14) Sunday School Lesson

Use this free Bible lesson for kids in your Sunday School class when teaching the Parable of the Wedding Feast from Matthew 22:1-14. The download below includes crafts, games, printables and a complete teaching plan. “Everyone’s Invited!” Sunday School Lesson on the Wedding Feast in Matthew 22:1-14 “Many are called, but few are chosen…” This statement, directly following the scene of throwing guests out into the darkness with weeping and gnashing of teeth, might seem a little

Bible Craft: The Parable of the Wedding Feast (Matthew 21:1-14)

Use these craft projects when teaching the Parable of the Wedding Feast from Matthew 21:1-14. Download the directions below and watch our example video as you prepare. “You’re Invited” Bible Craft Ideas on the Parable of the Wedding Feast The parable of the marriage feast is a great opportunity to include party-like elements in craft and story-telling. The message we hope to convey to kids with this story is that God invites and accepts all people to

Everyone’s Welcome (Matthew 22:1-14) Children’s Sermon on the Parable of the Wedding Feast

Download our free message notes and watch our Bible teaching example below as you prepare to share this children’s sermon in your congregation or Sunday School. “Everyone’s Invited” Children’s Sermon on the Parable of the Wedding Feast from Matthew 21:1-14 Main Objective: The main objective to note within this parable is that God invites us to reap the benefits of salvation, and all we have to do is accept that free gift. Sometimes we make excuses or

“Christ Our Cornerstone” Bible Craft ideas on Matthew 21:33-46

These simple Bible crafts for kids are based on the parable of the tenants found in Matthew 21. Download our directions below, watch the example video, and gather your supplies to teach in your Sunday School. Second Chances & Christ Our Cornerstone Craft Ideas for the Parable of the Vineyard Tenants      Try again? How about “give again”? The parable of the tenants in the vineyard can be challenging to wrap our heads around or explain to

Children’s Sermon (Matthew 21:33-46) The Parable of the Tenants

Use this children’s message when teaching kids from Matthew 21:33-46. You can download the printable teaching notes below and watch our example object lesson video. “God Gives Second Chances” Children’s Sermon on the Parable of the Tenants Main Objective: This parable can be a tricky one to teach. After all, the wicked vineyard tenants of the story beat and kill the messengers…the story does not quite end on a high note, with the kingdom being taken away and

Parable of Two Sons (Matthew 21:23-32) Sunday School Lesson for Kids

Actions Speak Louder Than Words…God’s Speak Loudest of All …. That’s the main idea in these Sunday School suggestions for the Parable of the Two Sons found in Matthew 21. The complete lesson plan below has everything you need to prepare for your Bible teaching. “Parable of Two Sons” Children’s Bible Study on Matthew 21:23-32 “I’ll believe it when I see it…” This is an oft-quoted maxim that reminds us how important it is to follow through on

Children’s Sermon (Matthew 21:23-32) True Obedience

This children’s sermon is inspired by the parable of the two sons in Matthew 21:23-32. Watch our demonstration video below and download the message notes as you prepare to teach about obedience in your church. “Actions Speak Louder than Words”  Obedience Children’s Sermon on Matthew 21:23-32 Main Objective: It’s easy to talk a big game. We can go to church, “brag” about being Christian, and even study the Bible for hours on end. However, that all means

Bible Crafts: The First Shall Be Last

Use these Sunday School crafts to help kids the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard found in Matthew 20:1-16. Download the printable directions below, gather your craft supplies, and watch our demonstration video as you prepare to teach. “The Last Shall Be First” Bible Craft ideas from Matthew 20:1-16 “That’s not fair!!!” Children are often quite concerned with what seems fair to them. The parable of the workers in the vineyard emphasizes that often life does not

“God Wants Me to Forgive Everyone?” Sunday School Lesson from Matthew 18:21-35

Jesus expects his followers to forgive others and he offered this parable in Matthew 18:21-35 to help us understand that means everyone. Download this Sunday School lesson below and prepare to teach. “God Wants Me to Forgive Everyone?” Sunday School Lesson on the Unforgiving Servant in Matthew 18:21-35 What is mercy?  The concept can seem foreign or abstract to children, until it is put in relative terms, like getting a time-out pardon. It is important to communicate

Children’s Sermon on Forgiveness and Mercy from Matthew 18:21-35

Jesus expects his followers to forgive others, because he first gave us mercy. Use this children’s sermon object lesson to help kids learn the parable of the Unmerciful Servant from Matthew 18:21-35. Download the printable lesson notes below, gather your teaching props, and watch our demonstration video as you prepare to share this Bible message. “A Tale of Two Erasers” Children’s Sermon on Forgiveness and Mercy from Matthew 18:21-35 Main Objective: In some ways, the story of

Bible Crafts “Making Peace and Keeping Friends” from Matthew 18:15-20

In this lesson and craft emphasis, children will focus on the importance of making peace with one another, even in times of trouble or conflict. The Gospel of Matthew gives us a model for dealing with sinners or those who have conflict with us. “Make Peace and Keep Friends” Craft Ideas for Conflict Resolution Matthew 18 In these crafts, kids consider the importance of making and keeping friends as they “make” some friends in craft form!  Bible

Children’s Sermon “Can We Fix It?” from Matthew 18:15-20 on Conflict Resolution

This children’s sermon aims to communicate the importance of keeping peace in relationships and restoring conflict if possible. “Can We Fix It?” Children’s Sermon Resolving Conflict and Fixing Friendships Lesson from Matthew 18:15-20 Children will be reminded that sometimes we need outside help to fix things, even things like interactions with others. It might take effort, but we want to do everything we can to fix friendships and keep things together. Law/Gospel Theme: There will be times

“The Cost of Following Jesus” Sunday School Lesson from Matthew 16:21-28

It’s not always easy to follow Jesus. That’s the lesson Peter learned in Matthew 16:21-28. Use this Sunday School lesson to teach kids about the cost of following Jesus. The free lesson download below includes complete teaching notes, game ideas, crafts, and bonus printables. “What Does it Take to Follow?” Children’s Sunday School Lesson Matthew 16:21-28 This passage may contain confusing elements for young children. Did Jesus really call one of His best friends “Satan”? What does

Children’s Sermon: We are the Body of Christ (Romans 12:1-8)

Use this children’s sermon and object lesson to help kids understand how the church works together to serve the world in Jesus name. It’s based on Romans 12:1-8. “We are the Body” Children’s Sermon on Spiritual Gifts and Living at the Body of Christ Main Objective: The church is the body of Christ. We hear this more than once in the New Testament, but what does it mean? The body is a great illustration of teamwork for

Craft Ideas: Jesus and the Canaanite Woman

Use these Bible craft ideas in your Sunday School class for teaching about when Jesus met the Canaanite Woman in Matthew 15: (10-20), 21-28. On the outset, Jesus ignoring a woman and then nearly calling her a “dog” does not seem like a terrific story for kids! However, the story of the Canaanite woman has a couple of important truths for us to draw. For one thing, it is a great reminder that we can have faith

Craft Ideas: Jesus & Peter Walking on the Water

Use this Bible craft in your Sunday School class when teaching about the Jesus walking on the water in Matthew 14:22-33. Download the directions below, gather your craft supplies, and watch our demonstration video as you prepare. “Keep Your Eyes on Jesus” Craft Ideas for Jesus and Peter Walking on the Water The story of Jesus walking on water is amazing, and can also provide an intriguing challenge for children longing to “test the waters” for themselves,

Jesus Feeds the 5000 Crafts

Use this Bible craft in your Sunday School class when teaching about the Jesus feeding the multitudes in Matthew 14:13-21. Download the directions below, gather your craft supplies, and watch our demonstration video as you prepare. “Jesus Feeds 5000” Craft Ideas The feeding of the multitude (really 5,000 plus, since women and children weren’t even in the head count) is a fun story to teach as well as a great one for craft possibilities. We celebrate God’s

Children’s Sermon (Matthew 13:44-45) What Do You Treasure?

Use this children’s sermon to teach about the Parables of the Hidden Treasure in Matthew 13:44-45. Download the teaching notes below and watch our object lesson demonstration as you prepare to teach. Main Objective: Young children might not quite understand monetary worth, dollar signs, and fiscal price tags. However, they do certainly value some things (play time, toys, etc.) over others (Bible study, school), and sometimes have a difficult time distinguishing between wants and needs. The objective

“A Treasure Worth Having” Craft Ideas for the Parable of the Pearl of Greatest Price

Use this Bible craft in your Sunday School class when teaching about the Parables of the Great treasure in Matthew 13:44-45. Download the directions below, gather your craft supplies, and watch our demonstration video as you prepare. “Parables on the Great Treasure” Sunday School Crafts What makes for better crafts than the topic of treasure? Jewels, sparkles, and beautiful objects naturally lend themselves to crafting. With these ideas, children will celebrate the parables as well as the

“The Parable of the Sower & Soils” Children’s Bible Study from Matthew 13:1-23

Teach about the Parable of the Sower with this Bible study for children. It’s based on the lesson Jesus offered in Matthew 13 about how different people respond to hearing the Word of God. The lesson plan below includes complete teaching notes, craft suggestions, game activities, and coloring page. “Is the Soil Good” Children’s Bible Study on the Parable of the Sower & Soils The Parable of the Sower and the Seeds might better be called the

Children’s Sermon on Matthew 10:40-42 “All are Welcome”

This children’s sermon is from Matthew 10:40-42 where Jesus teaches about hospitality and welcoming others in His Name. Download the message script and then watch our teaching example below as you prepare to share this Bible object lesson in your church. “Welcome One and All” Children’s Sermon Object Lesson on Christian Hospitality Main Objective: As Christians, we should be people who gladly welcome others in the name of Christ. We want to communicate God’s love to all