Communion and Community…Sharing and Caring

  Why is church important? Why does God value community and relationship, and what does that mean? Young (and older) children might go along with family church habits, but often come to a point where they question the value of Christian fellowship and collaboration. This lesson focuses on the early church as example of community, and explores teamwork and relationships. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

For Mothers…and Fathers, and Families of all Kinds

When Mother’s Day pops up, we shift our focus on earthly families and appreciate how much our mothers do. This is of course important, and respects God’s commandment to honor parents (Exodus 20:12). God has given us father and mother with special purpose. On the other side of things, though, what about those who do not have such a blessed … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lesson: Patient Planting

When spring is in the air and new life blooms, lessons and illustrations involving plants can be especially relevant. This example reminds children that we often have to be patient and wait for things…whether we are preparing a garden, praying for a desire, or witnessing to others, life takes time and perseverance. Do a little frustrated planting for students…display a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Stress Combat…Becoming Officers of Peace

  It seems like kids today have more and more: technology, opportunity, luxury…yet sometimes they wind up stressed and over-anxious. This devotional Bible study seeks to discuss and address some of the common stressors, and to guide students back to the peace that passes all understanding, found in Christ alone. Bible Focus: There are many things that tend to bring … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Hope is Coming…we are Chosen for HIM

Sometimes it is easy to read the Old Testament and think of it as irrelevant, or less important than the gospels and epistles. Words of prophecy may seem harsh, repetitive, or difficult to understand. But so much that we find in the prophetic books can be significant and meaningful to our daily lives and especially to kids. Not only that, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Marvelous Beyond Understanding…the Beauty of the Mystery

As we approach the start of the holiday season (or any anticipated event, for that matter), there is an air of excitement that seems to pervade attitudes of young and old alike. For children, the thrill of Thanksgiving or Christmas likely lies in getting things: presents, toys, parties, food…kids have no trouble receiving joyously. As adults, however, our preferences and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: The Test of Obedience

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on the Fall to teach kids that every choice we make shows our obedience or disobedience to God. Scripture: Genesis 2:15-17 Needed: a copy of the test questions included at the end of this children’s sermon for every student (feel free to make up your own test questions as well) Children’s Sermon Show your stack … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: The First Temptation

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on the Fall to teach kids how to resist temptation. Scripture: Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-6 Needed: candy or other treats for each student Children’s Sermon Hand out your treats, but tell students not to eat it while you go get your Bible. Then, have someone else “sneak up” and talk to the kids about how good … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: God Saves Noah… and Us!

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on Noah’s Ark and the Flood to teach kids how they can be saved. Scripture: Genesis 6:5-9 Needed: some pictures to play the game Which One of These Things Is Not Like the Others? Children’s Sermon Tell students that you want to play a game of Which One of These Things Is Not Like the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: The Blame Game

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on the Fall to teach kids how to ask God for forgiveness. Scripture: Genesis 3:12-13 Needed: any small object Children’s Sermon Show students your object and tell them that you want to play a game with them. You’re going to hand them the object and then you’re going to close your eyes for three seconds. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: Satan’s Bait and Switch

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on the Fall to teach kids how sin is never as rewarding as it seems. Scripture: Genesis 3:1-6 Needed: a torn up or shredded dollar bill or a crumbled cookie (keep it hidden), a new dollar bill or cookie Children’s Sermon Tell students that you will give them a dollar or a cookie if they … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: Giving God Our Best

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on Cain and Abel to teach kids how to give God their best. Scripture: Genesis 4:2-5 Needed: a box of cookies or something comparable Children’s Sermon Show students your box of cookies and ask who wants one. Randomly give one student the entire box while you give everyone else a piece of a cookie. When … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: Walking with God

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on Enoch to teach kids how to have a relationship with God. Scripture: Genesis 5:21-24 Needed: nothing Children’s Sermon Lead your students on a walk around the sanctuary. If you have a portable microphone or a loud enough voice, you can start the children’s sermon while you walk. Otherwise, just wait until you get back … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon: In the Beginning

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on creation to teach kids that time does not apply to God. Scripture: Genesis 1:1 Needed: a picture of a road with a curve or turn in it so that you can’t see beyond the curve Children’s Sermon Show students your picture of a curve in the road. Ask, If you were driving on this … More Children’s Ministry Resources