Look Up! We Need Your Presence

If you glance around at people lately, it seems like anywhere you happen to be you will notice a majority of bystanders looking down. At restaurants, in stores, even walking down the road, so many people are intensely preoccupied with their phones, apparently glued to them as an extra arm extension. Even couples on a date or friends chatting will … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Why Kids Need a Children's Pastor

Kids need you, children’s pastor. Really, they do. You’re not just a guy with a cool title. Not just a woman who loves kids–you are anointed, called and were created for this purpose: To nurture, advocate for and encourage young believers. For you, children’s ministry isn’t just a faze–that’s because it’s in your DNA. It’s not a stepping stone to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How Do You Cope When God Calls Friends Away?

My friends in the ministry have come and gone through the years, so I am no stranger to the conflicting emotions involved when a friend is confident of God’s calling to another place. Each time it has happened in the past, I have felt strengthened and comforted by the Holy Spirit. Even though I felt, humanly speaking, that I was … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Reasons to Stay in Children's Ministry

Children’s ministry is so rewarding but like all ministries, it can also be very demanding. Ministering to more than a handful of children each week can be wearing, physically and spiritually, no matter how much you love Jesus. Add in personal struggles, personal relationships and other stressors and you have plenty of reasons to walk away from ministry. I know … More Children’s Ministry Resources

20 Things Kids Really Want to Say

Serving in children’s ministry has been the best thing I’ve ever done! Aside from having two wonderful children of my own, I feel blessed to have ministered to thousands of kids around the US. That being said, you have to have tough skin and Duracell battery faith to work in kids min. I may be willing to take a pie … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Dear Leader…. When You Just Want to Quit

So you’re teaching a class and things just aren’t going well. The kids are running around the room playing tag, someone is crying at the door for their mom, your assistant is out sick, and the snack just spilled all over the floor. You feel like quitting, right? One question: Is this a normal day in your classroom? If it … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Reasons Why Children's Ministry is Better!!!

Everyone thinks that their particular ministry call is “the best” but children’s ministry leaders have the unique position of being right. (Insert LOL here.) I have had the privilege of being involved with some dynamic ministries and worked in at least five different ministries like Adopt-A-Block, discipleship and even ladies ministries. However, working with kids has always been my favorite. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Handle Burn Out: Can You Come Back?

You took a weekend off but came back feeling just as restless, tired and spiritually out of focus as you did when you left. You’ve been serving non-stop for months, even years and simply feel like you don’t have anything left to give. All attempts at “pepping yourself up” or encouraging yourself in the Lord have fallen flat. It’s obvious … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Is Your Mind Right?

“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence, and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.” Philippians 4:8 This is a well known verse from the Bible. Most of us have heard it and maybe even … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Have You Forgotten Your Joy?

We, Americans as a whole, are a privileged people. We have homes, cars, food, clothes, and toys. Why, then, do we not find our joy? The simple reason is because we are trying to find joy in the wrong place. Joy is not found in the store, it is found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Psalm 51:12 (NASB) states, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Loving Jesus > Religious Talking

I’ve been doing children’s ministry for a long time. The last 8 years I’ve been a full time children’s pastor, leading at least two Bible lessons each week. That’s a lot of talking… I hope some has been helpful, fun, and honoring to God. Too much has been confusing, boring, and not-so-helpful. So, here’s the question I’m asking myself. What … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Mistakes That Undermine Your Ministry

In just a few weeks or months, you’ve detected a subtle shift in kids’ attitudes, a lower-than-usual attendance, a lack of excitement amongst your volunteers. Of course, this kind of ebb and flow can occur naturally in ministry but sometimes a downturn may have a real, substantive cause. Having served in children’s ministry for over fifteen years, I’m certainly not … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Bible's Cure for Anxiety

I’m sure that all of us have worried at least one time in our lives. If we’re honest with ourselves, we all worry more than we should: about our kids, about our jobs, about our future. Maybe you are worrying right now about something. Is one of your children not making the best choices for their life? Are there too … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Ministry: The Second Time Around

I “heart” children’s ministry but even something you love can become burdensome if you let it. After my first ten years of working inkids’ ministry, I was burned out, tired, and stressed. I had experienced unexpected upheavals in my personal life and faced severe setbacks in my ministry. I took a break, thinking I’d be back in a few months … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Choosing God's Perspective, Not My Own

I am a stay-at-home mom and it would be easy to get upset with all of the little things that go on during the day. Sometimes, it feels as though I running on a treadmill, constantly going, but never getting any where. Yesterday, I was cleaning the stove, again, and could have been upset that it was dirty, again. My … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How Do You Response to God's Word?

We live in a very fast-paced world. We are used to having it “our way” and get disturbed when it isn’t. We can go through a drive-thru for dinner, play games and watch movies on our phones, and talk to far away family and friends through our computers. For most of us in America, we can drive to our local … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Secret Hour of Ministry

You can’t get everything done. None of us have enough time, energy, or skill to accomplish everything. Real wisdom comes in knowing what to put first and what to let slide. Our temptation is to do all the “public” tasks first. We don’t want to let other people down, so things that get noticed get done first. This is wrong … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Who Will Carry Your Spiritual Baggage?

Several years ago in the youth service at my church, our former youth pastor spoke about the baggage that we carry around with us daily.  This topic has really been stuck in my mind since that night. Each of us has things in our lives that we try to deal with on our own. Maybe we are angry or bitter … More Children’s Ministry Resources