Our friends at Go Fish Resources are excited about the new 2017 Vacation Bible School theme “VICTORY.” The giveaway on this post has ended and the winner was notified by email.
Even if you have a theme for this summer, this curriculum would be an awesome weekly program on Sunday or Wednesday nights.
Don’t miss all the great feedback from readers below.
- Click here to check out the details on their website
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New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.
LOVE the Go Fish Guys! My kids have attended a local VBS for a few years where they used their curriculum and they really enjoyed it. The music is fantastic, and the lessons are good – making the
Bible alive for this generation of kids.
I am a Director of Children’s Ministries at our church and would love to have this program to use in our midweek club.
It is really too bad that you are not able to ship to Canada, so that eliminates me from this giveaway. Maybe if I paid for the shipping?
Our church would love to receive this awesome gift! VBS week plants the seed in our community! That week we see and meet new future brother and sisters in Christ! Your never to young!
I have been following Go Fish since I lived in the Middle East. Their resources are amazing and scripture based, which is very important when reaching out to kids.
I serve in a church in Florida and I feel this theme would lift my kids spirits and encourage them to live a Christlike life with the mindset of victory.
I love the Gofish videos and curriculum. We use the Gofish music videos during summer camp at church. The children love it. This summer is a sports theme summer camp at the church. It would be a great curriculum and music for the church. I would love to win it for our program!
Love Go Fish Guys!
Would love to have this for our children’s ministry!
I love this theme. Always looking for new ideas.
Love Go Fish programs and our Church kids do too We would love to be able to use the Victory VBS program at Maranatha
Love the Go Fish VBS Cirriculum and this looks just as good as in the past – maybe better. We’ve done SHINE and Gotta Move at my old church. Still use the songs for worship there and at my new church as well. Would LOVE this curriculum to use at my new church – but hard to fork out $175 when you don’t have a children’s ministries budget (church size 30-40 on Sundays, though we get 12-30 kids to come to our bimonthly kids events) so to WIN it would be AMAZING!!!
I hope you could consider our church to have that opportunity of having that free kit. I’m praying for that in a very long time but I’m here at the Philippines. Luke 1:37 all things are possible amen! I claim it!
Wow…this is great! Love the GO Fish Guys! Our church is struggling with what to do for VBS this year and if we would win this it would be AWESOME!!!
Good day I have viewed the content of the VBS in was really intrigued as today our children need that hope to know there is indeed victory in Jesus, with all the negative things happening around us day in and day out. Things they are faced with everyday, the need that assurance that with obedience and faith in Christ through prayer can conquer what they face out there.
We have a very large Children’s Group in our church and teen group for that matter and this would be a wonderful curriculum for our VBS as so many of them are involved in all different sports. They would love it and we are from a small town. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
Our children’s department had a choir and competed with singing a go fish song and won 1st place. We love the Go Fish Guys! We sing a lot of their songs on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings.
So excited about this material. We are using it for our Daycamp this year.
LOVE LOVE LOVE GO FISH! Have used the Backstage with the Bible VBS with great results. Both the Roadies and the Groups ROCKED OUT! Would love to bring Go Fish Victory to the church as well…
I create curriculum for the Chaplaincy Services at a state supported living center and this football theme would be great way to lead us into the Fall season. Our young men love football and this series looks like a great way to combine learning about Jesus with a sports theme to engage the residents. Thanks for the opportunity to win these lessons.
Love the music that Go Fish VBS programs have! So upbeat and uplifting!!!
Would be great to win for our little church!!!
Looks good
Loved it. We did the Gotta Move VBS last year. Would love to win this one for us to use.
I love it and it goes along with the series triumphant victory that being taught now in our church.thank u for giving us this opportunity to win and also making a curriculum that teach the kids they are victorious
Another winning idea for Go Fish, but also for the Gospel of Jesus! Our church is unable to do our VBS week during the summer this year, so we’re thinking of using this curriculum for a big fall kids camp. Thanks for the opportunity to win one.
That looks like so much fun! Children love cheering and football, so to learn to cheer for God’s glory is a natural lesson. The music is great and the lessons sound interesting.
Good Morning, I teach a small group of children at our Church “Awaken Fort Smith” We have been estabilished since January 2017. My kids would love this program.
This would be an awesome way to draw youngsters you VBS or weekly Bible Study! I know our kids either really enjoy it! Love GO Fish!!!
Love the idea of cheering and getting the kids all excited for Jesus! Our kids love GoFish music so I know they would loooove this VBS package! I would use this as a Sunday Children’s Church program. I have a bunch of old sports trophies I could jazz up and give away or decorate with so this would be the ultimate program for our church.
WE LOVE GO FISH MUSIC. We have used their curriculum and music before and the kids loved it. Go Fish music helps the kids learn important lessons while moving to great music at the same time.
We would love to have this to add to our Children’s Department.
We are looking for a new curriculum so we can get our Wednesday night program going again. THis would be a blessing!
What a neat idea! This would be perfect for a Wednesday night series as well as VBS. Go Fish always makes church great fun for my kids.
My children have always loved the GO Fish Music. It is good music that gets kids excited about scripture. I would look forward to the opportunity to use it in a VBS!
I am the pastor wife at my church. We have a lot of children. I would love to have this program for our Vacation Bible School.
It looks like an awesome program that we could use. Our “little church with the big heart” normally uses recycled programs from other church’s in our area, but they work to minister to our community!
God is Great!
I love everything that gofish puts out and this looks like another fantastic VBS!
Very well done. I love the dive into Noah’s ark, very pictorial and cool for kids.
This curriculum sounds very exciting. I love GoFish and would like to implement this into our summer program.
This curriculum sounds like so much fun and really catches your attention. It would be a great way to share “VICTORY” in Jesus with children. We have a number of unchurched children that live on our street and are planning to do a VBS type of program on our street during the summer. It’s so hard to get children(and parents) in church so this is an outreach for us to share the love of Jesus with them. Would like to have this kit to use as our curriculum. Thanks again for your love of sharing the Gospel.
Thanks for the chance to review this. I love the energy the GoFish guys have as they teach the word through music.
lessons look easy enough.
My small church would be blessed to receive this gift!! I search the web and recycle for our VBS. How awesome it would be to have a whole package including lessons and music.
This would be awesome for fall/back to school. Love that these are songs from when I was a youngester learning about God/Jesus. Would be great to win this wonderful opportunity to share & teach the kids about the real meaning of VICTORY!!!
This would be a huge Blessing for our kids, May God Bless You For Giving Some Away 🙂
So excited about this year’s VBS theme! Hope I win because my church can definitely use this theme to do some awesome outreach!
Hi Bro,
I am Ma. Luisa Mallari a volunteer to our church which also facilitate a Vacation Bible School which held every saturday afternoon in our church here in the Philippines. I would love to win I hope I could be one of the lucky person who will get the chance to win..Thank you and God bless us all.
Looks like a fun curriculum. Great music and lessons.
I love the Go-Fish Guys and find the music to be very catchy 🙂 The lessons outlined look to be strong in message, keeping to the theme. I would be excited to win and use this with children’s ministry in our church family 🙂
This would be a great program to teach our kids that God will be victorious in the end. We get children from our community that do not attend a church but always come to our VBS. This week we show them love and teach them the word of God and pray that they will one day start attending church.
GoFish resources are so easy to use and kids enjoy the content. We used GoFish last summer for VBS and it was fun and full of life and Bible-based lessons. This would be a wonderful resource for Wednesdays or Sunday mornings.
I looked at this curriculum in great detail and put it high on my wish list. We’ve used curriculum by Go Fish guys in the past and we loved it! I still haven’t nailed down which VBS I’m doing this August so winning this one would be fantastic for budget and direction!
I like the enthusiasm this curriculum could bring to a children’s program along with the fact that is is Go Fish, I think this is an amazing curriculum.
This would be so wonderful for our new church. We have a lot of children but not many workers and materials. This would be a great way to meet their needs.
I have just looked over your VICTORY VBS program. I love it!! We have a small group of children (2-15) on our Wednesday Night Children’s Bible Study. Our funds are very minimal to do a lot with the children unless I take it out of my pocket. This is such a good program/lessons/songs, that I would like to get it so I can use it during school football season. We have several students that play the different sports and/or cheerlead that I believe this will go over good with them. It won’t be done 5 days in a row, but, 5 weeks in a row. It will just about be the entire football season.
This looks perfect for our Church’s version of VBS! We’ve been doing an ESCAPE (Evangelistic Sports And Personal Enrichment) sports camp & come up with our own curriculum. We are located on a small rural area next to the Smoky Mountains and usually host over 65 kids!
This actually looks pretty good. I just started Children’s ministry and to be honest, it was frustrating at first. God has given me victory over my frustrations, the challenges and the patience in this ministry. Now it’s time to show these future warriors for Christhe what victory in his name looks like. Let’s get it going!
I think this looks like a lot of fun! Love the music!
Looks like a Great program! We LOVE Go Fish Guys! Thanks for great resources for kids’ ministry!
I love Go Fish music and have always wanted to try their VBS material. Victory looks great. What a wonderfully encouraging message for kids and adults alike. Our church is small and we try to select a VBS curriculum different than the large churches. Victory hits the spot.
I reviewed your VICTORY VBS program. Our church is small, in a small town with various age groups. Most kids are involved with sports, and I believe this would draw their attention. The theme is different and we could use it in August as a preparation for back to school!! Our budget is very limited and using your program as a way to introduce us ,and other churches to your many products would be a huge asset to our church community. We all are looking for new items, and fresh ideas. Thank you for assisting in this great endeavor to educate our children in Godly ways.
Saw this last night, opened this morning. Reminds me of my school days and that was a time ago. Got my feet tapping, my head bopping and put a smile on my face. I don’t do the VBS at our church but I am one of the Sunday school teachers and I could really get my class of 6 up and jumping with this. We are at a point of revitalizing our church to KNOW, GROW, and GO with God. We have a new pastor and this would be a much neede pep rally to infect our congregation and affect our community.
This looks AWESOME!Thanks for the opportunity to win curriculum for a small church.
We use VBS material for changing it up in the summer. It is fun to have a special theme to work with and we just take the daily lesson and use it for one or two weeks. Love that the Go Fish music is a part of it! Thank you for helping us to minister to children all year round!
Looks very organized and easy to use. The opening music will surely bring the kids in!
Would love to win this program.
I’ve reviewed the curriculum and am very excited about “Victory”.. Reminds me of the song we sing – Victory in Jesus! I really like that the songs are basically ones that we know with a little interesting twist. I also feel that children need to realize that our relationship with Jesus is not just “do this”, don’t do that, but that they can experience VICTORY!!
My kids love all their songs and motions. Ollie them because they are catchy but they are also evangelical in words. Thanks Guys for your ministry. I hope you continue for along time!
Our community is very sports oriented and our kids are familiar with cheering on their favorite teams. This would be an awesome VBS to teach our children to apply that same enthusiasm to Jesus Christ.
Would love to win this! Our small girls Bible study group did a Backyard Bible School last year, and we’ve been thinking about doing one again this year.
I saw the synopsis of your VBS curriculum and it looks pretty nice! We have a small group of about 40 kids that range in age from 3 – 12. So I’m pretty excited that your curriculum can be easily adapted to various ages. I would love to try it out!
Not sure if a winner has been picked yet, but would love to win this. We could use this possibly for our Sunday morning children’s ministry groups.
Thanks for the opportunity.
~ Amy
Hey congratulations. I’m emailing you now – you were the random winner.
Are there any moves to go along with the cheers for this VBS packet, VICTORY??? Any help or advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
They have videos for each song in the VBS DVD. That’s included in the kit. See more details on their website.