Giving: Devotional for the Family (2 Corinthians 9:7)

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Giving: Devotional for the Family
This devotional is designed for the whole family; it is a way to learn about giving together. The objective of this devotional is to teach kids that God wants us to enjoy giving and that it can be a gift to share what we have with others.
If you are looking for a concrete way to put this into action, consider one of the excellent child sponsorship charities.
Preparation: For each member of your family have a shoe box that they are able to fill. Have canned food, toothpaste/ toothbrushes, socks, combs, shampoo, etcetera, ready to place in the shoe boxes. Locate a local homeless shelter where you can drop off the boxes once they have been made.

  • Why do you think it is important to give?
  • Do you believe that Jesus cares about everyone?
  • Do you think that giving can be fun?

Say: Today we are going to build gift boxes for the homeless. The reason we are giving today is because God cares about people and God wants us to care about them too, but that isn’t the only thing God wants. God wants us to enjoy giving, He wants us to give from our heart! What do you think it means to give from your heart? (give them time to answer). Giving from your heart is to LOVE giving! God loved giving to us SO much that He sent His Only Son to save us from our sin; Jesus was the best gift we have ever received!
The Bible says,

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver,” (2 Corinthians 9:7, ESV).

We are so lucky that we have a God that loves us and we should share that love by loving the people around us! We can love people by not just giving to them, but by being a cheerful giver.

  • What does a cheerful giver look like? (Answer: A cheerful giver is happy about giving)
  • Why should we enjoy giving? (Answer: Because God loved us so much that He gave us His Only Son)
  • What are some ways you can think of giving?

Prayer: Dear LORD, thank you for loving us and taking care of us. You have given us so much, including your Only Son. Help us to love your people and to learn how to give with a cheerful heart. We pray that our giving will be able to bless the homeless. We love you LORD. Amen
Activity:Each member of the family can choose the items they want to give and place them into the shoe box. Make it fun by having worship music playing in the background. Once the boxes have been made drive to your local homeless shelter as a family to drop the boxes off!

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