Kids need Bible teaching, even when the church is closed. This page lists our favorite free resources for virtual Sunday School and kids church online.
Online Children’s Church Service

Kidology Kids Church Online
If your church, like mine, has had to cancel services, I created a children’s church video for kids and parents to watch at home.
Virtual Sunday School
These videos are from an English theater group’s new YouTube channel “Virtual Sunday School”
What are some options for children’s church services online? Even with the church building closes for services, you can continue to do children’s ministry. One option is to direct families to online kids church at home.
List of Online Children’s Church Services

Life.Church Kids
About: LifeKids is the children’s ministry at Life.Church. We’re dedicated to partnering with parents to lead children to become fully devoted followers of Christ.

Holy Moments by Cokesbury Kids
About: An at-home worship service for the whole family. Gather your whole family around the computer for a child centered time of singing, praying, and listening. Though it is perfectly fine to watch and listen, we encourage you to connect and participate as a family using your webcam and microphone.

Minno Church at Home
About: This is a free resource where you choose a Worship video, a Bible story video, and/or a Devotional for your “church at home” experience. You can even download and print activity packs for your kids.

NLR Kids Church (High Voltage Curriculum)
About: If your church has canceled services, this is an online Kids Church alternative. This is Brian Dollar’s home church – using High Voltage Kids Curriculum. LIVE at 5pm on Saturday, 8:30, 10:00, and 11:30am on Sunday. No cost, no sign in needed. ON DEMAND section that kids can access a lesson every day of the week if they choose!

CrossRoads Kids Club
About: Kids’ Club is the infant through fifth grade ministry for Crossroads Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. 9 to 12 yr old (3rd to 5th grade) 5 to 8 yr old (K – 2nd grade) 2 to 3 yr old (preschool) 2 yr old and under (toddler)

More Online Kids’ Church Options
Valued by God App – Music and lesson by Uncle Charlie ministries. Available on Apple devices.
Douglas Talks – Puppet based Bible lessons.
Leave a comment to let me know what you’re using in your church!
Featured Content on Ministry-To-Children
Cool…what lessons are online now?
We’ll be uploading new kids church lessons each week. If you’re signed up for notifications, we’ll email you as soon as the materials are ready. Here are the lessons that are available or on their way:
March 22: Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet
- Big Idea: Jesus served others and wants us to do the same.
- Bible Basis: John 13:1-17
- Key Verse: Mark 9:35
March 29: The Last Supper
- Big Idea: Jesus gave His body and blood for our sins, so we can remember Him through communion.
- Bible Basis: Matthew 26:17-30; Luke 22:7-30
- Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 11:26
April 5: Death on the Cross
- Big Idea: God’s grace is big enough, so we can go to Him no matter who we are or what we’ve done.
- Bible Basis: Luke 23:32-46
- Key Verse: Titus 2:11
April 12: Jesus is Alive
- Big Idea: Jesus rose from the dead, so I can find a new life in Him.
- Bible Basis: Matthew 28:1-10
- Key Verse: Ephesians 2:5
April 19: The Kingdom of Heaven
- Big Idea: God promises eternal life to those who seek and find Him.
- Bible Basis: Matthew 7:7-12; Matthew 13:44
- Key Verse: Matthew 7:7
April 26: Saul Sees the Light
- Big Idea: Jesus changes our heart, so we’re a new creation when we follow Him.
- Bible Basis: Acts 9:1-19
- Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17
May 3: Paul’s Great Escape
- Big Idea: The Holy Spirit gives us power to boldly tell others about the good news of Jesus.
- Bible Basis: Acts 9:19-31
- Key Verse: Acts 1:8
May 10: Paul and Silas in Prison
- Big Idea: The good news of Jesus is for all people, so we should always be ready to share why we believe.
- Bible Basis: Acts 16:16-40
- Key Verse: 1 Peter 3:15
May 17: Paul is Arrested
- Big Idea: The good news of Jesus sets us free from sin, so we can tell our story to others.
- Bible Basis: Acts 21-28
- Key Verse: Psalm 107:2
May 24: God’s Story in Our Lives
- Big Idea: God’s story of love and redemption continues today in the lives of His children.
- Bible Basis: 1 John 3:1-3
- Key Verse: John 1:12
May 31: Jesus is the True Vine
- Big Idea: Jesus is the vine, so we can grow by staying connected to Him.
- Bible Basis: John 15:1-17
- Key Verse: John 15:5
June 7: Jesus is the Good Shepherd
- Big Idea: Jesus is the good shepherd, so we should listen to His voice and follow Him.
- Bible Basis: John 10:1-18
- Key Verse: John 10:14
June 14: Jesus is the Light of the World
- Big Idea: Jesus is the light that leads us out of darkness.
- Bible Basis: John 8:12-20
- Key Verse: John 8:12
June 21: Jesus is the Way, Truth, and Life
- Big Idea: Jesus is the one true God and following Him is the only way to eternal life.
- Bible Basis: John 14:5-14
- Key Verse: John 14:6
June 28: Joy and Wisdom in Times of Trouble
- Big Idea: God calls us to seek Him for wisdom in times of trouble.
- Bible Basis: James 1:2-5
- Key Verse: James 1:5
July 5: Listen and Do What is Right
- Big Idea: God calls us to listen to His word and do what it tells us.
- Bible Basis: James 1:19-27
- Key Verse: James 1:22
July 12: Treat Everyone the Same
- Big Idea: God calls us to love and treat everyone the same.
- Bible Basis: James 2
- Key Verse: James 2:1
July 19: Taming the Tongue
- Big Idea: God calls us to be careful with our words.
- Bible Basis: James 3
- Key Verse: James 3:5
July 26: Pray for Each Other
- Big Idea: God calls us to share our struggles with one another and to pray for each other.
- Bible Basis: James 5
- Key Verse: James 5:16
We also have an online option. If your church has canceled services, you can feel free to share this link with your parents for them to have a Kids Church alternative for their kids! This is my home church – using High Voltage Kids Curriculum. We are going to be LIVE at 5pm on Saturday, 8:30, 10:00, and 11:30am on Sunday at No cost, no sign in needed, just share away!
PLUS, we have an ON DEMAND section that kids can access a lesson every day of the week if they choose! MANY series to choose from!
Praying for you all this weekend and the weeks to come!
Thanks Brian! I’ll add it to my list’
Thank you, God bless you all.
Thank you for doing this!!
Tony you are doing a great job. May God continue to anoint you with His Holy Spirit. Thanks for being relevant in this generation.
I often find resources for use in our small Congregation. Your content is often a go-to resource. I am thankful for your ministry at a time of crisis we haven’t seen in many years. Blessings and good health sent for your family and the larger family you serve every day.
Thank you for your ministry! I would like to share this website to the Japanese Christians in Japan because a lot of churches in Japan are not able to have Kids Church due to COVID-19. I appreciate all the resources that are available on this website.
You should also visit Christian Clip Arts – they have Japanese versions for many of their Bible verse illustrations
Hey there,
This list is great, I wonder if you’d be interested in adding another resource to it?
Virtual Sunday School
It’s a new YouTube series set up by professional UK Christian Theatre Company 4Front Theatre, and is for children and parents who can’t get to church due to COVID-19.
Please do check it out!
Hi Rob – This looks excellent! Thanks for sharing!
Great Video! What recording software do you use? I’m looking for something that will allow me to go from recording myself from my Mac, to playing a video from a website and then throwing in a slide with scripture and notes. Any suggestions?
Thank you so much!
Shalom. I have son (he is 2 y.o) i want ask how choose your video or programe for toddler. Because so heavy teach toodler know Jesus for the first time. So teach me please.
Thank you for service. Gbu
Our church produces our own kid’s TV show on our YouTube Channel that follows GospelProject’s scope and sequence.
Another online resource for presohool aged kids that the commuity maybe interested to know about:
Bible songs, stories and craft.
oh wonderful – thank you for the topics above…this will help as we are always looking for new ideas.
Here is our online content. We just started with the younger children lessons as we have been doing the older lessons now for almost a year, so we can use this to help with it.
Thank you!