Moses on the Mountain (Exodus 24:12-18) Children’s Sermon Object Lesson

Finding God on the Mountain… Children’s Message on God’s Presence in All Places Main Objective: Mountains are pretty incredible places, and can be inspirational for Christians seeking deeper faith. The Bible contains a lot of significant stories involving mountains, and this message highlights a few of them. God often chose to meet people in special places, and made or renewed … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Micah 6: Children’s Sermon & Bible Object Lesson

children's sermon on Micah 6:1-8

Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly…Children’s Message on What God Truly Desires Don’t miss the full Micah 6:1-8 Sunday School Lesson, related Bible crafts for kids, and Bible lesson ideas for kids. Main Objective: What does God want from us? What kind of offering is good enough for the King of all creation? Kids might at times wonder what it … More Children’s Ministry Resources

True Contentment Bible Crafts from 1 Timothy 6

 “Godliness with contentment is great gain.” These are wise words from Paul, but what do they mean? What is contentment, anyway? The Bible reminds us that the love of money is the root of evil, but we are to pursue higher things and be content with the blessings He provides.  These crafts focus on the joy of knowing Christ Jesus … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Crafts: Jesus is Anointed Bible Craft Activities for Sunday School

Looking for a fun and creative way to teach about the anointing of Jesus? Look no further than our Jesus is Anointed Bible Craft Activities for Sunday School! This craft activity is perfect for Sunday school classes, Vacation Bible School, or any other time you want to teach about this important Biblical story. Using simple materials that you probably already have around the house, your kids will love making these anointed Jesus crafts! Each craft activity comes with easy-to-follow instructions and photos, so even the most novice crafter can succeed. Plus, these crafts double as great decoration for your classroom or home! So what are you waiting for? Get crafting today with our Jesus is Anointed Bible Craft Activities for Sunday

Children’s Ministry Craft ideas from Mark 14:1–9; Luke 7:36–50; John 12:1–8; Matthew 26:6-13 Most Valuable Things…Give Them to Christ! Craft Ideas for the Anointing of Jesus. Our “Jesus is Anointed” Bible Craft Activities for Sunday School are the perfect way to teach your little ones about this important event in Jesus’ life! With easy-to-follow instructions and plenty of opportunity for creativity, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Object Lesson on Obeying God’s Word (Luke 11:28) for Kids Lesson

Children's sermon on obeying God's Word

Use this children’s sermon when teaching kids about obedience. It’s based on Luke 11:28 where Jesus said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” Compare John 8:47 scripture about hearing the words of Jesus Christ. Children’s Sermon about Obedience to God You can find more children’s sermons on Pastor Robbie’s YouTube channel called, “Family Moments.” Here’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

God’s Protection Crafts Sunday School Bible Craft Activities about God’s Protection from Psalm 27, Psalm 63, Isaiah 55

God is our refuge and strength, protector and provider. It is important for children to rest on the sure and certain promises that He is in control and mighty to save. There are a lot of scary things in life, but the Lord wants us to rest in Him and not fear. These crafts aim to provide students with comforting reminders of God’s protection. A “Protected Pop-up Puppet Picture” provides a visual of hiding in the rock of God’s power. A “Comfort bag” offers words and verses to fall back on when kids need reassurance.

Fear Not…Protected by God! Craft Ideas Inspired by Psalms Use these activity ideas when teaching about God’s protection in your Sunday School or Kids Church Ministry. God is our refuge and strength, protector and provider. It is important for children to rest on the sure and certain promises that He is in control and mighty to save. There are a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Sermon Object Lesson about God’s Protection from Psalm 27, Psalm 63, Isaiah 55

God Protects His Children: Umbrella Object Lesson and Children’s Sermon on God’s Protection and Strength

Kids need to know that God’s Protection is always with them. Use this children’s sermon and umbrella object lesson to teach that God will protect his children. Download the lesson plan below and watch our children’s sermon video as you prepare to teach in your own children’s church or Sunday School ministry. Lesson Teaching Objective: There can be a great … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lesson on Fear (Psalm 55:22) Kids Object Lesson

children's sermons on fear

Use this Bible object lesson to teach kids about overcoming fear. It’s based on Psalm 55:22, “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” Children’s Sermon about Fear / How to be Brave You can find more children’s sermons on Pastor Robbie’s YouTube channel called, “Family Moments.” Here is the transcript for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Object Lesson on Faith (2 Corinthians 4:18)

Bible Object Lesson on Faith

Use this children’s Bible object lesson with props to teach kids about faith. It’s based on 2 Corinthians 4:18, “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” Bible Object Lesson about Faith & Trusting Jesus You can find more children’s sermons on Pastor … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lesson about Lying (Proverbs 12:22) Kids Bible Object Lesson

children's sermon on lying

Use this children’s sermon with props to teach kids about lying. It’s based on Proverbs 12:22, “The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.” Lying Children’s Sermon with Props You can find more children’s sermons on Pastor Robbie’s YouTube channel called, “Family Moments.” Here’s the transcript of this children’s sermon on lying. [Music]hey everyone welcome to another excitingepisodeof family moments where … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Craft Ideas on Compassion

It’s important to help children understand and embrace what it means to have compassion. It often takes modeling and encouraging, but is essential to developing character and kindness. Students should first value and appreciate how much compassion Christ demonstrates towards us, and out of that appreciation, they should share that compassion with others. These two crafts aim to assist in … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Doubting Thomas Bible Craft Ideas

Thomas is notorious for insisting that he see Jesus before believing he truly rose from the grave. He got his wish and was permitted to thrust his hands in the wounds of Christ…however, Jesus promised that those who have not seen and still believe are considered “blessed.” These crafts celebrate the fact that we “walk by faith, not by sight” … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Doubting Thomas Bible Lesson Message (John 20:19-31)

Children tend to be rather trusting in general. However, they are also literal in their understanding and interpretation of things, and often have a hard time grasping abstract or unseen concepts. This message reminds kids that our faith in Jesus is reliable and true, even though we cannot physically see or touch the Lord. When we believe despite a lack … More Children’s Ministry Resources