"Do Not Be Anxious" Sunday School Lesson (Luke 12)

This lesson teaches kids not to worry but to instead place their trust in God. In a world with growing anxiety it is important for children to know that God loves them and is able to take care of them. The passage for this lesson comes from Luke 12. This lesson is designed to be used in Kids Church or Sunday School. Anxiety is a real problem that affects kids today, and sometimes can affect other part

Perfume (a Devotional for a Young Girl's Heart) Mark 14:6

This kids devotional is designed to be done between a parent and their daughter; it teaches young girls about beauty and about the love of Christ. Often kids have an idea that God is far away, but this devotional draws the understanding of God close to the young girl. Devotional Reinforcement: A Bottle of perfume Pre-Devotional Questions: What is beauty? What makes you feel beautiful? Do you think God cares about beauty?  Devotional: You are beautiful because

Giving: Devotional for the Family (2 Corinthians 9:7)

This devotional is designed for the whole family; it is a way to learn about giving together. The objective of this devotional is to teach kids that God wants us to enjoy giving and that it can be a gift to share what we have with others. If you are looking for a concrete way to put this into action, consider one of the excellent child sponsorship charities. Preparation: For each member of your family have a

David Spares Saul's Life (1 Samuel 26:5-25) Preschool Bible Lesson

Once Saul realized that he had lost his favor with God and that David would be king he sought to destroy David. One night Saul set up camp with his army. All of his men slept around him to protect him, but they all fell asleep. David came into the camp and realized that this was his chance to get rid of Saul for good. But that’s not what happened. David knew that God wanted him to

Nabal & Abigail (1 Samuel 25:1-35) Preschool Bible Lesson

The story of Nabal and his wife, Abigail, takes us to a situation that children are very familiar with: sharing. David’s army lived peaceably beside Nabal and even helped protect his sheep. However, everything went sour whenever David asked Nabal to share some food with his army. Nabal had the resources to help David but he didn’t want to. David’s men got angry and would have attacked if Abigail hadn’t intervened and given food to the army.

Jonathan Warns David (1 Samuel 18:1-5; 19:1-7) Sunday School Lesson

After defeating Goliath, David become a part of the king’s court. Everyone grew to love David which caused King Saul to become more and more jealous. Even though God had anointed David as King, Saul was not quick to give up his crown. He sought to kill David so that he could remain king. Jonathan, Saul’s son, was close friends with David and helped him escape. Without Jonathan’s help David could have been killed by Saul. Today

Using our Gifts: Stewardship Lesson for Kids (1 Peter 4:10-11)

Title: Using our Gifts- Stewardship Lesson Scripture: 1 Peter 4:10-11 Target Age Group: 3rd-5th grade Main Point: God (point upwards) gives us gifts (make a shape of a gift box by your chest) so that we may serve others (point to your neighbor) and glorify Him (point upwards). Supplies: Bibles, Index card for each child Lesson Opening: Talking and Listening to God Ask: How can we talk to God? Ask: When you have a conversation with a

Giving Together (Acts 2:42-47) Stewardship Lesson for Kids

Title: Giving Together- Stewardship Lesson Scripture: Acts 2:42-47 Target Age Group: 3rd-5th grade Main Point: God (point upwards) uses his church (point at yourself and the kids) to spread blessings (spread arms in front of you.) Supplies: Bibles, paper and markers, giving coloring page Lesson Opening Ask: What are some ways that you care for your friends? How do your friends care for you? Ask: If you were in need, how do you think a good friend

Reach Out: 5 Church Outreach Opportunities for Families Ministry

It can be a bit of a challenge to minister to neighborhood families due to today’s incredible busyness and cultural distractions. Nonetheless, our communities need the love of Christ more than ever, so a continued effort for outward ministry is absolutely necessary. But how do we get our own families involved? Here are five family-friendly ideas for outreach. Host a family craft night. Everyone loves crafts! Set up different crafts throughout the church and ask members to

Lesson: Humpty Dumpty and Human Brokenness (Romans 12:2)

What child does not love breaking and smashing things? This lesson takes advantage of that interest while emphasizing that, unfortunately, humans are irreparably broken creatures that only God can fix. The activities here take advantage of one of God’s simple yet remarkable treasures, as we look to eggs for inspiring Biblical truths. Lesson focus: Although every human is sinful and broken due to the Fall, God still loves us and wants to have a relationship with us.

Psalm 66 Sunday School Lesson for kids

This is lesson 24 of 33 in a series of lessons called “Praise God Through the Psalms.” “Praise God Through the Psalms” – Psalm 66 Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 66, the psalmist talks about the amazing things that God has done that show His power

The Story of Ruth Lesson

Bad things happen in life, but Ruth teaches us to put our full trust in God even when we’ve suffered loss. Through her loving devotion to Naomi, we learn that God puts people in our lives to help us grow closer to him. Also, Ruth’s life shows the amazing, redemptive power of God – the same power that would one day raise Jesus from the dead! Her story of loss, obedience, and blessings show us that God

Psalm 23 Bible Lesson for Kids

This lesson introduces the Psalms to children. This lesson is designed to teach children how David worshiped God by using the Psalms that he wrote. The ideal use of this lesson would be in a Sunday School or Kid’s Church setting. Objective: To introduce children to the Psalms and teach them about worshipping God Targeted Age Group: This lesson is designed for upper-elementary students Memory Verse: At this point the kids can recite the previous week’s memory

David is Chosen as King (1 Samuel 16) Preschool Bible Lesson

After Saul failed to follow God’s directions, God sent Samuel to anoint a new king. Samuel was led to the house of Jesse where he was presented Jesse’s eldest sons. God did not pick any of Jesse’s eldest sons to be the new King. Instead he picked David, the smallest of all his sons. Today preschoolers will learn that God doesn’t care how we look as long as we have a heart that loves him. Lesson Title:

Saul Makes A Big Mistake (1 Samuel 13) Preschool Bible Lesson

Israel was so happy to have Saul as their king and Saul reigned for 42 years without any trouble. But then things started to go wrong. Part of the Israelite army attached the Philistines. The Philistines were not people that you wanted to mess with-they were tough. The Philistines decided that they had enough trouble from the Israelites and sent an army to attach. Saul knew that he should wait on Samuel to come and help them

Saul Becomes King (1 Samuel 8) Preschool Bible Lesson

For many years the Israelites were governed by priests and judges before they decided that they wanted to have a king. Other countries had kings and they wanted one as well. God used Samuel to warn the people that it would not be good for them to have a king but they would not listen. Saul became their king but the Israelites soon learned that it would have been better to do things God’s way Lesson Title: 

"Heart of Giving" Sunday School Lesson (Mark 10:17-27) Stewardship for Kids

Title: Stewardship Series- The Heart of Giving Scripture: Mark 10:17-27; 12:41-44 Target Age Group: 3rd-5th grade Main Point: God loves a cheerful giver. Supplies: Penny, nickel, dime, quarter, $1 bill, white board and marker, paper and pencils, optional love of money coloring page Bonus Idea: This is a great time to talk about sponsoring a child together with your Sunday School offering. Lesson Opening Supplies: Penny, nickel, dime, quarter, $1 bill Show the coins and ask the kids

God Loves His People (Story of Jonah & the Fish) Preschool Bible Lesson

This Kids Bible lesson is designed to take the story of Jonah and to teach children that God loves His people. This lesson will be best utilized in a Sunday School or Kid’s Church setting but it can also be used at home or in a daycare. Objective: To give children the understanding of God’s love by using the story of Jonah Targeted Age Group: Preschool Game: The Color Game: Print/ cut out pictures of fish in

"1 Thessalonians" Bible Book Coloring Page

This free coloring page is based on the Book of 1 Thessalonians. It’s one part of our series of illustrations for each individual book of the Bible. You can search our website for other lessons and activities from the book of 1 Thessalonians. Click here to download the print friendly PDF version. We’ve also uploaded the image in JPEG format. It shows an outline of the resurrected Jesus ascending into heaven. Below are three scenes of children. One

Baptism of Jesus (Matthew 3:17) Preschool Sunday School Lesson

This lesson is designed for preschool aged kids to teach them about the baptism of Jesus. This lesson is ideal for Sunday School or Kid’s Church, but it can also be used at home or in a daycare type setting. Objective: To teach children about the baptism of Jesus Targeted Age Group: Preschool Game: Water Fun! Fill a large Rubbermaid box with water and put sponges, rubber ducks, and other bath-toys into the box. Have the kids

Psalm 63 Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This is lesson 23 of 33 in a series of lessons called “Praise God Through the Psalms.”  “Praise God Through the Psalms” – Psalm 63 Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 63, the psalmist talks about thirsting after God and desiring to be in God’s presence. Through

God Calls Samuel (1 Samuel 3:1-21) Preschool Bible Lesson

Samuel was the son of Hannah, who prayed that God would give her a son. Once Samuel was old enough Hannah was faithful in taking Samuel to the temple to be raised there. Though Samuel was young he learned that he must always listen to God as God gave him an important message. Today our preschoolers will learn the importance of listening to God. Lesson Title:  God Calls Samuel Bible Reference: 1 Samuel 3:1-21 Target Age Group:

Our Loving Father (Psalm 103:13) Sunday School Lesson

Too many kids today are growing up without a positive example of a “loving father.” That’s why it’s so important to teach about the Goodness of God our Father.  This lesson was first designed for Father’s Day, but it can also be used anytime to teach about the character of our LORD. The format of this lesson is to be used in a Sunday School or Children’s Church setting. Objective: To help children gain and understanding that God

God's Promise (Noah and the Ark) Preschool Lesson from Genesis 9

This preschool Bible lesson is designed to teach kids about the promise, God, made in the story of, Noah, and the Ark. This lesson was created for a Sunday School or Children’s Church setting, but it can also be used at home. Objective: This lesson is designed to teach kids that God loves them and has made a promise to never flood the whole earth again. Targeted Age Group: Preschool Game: Hide-And-Seek-Animals. Before the kids arrive hide