Object Lesson & Craft: Good Dirt and Good Seeds (Mark 4:1-20)

Jesus often used images and parables of planting or farming in His teaching. This may very well have been due to the audience and vocations of the day, but even children and adults today can understand and learn from the analogies drawn. In the parable of the sower, we see not only critical elements of evangelism and faith but also concepts of cause and effect, character traits, and patience. In this lesson, students will visit the parable

Psalm 61 Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This is lesson 22 of 33 in a series of lessons called “Praise God Through the Psalms.”  “Praise God Through the Psalms” – Psalm 61 Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 61, the psalmist talks about dwelling in the tent of the Lord and how we can

"God Made Everything" Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This kid’s Bible lesson was created to teach children how, God, made everything in the world. The lesson is about the events that take place in Genesis One and Two. The ideal use of this material would be for Sunday School or Children’s Church. For more lesson ideas, don’t miss our longer series on the days of creation. We also have a simplified “God made me special” lesson for toddlers. Objective: To teach children in such a

Paul's in Macedonian, Lydia Accepts Jesus (Acts 16:9-15) Lesson for Kids

As we meet characters like Lydia and her household, we will discuss how we have responsibility to not just tell people about Jesus, but to encourage and build up our friends and those around us. We’ll also make sure to emphasize not being intimidated by status or age, but working with all equally. Lesson focus: God wants us to share the good news of Jesus with everyone, because He made us all the same and loves us. Sharing

Devotional: Whatever you do… Remembering Who the Boss Is

I recently had an experience that reminded me again of the importance of infusing pride, presence, passion, and purpose in each and every action we undertake. I went to the Red Cross center to donate blood, and was rather disappointed by the nurse taking care of me…Her attitude was rather hurried and hassled as she ran through the motions of her work, grumbled slightly, and made noticeable errors. Needless to say, this was not terribly comforting for

Preschool Lesson: Jesus is Alive (John 20:1-18)

This is one of the most important lessons that children will ever learn.  Easter is not about bunnies and egg hunts, but it is about Jesus rising from the dead.  Through this lesson children will learn that Jesus’ tomb was empty and he is alive today. Lesson Title:  Jesus is Alive Bible Reference: John 20:1-18 Target Age Group: Preschool Learning Context: Children’s Church Target Time Frame: 1 ½ hour Learning Aim:  Jesus is Alive. Materials Needed: Play-doh Paper

Lesson: The Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-47)

The church calendar events exhibit a pattern of patience…we wait at Advent time for the coming of the Messiah. Following that, we wait throughout Lent as we reflect on the significance of that season. When Good Friday and then Easter come, we rejoice in celebration of the risen Lord. And then we marvel at the Ascension and its admonition to once again wait. For what? For how long? Jesus promised His disciples a rather vague “comforter” at

Preschool Lesson: Jesus is Tried and Crucified (Luke 19:28-40, 23:1-49)

Today’s lesson covers two events-Jesus’ joyous entry into Jerusalem and His death on the cross.  While preschooler’s don’t need to know all the details of how Jesus died at this time, they do need to know that Jesus is really the King and that He died for them.  This lesson is taught in two parts in hopes that children will understand that Jesus died for them. Lesson Title:  Jesus is Tried and Crucified Bible Reference: Luke 19:28-40,

The Story of Exodus Lesson

Moses certainly had a miraculous beginning, but God also greatly used him through the latter part of his life. This second part of “The Story of Moses (Lesson 4 of the series),” will teach children that no obstacle is too great for God! In addition, there is a crossword at the end of the lesson to help the children remember previous lessons while reminding them that God used many people to fulfill his promise of a Savior.

Lesson: Wonderful Words of Wisdom…Processing Proverbs

Wisdom is an attribute that takes a while to develop…and some people never seem to quite gain it, sadly. But just what is wisdom and how do we communicate it to children? Being able to discern right from wrong and understand positive decisions is important but not easy to achieve. This lesson seeks to shed some light onto the topic and make it applicable to a range of ages. It will also provide insight into how to

The Story of Moses Lesson

God made promises to Abraham and Jacob that their descendants would be numerous and that they would be blessed. In this first part of “Who Was Moses?”, children will learn how Moses was a part of God’s continued plan for the Hebrew people and how he delivered them from slavery. This lesson emphasizes the importance of families and the impact they can have on the Kingdom of God. The children will incorporate the lesson through a fun

Lesson: The Joyous Faith of "Fanny Crosby"

What is “joy”? We often equate joy with feelings of happiness, and too frequently base those feelings on our circumstances or temporary conditions. True joy, however, is found not in things, but in the maker of things. This lesson’s featured faith giant knew that truth quite well, and lived in effort to communicate it to others through her prolific production of hymns. Today Fanny Crosby is well known and loved for her words, which now fill our

Lesson: Why Easter Matters (1 Corinthians 15:12-19)

There comes a time in every believer’s life when questions like, “Why does this matter?” begin to weigh on the heart as we evaluate why we worship and live a certain way. This lesson, “Why Easter Matters,” will help children understand how the highly celebrated holiday of Easter has incredible meaning and the difference it makes on our faith. TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To emphasize that Jesus’ resurrection made all the difference because he came back to

Object Lesson: Explaining Conversion with Brownies (Acts 9:1-31)

Sometimes the simplest things can make the best illustrations. Object lessons are so powerful because they leave a lasting impression and make sense to kids. If you are hunting for your next exciting and unique lesson, consider adding a little baking lesson to the mix. As always, specifics are quite flexible, and the suggestions here are merely that—possibilities. But the main point is to have fun and engage audiences in a novel way. Age Range: Elementary ages

God Is Faithful (Story of Ruth and Naomi) Sunday School Lesson

This kids Bible lesson will show how God is Faithful while teaching the story of Ruth and Naomi. It’s ideal for a Sunday School or Children’s church Bible study for kids. Be sure to browse the related resources at the end of this page for even more teaching ideas. Objective: To teach children that God is faithful even when they feel small. Game: Do You Trust Me? Have each of the children take turns falling into the

"What is Hope?" (Printable Devotions for Kids)

I’ve struggled for quite some time to help the 5th and 6th graders in my Sunday school class understand the importance of daily bible reading and prayer. It can be challenging for anyone to start (and stick with) the habit of daily time with the Lord, but it’s even more true for today’s youth who are busier and face more distractions than ever! So I put together a monthly devotional for kids with a few verses and

Lesson: Facing the Unknown: Terrifying Transitions (Judges 6)

Bible Focus: How can we best work through life transitions and changes? Through character profiles, discussion, and key verses, this lesson seeks to provide comfort and security for students who are preparing to transition into new levels of school or home life. The lesson is particularly relevant to students moving from elementary into middle school, but can be adapted to suit other age groups as well. Student application: Although change can be daunting, considering the elements that

Lesson: Ruth Marries Boaz (Ruth 2-4)

By choosing to stay with Naomi, Ruth was giving up her chance to remarry and have a family again. She was also giving up her homeland and everything familiar. It was a difficult choice to make, but Ruth put her faith and her hope in God and followed Naomi. In the end Ruth’s hope for a husband is fulfilled when she marries Boaz. Lesson Title:  Ruth Marries Boaz Bible Reference: Ruth 2-4 Target Age Group: Preschool Learning

Lesson: Ruth is Faithful (Ruth 1:1-22)

By choosing to stay with Naomi, Ruth was giving up her chance to remarry and have a family again. She was also giving up her homeland and everything familiar. Despite everything she had to lose she stayed with Naomi and moved to Bethlehem with her. Ruth made a sacrifice of love for Naomi. As we know from reading the rest of the book of Ruth, God rewards Ruth for her faithfulness and blesses her with a husband.

The Story of Jacob Lesson

Oh, the game of playing tricks and favorites! Jacob certainly wasn’t a perfect man, but this second lesson in the “Who Was…?” series will help children understand that God has a divine plan even in the midst of human sin. This lesson covers important events in Jacob’s life such as deceiving his father, Isaac, and having twelve sons who would one day become the twelve tribes of Israel. In addition, there is a fun word search the

Born Again Birthday Party Object Lesson (John 3:3-5)

Being born again is central to our Christian faith although it is a concept that is difficult for some to understand. The born again birthday party object lesson will help you teach kids the importance of this event.  I relied on these verses to inspire me. You could use them too! Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” (John 3:3) “How can someone be

The Story of Abraham: Bible Lesson for Children’s Church

In the first lesson of the series, “Who was…?”, children will learn about Abraham, God’s chosen father of his people. This in-depth series will focus on fourteen specific people in the bible whom God used to fulfill, and implement, his plan of salvation for all of mankind. Included in this lesson is a trivia game called, “Who Said It?” and a special mission project. Children will be comforted to know that even Abraham wasn’t perfect but God

“Father of the Bible” Lesson Plan and Craft for Kids

Fathers have a great impact on our lives and our faith. In this Father’s Day lesson,  “A Father’s Example,” children will learn from three biblical fathers – Noah, Abraham, and Joseph – that obedient, faithful service to the Lord is a part of the great plan for mankind to be redeemed through Jesus Christ. In addition, children will understand that even though earthly fathers aren’t perfect, God is the perfect, eternal father who has a special plan

Lesson: Choosing Joyful Attitudes, Not Grumbling (Philippians 2:14-16 )

Just do it…Without Grumbling!  Why God wants us to Have Joyful Attitudes But whyyyyyyy? Anyone who works with kids (or people in general, for that matter!) has likely been frustrated by the grating sound of a whiny voice. Some people seem as though they can only be happy if they are complaining, in fact. No matter what they do, there is grumbling and irritation attached. The negative side of things always seems to predominate. Youngsters are generally