Top 10 Devotional Blogs for Kidmin

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A few weeks ago, I posted the top ten theological blogs for kidmin noting that it is important that those of us who work in children’s ministry continue to educate ourselves in theology and doctrine.  It is equally important that we spend regular time in relationship with our Heavenly Father.  To that end, the following are some of the best devotional blogs I have found:
1. Spurgeon’s Daily Meditation (  I love me some Spurgeon!  In addition to the deep theological ponderings that his writings and sermons provoke, his writing is almost poetic in form.  This devotion includes both the famous Morning and Evenings and Faith’s checkbook.  This is not technically a blog, but any listing of devotionals would be incomplete without it.
2. Devotional Christian (  This site, the brainchild of our very own Tony Kummer, brings together some of the best devotional content from around the internet and is a great starting point for any devotional search.
3. 365 Days of Peace (  This blog has not been updated recently, but I love the premise.  The author set out to chronicle the 365 verses in the Bible that remind us not to worry.  If you struggle with worry in your life, or if you just want to study it a little further, this is the blog for you.
4. Think on It Devotions (  These devotions from Think On It Bible Ministries include a commentary and real life stories, practical challenges and a closing prayer.
5. Bible Journal Online (  This devotionals in this blog from Shawn Daily follow a passage of scripture and detail writers personal journey on his walk with Christ.
6. Devotional on Jesus in the Gospel (  These devotionals from Dr. Ben Sloan focus on the gospels.
7. The Encouragement Blog (  Are you looking for daily encouragement?  Who isn’t?  This is a great blog for that daily dose of Biblical encouragement.
8. Gospel Driven Disciples (  This devotional blog covers a variety of topics and always has something interesting to add to the conversation.
9. Growing With God (  This blog started as a prayer journal of a young woman and has grown into a memoir of her experiences in walking with God.
10. The Daily Spurgeon (  More Spurgeon!  This blog has a daily entry from the many sermons preached by The Prince of Preachers.  This is a great way to start your day each morning.

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