Awesome "Welcome Back Ideas" for Children's Ministry

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Awesome “Welcome Back Ideas” for Children’s MinistryIt’s back to school and that means back to church for many ministries. If you had the summer off or part of the summer off and want to start back with a bang, you need to try these awesome welcome back events. Create some excitement in your ministry that will last for months. Attract new kids and families with welcome back events; reconnect with volunteers by hosting a sensational kick off party. Put your personal spin on the following ideas:
Unveil a New Puppet
Kids do love a puppet! Just when you think interest in the puppet ministry is waning, younger children arrive and fall in love with these standbys all over again. For a welcome back to church party, unveil a new puppet. Really play it up with a funny skit and a memorable character. He could be a wild and crazy “Muppet” style puppet or simply a perky little ballerina. Find a character that goes along with your church’s ministry theme.
Introduce New Music
When I taught children’s church, I introduced new music every month or quarter, depending on the size of the group. Put together a new playlist and make a copy for everyone to take home. Before the big kick off, work on some hand movements for the songs. Don’t forget to teach volunteers the hand movements so they can help you lead the kids. Also, do play some fresh startup music. I like perky songs like Mario Bros or The Hamster Dance to introduce the beginning of class time.
Host an Open House
Why not host an open house a week or two before the launch so families can get a sneak peek at what’s happening in your classroom or ministry? Put up some new decorations, have a copy of your curriculum ready and purchase some cupcakes or cookies. Invite families to drop in on a certain day or evening to get a peek at what’s happening in your classroom.
Rally the Troops
Take your rowdy gang of volunteers to Chuck E. Cheese’s or Celebration Station. Give them a chance to be kids and let their hair down before you begin your next ministry time together. Sometimes it helps to remember what it’s like to be a kid, it always helps me remember to have fun.
It’s important to recognize and celebrate the new ministry year!
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.
Don’t miss our Back to School coloring pages and this Armor of God lesson for kids heading back to class.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.