7 Days of Creation Song

The story of Creation is a familiar story that many churches do over and over. This is good, except, we may run out of things to do with the story. Singing is always a great activity for children. It gets them directly involved, moving, and thinking about what they are singing. This is what the “7 Days of Creation” song is for. I was thinking of Christmas and the song, “The 12 Days of Christmas”, popped in

Greeting Visitors and Making Them Feel Welcome in the Church Nursery

You walk to the door carrying your most treasured possession–your child. You’ve decided to give the nursery a try. You want your little one to receive ministry at his level and you can’t wait to soak in the church worship service—it’s been a long week! However, when you open the door (that you have a hard time finding) you aren’t greeted by anyone. The staff appears busy, too busy for one more child. You slowly back out

Preschool Lesson: Jesus Can Heal Sick People

In this passage, children will learn about Jesus’ power. Many people were amazed and shocked to discover that Jesus had the power to heal the sick and cast out demons. This account affirms Jesus’ position as the Son of God. Through this lesson children will learn that Jesus is God’s son and as such holds the power to heal the sick and destroy demons. If Jesus had the ability to do this when He walked the Earth

Preschool Bible Lesson: God is Always with Us

This lesson strives to help young children understand one of the most important attributes of God; that He is constant. He is always with us and will never leave us. This does not mean that we will be free from trials, but that He will be with us through good times and bad. Lesson Title:   God is Always with Us Bible Reference:  Deuteronomy 2:7, Hebrews 11:24-30, Deuteronomy 31:8 Target Age Group: Preschool Learning Context: Sunday School Target

Preschool Bible Lesson: Jesus is the Living Water

This free Bible lesson for preschoolers is based on what Jesus said in John 4 to the woman at the well. Children will learn how God himself can be their source of refreshing. Lesson Title:   Living Water Bible Reference:  John 4:4-14 Target Age Group: Preschool Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: One Hour Memory Verse: “But those who drink of the water that I give will never be thirsty.” John 4:13b Life Connection: This lesson aims

Jesus heals 10 Lepers (Luke 17:11-19) Preschool Lesson

This free lesson plan is based on the events of Luke 17 when Jesus healed 10 men of leprosy. It highlights the theme of thankfulness to God, especially for the mercy Jesus shows for us. Children will learn that we should always say “thank you” to God for his kindness. Lesson Title:   Saying Thank You to God Bible Reference:  Luke 17:11-19 Target Age Group: Pre-school Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: One Hour Memory Verse: “One

Poem about Jesus the Good Shepherd

This poem was sent in by one of our readers name Jacquelyn K Heasley. She wrote it when preparing to teach her preschoolers about the Sheep and the Shepherd. We hope you enjoy and find it useful in your ministry too. Jesus, the Nice Shepherd Jesus was a shepherd, A nice one slim and tall. He loved the sheep so much, He loved them one and all. The sheep began to know Him, Spending time grazing the

Preschool Bible Lesson about Missions

Use this free lesson plan to teach preschoolers in church or Sunday School. God wants all the people in the world to know about his love and glory. Even younger children can begin to tell others about Jesus. Lesson Title: May All People Praise YouBible Reference:  Psalm 67Target Age Group: Pre-schoolLearning Context: Sunday SchoolTarget Time Frame: One Hour Memory Verse: “May the peoples praise you, Oh God; may all the peoples praise you.” Psalm 67:5 Gospel Connection: This

Preschool Bible Lesson: Love God’s Creation

This preschool Bible lesson will help younger children see God’s glory in the world we enjoy. We’ve included several age-appropriate learning activities, but we’d always love to hear readers comments and ideas. Share it with toddlers and children age 3-5 years old in your kids church, Sunday School, or preschool ministry. Lesson Title: Fall in Love with God’s CreationBible Reference: Genesis 1:31, Psalm 19:1-3, Psalm 85:12, Genesis 1:28 See more Bible verses about the beauty of nature

Preschool Bible Lesson: Jesus is the the Vine

This preschool lesson plan is based on Jesus teaching in the upper room on the night of his arrest. It reminds us about the essential connection that every believer must maintain with Jesus. This personal relationship is the practical expression of faith and the pattern of Christian living. Lesson Title:   The Vine and the Branches Bible Reference: John 15:1-8 Target Age Group: Preschool Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: One Hour Memory Verse: “I are the

Preschool Bible Lesson (1 Samuel 1:4-28) When Hannah Prayed

Use this lesson plan to teach preschoolers and younger children about prayer. It’s based on the story where God answers Hannah’s prayer for a child. Please modify this Bible lesson to best fit your Sunday School class. We always welcome your comments and feedback. Don’t miss our alternate lesson plan for older children on the Birth and Calling of Samuel  Lesson Title: When Hannah PrayedBible Reference: 1 Samuel 1:4-28 // 1 Samuel 1:9-20Target Age Group: PreschoolLearning Context: Sunday

Preschool Lesson: The Narrow Gate and the Wide Gate

This free Bible lesson will help preschoolers learn what it means to follow Jesus. We’ve included several learning activities, but we would love to hear your suggestions to make this lesson even better. Simply leave a comment at the bottom of this page. Lesson Title:   The Narrow Gate and the Wide Gate Bible Reference: Matthew 7:13-14 Target Age Group: Preschool Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: One Hour Memory Verse: “But small is the gate and

Preschool Bible Lesson: Salt and the Light

Use this Bible lesson with younger children to teach how their actions can show others what Jesus is like. We’ve included some simple learning activities, but you should adapt this lesson plan to best fit your own students and learning environment. We welcome your comments at the end of this post. Lesson Title:   The Salt and the Light Bible Reference: Matthew 5:13-16 Target Age Group: Preschool Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: One Hour Memory Verse:

4 Tips for Transitioning Kids to Youth Ministry

Graduating kids up to the teen ministry of the church is always a bittersweet experience, isn’t it? Actually, moving children along their set spiritual path has been the goal all along, but sometimes the finish line blurs under the weight of crayons, crafts and object lessons. Like parents and pastors, kids often feel a bit unsettled about “moving up.”  Transitioning kids may experience fear and uncertainty. Obviously some things will change, like how they worship, how they

Daniel and the Lion’s Den (Preschool Bible Lesson)

Use this free lesson plan to teach preschoolers how God saved Daniel from the Lion’s Den. We’ve included several activities, but please modify and include what is most appropriate for your ministry setting. Your suggestions are always helpful to other readers. Bible Story: Daniel and the Lion’s Den – Daniel 6:2-4,6-7,10-13,16-17,19-22 Learning Objectives: After this lesson, the children will demonstrate an understanding of the story by telling the story to a neighbor with a puppet. Target Age:

When Kids Hate Church Nursery: 4 Pointers for Parents

You love attending church but dread the nursery tug-of-war with your toddler. She likes going to daycare and even likes the occasional Mom’s Day Out program; however, come Sunday, she’s not a happy camper. Who knows why but this phenomena happens at churches every week. Teary-eyed Moms and Dads (been there guys, I understand) hope for the best but experience the worst, often leaving a screaming child behind only to be paged in 10 to 20 minutes.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Preschool Bible Lesson)

Use this free preschool Bible lesson to teach younger children about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. This story shows how God can rescue those who trust in Him. We welcome you suggestions in the the comment section to help improve this lesson. Feel free to share your own ideas to help other readers. Bible Text: Daniel 3:1,4-6,8-14,16-17,19-28 Learning Objectives: After this lesson, the children will demonstrate an understanding of the story by acting it out. Target Age: 2 year

Esther Bible Lesson for Preschoolers

This free Bible lesson is designed for younger children (2 year olds – 5 year olds). Use it in your Sunday School or Children’s Church to help introduce the events from Esther to this age group. We’ve included several learning activities below, but you may want to have some of our free Esther coloring pages on hand as well. The Bible Story is taken from selected passage of Esther – Esther 2:17, 3:1-2,5-6, 4:1,6-8,10-11, 5:1-3, 7:3-6,9b, 8:16

Elijah and the Prophets of Baal (Preschool Bible Lesson)

This free Bible lesson for preschoolers is based on the story in 1 Kings 18 where Elijah confronts the false prophets of Baal. Please leave your own suggestions to help other readers. Bible Story: Elijah and the Prophets of Baal Bible Text: 1 Kings 18:19,21-24,26-28,31,33-39 Target Age: 2 year olds – 5 year olds Learning Context: Sunday School Print Friendly: [print_link] this lesson plan Image Credits: Image courtesy of Sweet Publishing and Distant Shores Media Learning Objectives: After this lesson, the

Creating a Peaceful Nursery at Church

Nursery ministry is so special. What a joy to minister to little ones the love and peace of God! One of the most important things we can hope for in a church nursery is a holy peace. That doesn’t mean babies won’t cry and parents won’t agonize over leaving their babies behind, even for a few hours. However, you can offer a place of quiet and peace that both kids and adults will enjoy. Create a peaceful

Lesson: Abram Follows God (Genesis 12)

This free Bible lesson plan for children comes from Genesis 12, where God reveals his promise to Abraham. This passage lays out the big picture of what God will do throughout the rest of scripture. Through the blessing of Abraham, God is making a new people who will ultimately bring blessing to all peoples. Lesson Title: Abram Follows God Bible Reference: Genesis 12:1-9 Target Age Group: K4-K5 Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: 30 Minutes Print

How Does a Children's Minister Prepare for Maternity Leave?

In just a short time we’ll be welcoming our new baby. Here are a few steps I’m taking to get our ministry ready for my time away from the office. If you’ve had a similar experience, we would love to hear how you got ready. Leave a comment below to share your story with other readers. 1.  Identify everything that needs to be done before you go and while you are out.  Make a list.  Well, probably

New Moms: What Scares Them About Your Church Nursery?

New mamas are the epitome of the nervous parent.  Often the church nursery is the first place where they release their precious little one to someone else.  They are torn between desperately wanting to go be a grown up and guilt of being away from their little one.  By recognizing their apprehension, we have the opportunity in the church nursery to address the questions that are weighing on new mothers’ minds. 1.  Can I trust these workers?

Preschool Lesson (1 Cor 12:27) As Unique as a Snowflake

This simple preschool Bible lesson is perfect for those Sundays when you have snow on the ground. It could be used in Sunday School or Kids church. Some families could use it as an outline for a family devotion. The lesson plan download includes bonus crafts and coloring pages. Unique as a Snowflake Children’s Bible Lesson from 1 Corinthians 12:27 Memory Verse: “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part