Valentine Children's Sermon (Matthew 5:21-37) Object Lesson

Use this Children’s Message around Valentine’s Day. The theme is “What is Love?” and uses common Valentine’s Day props for a Bible Object Lesson. Download the teaching notes below, gather your supplies, and watch our Children’s Sermon example video. “What is True Love?” Children’s Sermon Object Lesson for Valentine’s Day Main Objective: Children often hear about and talk about love from early ages, but they might not always understand what it means, or that there’s more to

Children’s Ministry Statistics (2019) How do kids come to Christ?

Update: We released a research on 2022 children’s ministry statistics with over 1200 ministry leaders responding. We surveyed 400 children’s ministry leaders and analyzed the latest research. Here’s what we learned. Jesus loves the little ones – that’s why we love to serve in children’s ministry. Every person (no matter their age) was created to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It’s the most pressing need in this life. It’s also the goal of everything we

5 Reasons Why Kids Need Children's Church

Children’s church or big church? That is the question many parents are asking lately. When I began in ministry, back in 1997, (oh my!) children’s churches weren’t wildly popular in my area but over the years, the trend has caught on. Now I am happy to report we have some amazing ministries that reach children of all races and social situations. I am blessed to have been involved with some of those. A well run kid church can

The Top 4 Myths About Children's Pastors

Children’s pastors are like magical unicorns, strange creatures that are largely misunderstood — that is if you believe the myths about children’s pastors. Having been involved in children’s ministry for over 20 years I can assure you that I have heard just about everything. I am not offended by what I have heard just amused and slightly surprised. Perhaps you have heard some of these myths about children’s pastors. #1: “Children’s pastors don’t need/want adult worship.” Although

God's "Sticky" Eternal Love – Valentine's Day Lesson for Kids

God’s love for us is extravagant, forever, and incomparable! In this lesson, “God’s ‘Sticky,’ Eternal Love,” children will explore the depth of God’s love for them through bible study, a sticky-note activity, and an energizing seek-and-find game. In addition, the children will learn that the “stickiness” of God’s love is secure, so we can live in assured obedience to his will. TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To examine the biblical proofs of God’s eternal love so each child

Best Advice to a New Kids Pastor

Congratulations and welcome to ministry! I’m sure you know quite a lot about children’s ministry already but it can’t hurt to hear a few tips. I have been working with children for almost 20 years and I can assure you that is a satisfying and rewarding occupation. Children love the Lord and they love those that serve him. To encourage you along the way, I wanted to offer my best advice to a new children’s pastor. Maybe

Leading Your Children's Church through Tough Times

Like the adult church, you have to lead kids through the good times and the bad. Tragedies like the death of a church member or the divorce of a prominent couple weigh heavily on everyone, even the smallest members of the church. Leaving all the consoling to the senior pastor or families equates to denying your kids pastoral care specific to their maturity and spiritual level. During tough times, you must put your personal feelings aside and

When Children Leave Your Ministry

Children love freely with complete abandon and without thought for tomorrow – so do many children’s ministers. How can you avoid caring for the ones God cares for? Watching children grow in God, seeing the light come on during a lesson; these things make us love our kids even more. I know how it feels; pouring your heart into a young life, helping him become the giant God intended him to be, just to see him leave.

How to Start Right as the New Children's Minister

Starting in a new job is intimidating anyway, but a new job in a new church with new people can be overwhelming.  There are things that you can do right away that can set you up for success in ministry.  There are also things that you can do that can get your ministry set off on the wrong foot right away. 1.  Pray hard.  You have likely prayed hard through the entire process of accepting this ministry

"The Calling" Print this Encouraging Poem about Kids Ministry

It’s been a few years, but I still remember the first time I read this encouraging poem about children’s ministry. It came in an email to me from a friend. It really spoke to me about the struggles and joys of being a kids pastor. Later I learned that poem was written by Roger Fields of Kidz Blitz ministries. It’s been available on their website for some time, but he recently uploaded a print-friendly version of the poem. Directions: To download

Preschool Ministry: More Than Babysitting

I do not work in the preschool ministry at my church.  My time and efforts are geared towards kids kindergarten and above.  That said, we do have a great team who does handle the nursery and preschool ages.  I know that because my kids have been through the program and I have seen the fruits of these efforts.  Last night, my wife and I were laying in bed with our three year old son Nathan.  Nathan turned

How To Start a Children's Ministry

9 Steps to Launching a Kids Program at Your Church How do I organize my children’s ministry? Starting a children’s ministry from scratch can be a big challenge. You have to navigate parental expectations, curriculum options, and hundreds of little questions about how things should work. For this discussion, I’m assuming you are at a smaller church with no paid children’s ministry staff. There is no one ‘right way’ to do children’s church. In fact, what works

Does God Call People as Children's Ministers

Do you ever have questions when someone talks about “the call” to children’s ministry? Maybe God is dealing with you about your ministry position. If so, then keep reading. This month’s Children’s Ministry Think Tank is all about God’s to minister to children. Here is the question as I posed it to our think tank members. “How do you understand God’s calling to children’s ministry in your own life? How would you counsel a young person who

110 Reasons to Love Children's Ministry

A few weeks back, I asked our readers to answer one simple question – why do you love children’s ministry? The response has been amazing and each answer has personally encouraged me. This post is an edited list of those responses, with a few of my own mixed in.  I tried to combine duplicate answers or clarify when needed.  I pray this will be an encouragement for you. Please [print_link] and share this resource around your church.

Is Your Kids Ministry Becoming Spiritually Toxic?

Over the last few years, there have been hundreds of toy recalls. Some have been poor design, but many are due to toxic materials. As a parent, I shudder to think of my little ones playing (and chewing) on toys covered in lead paint. Every church that loves children has been equally careful to remove these toxic toys. Having a physically safe environment must be  a priority for your church. In the same way, we need to

Funny Job Requirements for Kids Pastors

There was a funny thread on the forums at CM Connect and I thought I would share some of it here. For the whole scoop, check out this comment thread on their site. Basically, they wanted to come up with some funny “job requirements” for children’s ministry. Here are a few of my favorites, feel free to come up with your own: Sense of humour is not mandatory, but you won’t survive without it Should be quick

6 Reasons Why You Should Serve In Children’s Ministry

In most churches, finding volunteers for children’s ministry is a constant struggle. Most children’s ministers spend hours recruiting for Sunday school, church nursery, vacation Bible school, and other ministry programs.This shouldn’t be the case. If people really understood the spiritual blessings of serving God’s kids, we would have to start a volunteer waiting list. Children’s Ministry is one of the most important things your church will ever do. In this post I will share my 6 favorite

7 Reasons to Serve in the Church Nursery

Too often serving in the church nursery can seem like a thankless job. One of the key tasks for children’s ministry leaders is to help volunteers understand their importance. With that in mind, I offer these following 7 reasons why serving in the church nursery is important. Click here for a print-friendly version of this article to share offline. Reason #1 God is in the church nursery. This may come as a shock, but the Bible has

Bible Verses about Children – What Jesus Said about the blessing of kids, protecting children, and Gods teaching about children in the Scripture

God’s Word says a lot in these Bible verses about children. Kids matter to Jesus – the Bible says it loud & clear. Get this list of short bible verses in a printable PDF or scroll down to see even more. Reference links to comparison translations. See more Bible verses about children from Let the Little Children Come. Their page features scripture about children in 6 translations and each verse comes with 2 downloadable wallpapers. 1 for

God Is In The Church Nursery

Print and share this article to encourage your church nursery workers. You could send it along with their schedule and reminded everyone that babies matter to God. Use this print link and post it around your church facility too! >> Download Print Friendly Version << The church nursery can be so much more than childcare. But it begins with an awareness of the presence of God with the little children. God Is In The Church Nursery Where