Teaching Kids About Loving Others

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Ideas for Kid to Show LoveChildren have no problem loving others but sometimes they aren’t sure how to put legs on that love. If we don’t teach kids that love needs action, we’ll raise a generation of children that don’t follow the Golden Rule. In my kids church, I use my weekly bulletin to encourage kids to step outside their comfort zone and love others. Some months we collect things to give to local shelters, other months we launch a card campaign for a sick child. Whatever we do, I deliberately look for ways for kids to get involved in ministry. Kids are loving it! I’ve listed some ideas here that you can do.
Collect food. Don’t wait until Christmas to collect food, start a can drive this week. Local food banks always need the help. Give kids a list of kid-friendly canned foods they can bring like ravioli or fruit cocktail. Tell kids the goal is to feed hungry children in the community. Place a colorful collection box right in the front of your kids facility.
Collect pet toys and blankets. Pets need love too. Let’s teach kids that teaching pets with love pleases God. We spent a whole month collecting new pet toys and blankets. I have a friend that owns a volunteer-operated animal shelter. She was tickled pink to receive tons of toys and blankets. We’ll do this again.
Collect blankets. Full disclosure here, my ministry is located in lower Alabama. We don’t see the cold temperatures like some areas but we do have a large homeless community. We collected blankets and delivered them to a ministry that helps this community. Kids were so excited!
Card care for senior citizens. One member of our church is the manager of a local senior citizen center. I asked her how many residents she had and we began a card campaign. Each week, I distributed “thinking of you” cards to my kids. I wrote and posted a few basic messages for kids to use like, “I am praying for you,” or “God bless you.” Don’t give kids the envelopes; always review cards before they get sealed up.
Bibles for friends. One month we were blessed with several dozen Bibles. That month, I decided to tell kids that every person they brought to church would get a free Bible. We had a flurry of guests come just to pick up one of these illustrated Bibles. Kids love the Word!
Recycle toys. What kid doesn’t have a pile of toys they don’t play with? We decided to collect used, unbroken toys and donate them to the local Goodwill. I explained to my kids that they’re extras will bless many people. They couldn’t wait to donate those toys.
I am so proud of our kids and I continue to look for ways to get them involved in ministry. I’d love to hear your ideas too!

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