Download these craft directions below to help you prepare some fun Autumn themed activities for your Sunday School class. Then watch our demonstration video to make sure your are ready to share these Fall crafts for Sunday School kids.

Fall Crafts for Kids Sunday School
Autumn themed activities for children
The leaves are changing, the wind is picking up, and pumpkin patches are in full swing…fall is a great time of year, and it’s a great time for some festive fall crafts! On the one hand, the celebration of Halloween might seem challenging, as we do not wish to encourage any spooky or fearful practices. But rather than shrink away from anything resembling the holiday, why not focus on the positives of autumn instead?
There is plenty to honor as we look at harvest time, Thanksgiving crafts, and Thanksgiving coloring pages. Here are a few simple fall crafts for kids of all ages to create. Feel free to put your own spin on things and make them as elaborate as you like. This is just a springboard for success. Have fun!
Bible Verses or captions for these crafts:
While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease. -Genesis 8:22
hen he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” -Matthew 9:37-38
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven -Ecclesiastes 3:1
let the field exult, and everything in it! Then shall all the trees of the forest sing for joy -Psalm 96:12
“Jesus took the FALL for you… be-LEAF it!”

Craft one: “Candy Corn Collage”
You will need:
- Glue (stick or bottle; stick recommended)
- Construction paper or note cards
- Markers/decorative materials
- Candy corn
- Have children draw a design or picture on the construction paper.
- Use a glue stick (or bottle, but the stick likely dries faster and is often less messy) to go over the lines decorated.
- Carefully attach candy corn pieces onto the glue line.
- Allow the candy corn to dry. Hang on string, if
*Note: you may need extra candy corn on hand for snacking during this activity.
This might be a good addition to our Do Not Fear Halloween Coloring Page

Craft Two: “Pumpkin Pouch”
Bonus: Converts into Turkey!
You will need:
- Paper bags
- Pipe cleaners or string
- Tissue or plastic bag “stuffing”
- Crayons or markers
- Additional embellishments, if desired
1. Have students color the paper bag, encouraging them to use orange and green for pumpkin authenticity.
2. If desired, add extra pumpkin décor or a Jack-o-Lantern face.
3. Use tissue or other paper to stuff the pumpkin bag.
4. Attach a green string or pipe cleaner for the pumpkin stem.
Bonus Note: Turn this pumpkin into a turkey! Use the same stuffing method, but turn the bag on its side and add google eyes and a red “waddle” on the end of the bag’s opening. Attach feathers (real or cut paper) to the bottom (back side) of the bag, and use as a lovely center piece for your holiday table!

Craft Three: “Happy Spiders” in Autumn
You will need:
- Egg cartons, cut
- Crayons or markers
- Pipe cleaners
- Google eyes
- Glue
- Scissors
- Ahead of time, cut egg cartons into pieces, with two “eggs” to a section. Highly recommended: poke eight holes in each section ahead of time.
- Allow students to decorate their egg carton using crayons or markers, and glitter if you’re feeling extra adventurous.
- Let children select colors of pipe cleaners, and help them work the pipe cleaners through the pre-poked holes.
- Add google eyes and an extra string “web”, if you like.
Possible caption: Don’t be scared…it’s another one of God’s creations!

Craft Four: Fall “Leaf garland”
You will need:
- Beads (optional)
- Fall decorative leaves (foam or cloth)
- Ribbon/string or pipe cleaner
- Scissors
- Have students select several leaves and a pipe cleaner or string.
- Cut small slits or holes into the leaves, in order to fit onto the pipe cleaner.
- Help children string the leaves onto the pipe cleaner. Add beads or other decorations as desired. Attach a verse or caption, if you wish.
- Use the leaf garlands as decorations, bracelets, or even crowns!
Thank God for Autumn Coloring Page Activity
We’ve included this printable coloring page that celebrates the fall season. It’s in the download above.

More Autumn Crafts for Sunday School
Children’s teachers welcome their kids back to the classrooms in a number of ways but a fun craft is my favorite. When autumn rolls around I get excited. Not simply because it is my favorite season but because there are so many great scriptures to share about the harvest. My kids have “regular” teachers five days a week and I only get them once, twice if I’m lucky. I like to lead children into quiet conversations over crafts not make them sit at desks and raise their hands. I’ve plundered my favorites folder and pulled up my four autumn-themed craft ideas–you can use them too. They are inexpensive and all the parts are easy to find.
Corn craft: This craft is not recommended for nursery and small children as they might be tempted to swallow the corn kernels. I print a large corn on the cob off on green paper. If you have a small class and like to draw, you could just draw the cobs on the paper. Give each child a handful of raw, dried corn to glue to their paper cobs. A good scripture to use with this craft is Matthew 9:38, “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Explain to the kids that the souls of people are like these corn kernels. There are many that we can harvest for God.
Handprint wreaths: This interactive craft makes a good keepsake too. Have the child place his hand on construction paper and trace it nine times. Use autumnal colors like dark green, yellow, red and brown. The child then cuts the hands out with safety scissors and glues them to the rim of a paper plate. Talk about Psalm 50:14. “Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High.” Here is something similar on Pinterest.
Wall cornucopia: Before the kids arrive in your classroom, tape a large brown paper cornucopia to a wall. Print several vegetable & fruit shapes in different colors like potatoes, corn and tomatoes. You could even include leaf and sunflower shapes. Tell children to write what they are thankful for on a paper fruit or vegetable. Some examples could be: my parents, my home or good treats. Fill the cornucopia with paper fruits and vegetables, taping them to the paper.
Autumnal hand puppets: Paper bags are perfect for making hand puppets. Let kids dress up bags with bits of yarn, buttons and crayons. Tell them to give the puppets a fall theme. Scarecrows and talking pumpkins make funny puppets. Here is some inspiration from Google.