Back To School Ideas for Kids Church

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During the summer, some ministries turn into literal “ghost towns” with empty chairs and a table full of volunteer tags. Summertime church attendance can be a bummer. All that changes in the fall as kids return home from summer vacations or weeks with the other parent. Schools open soon and parents will be focused on schedules and school supplies. What an ideal time to be the  kids’ minister! Gearing up for fall at kids’ church is key to keeping your ministry relevant, involved and serving your sheep, the kids. While a natural increase in your attendance will probably occur  you can expand your opportunity to reach deeper into the community, and reach more kids with some creative ideas. Use these ideas to get your fall kids’ church and children’s Sunday School ready for the return of families.
Update: Check our our new Back to School coloring pages.
Mom’s Day Out
School supply shopping can be taxing when you have to bring the kids along. Plan a night or series of nights for mom’s day out so she can shop kid-free. Roll out your favorite PG Christian or animated films and have a low-key movie night for kids. Provide drinks and some popcorn for snacking. Make your own movie tickets and hand them out at kids church and send them to absent summer families.
Welcome Back Packs
Buy inexpensive backpacks or tote and fill them up with goodies. Burn CDs with new kids’ church music or video of a recent, fun service. Add some hard candy, pencils, erasers and inexpensive Bible coloring books. Prepare enough for every child. Notify the kids by mail that in order to get their ‘welcome back packs’ they will need to attend on a specified date.
Before kids show up at your facility, do some redecorating. Of course, do not blow your budget but small changes can bring a lot of attention too. New curtains, rugs or posters are simple things you can change. Make a larger impact by adding a mural or some new furniture.
Special Guests
Host a special guest for your in-house fall kick off. Search through your network to find a musical guest, a goofy clown or teacher to minister to your kids one service. Drum up interest by advertising the special guest for several services before the actual date. Create a schedule for your guest and send it to him in advance so he can get an idea of how your service operates and where his portion will be.
Gearing up for fall at kids’ church will create renewed excitement and energy in your church. When kids are excited about coming to church, the whole family gets involved.

Need More Outreach Ideas? Consider a Trunk or Treat Event this Fall, or read about making the most of your outreach follow-up.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

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