With all the festive wrapping paper, bows, bags and boxes, it is easy to forget that Christmas is not about the gifts we receive from a store. The best gift is the gift from God—His precious son, Jesus Christ. For children, this important message can get lost among the electronics, board games and baby dolls. Let’s keep it in front of them with a Christmas object lesson! This object lesson, that I like to call the “Wrapping Paper or the Gift?” is easy, highly-visual and kids will get it!

The Wrapping Paper
Christmas Object Lesson for Kids
Props & Supplies Needed
Before the object lesson, wrap up an empty box with a rock inside it with festive wrapping paper, a tag and some bows. Make it as pretty and inviting as you can. Wrap a baby doll in a blanket and hide it nearby. Place the gift on a table where it can be seen.
Wrapping Paper Object Lesson for Chirstmas
Say, “I love Christmas gifts! They look so wonderful under the tree and you never know what you will get—until you open them. Let me see…I wonder what this gift is?”
Pick up the box and shake it. Invite a few children to shake it and guess what it is. Build up the excitement about the gift.
“You know, no matter what is in this box, nothing is better than the gift God gave us. Can anyone guess what that is?” Allow kids to guess then bring out the baby doll. Hold it like it was a real baby, rocking it and keeping it wrapped in a blanket. “That’s right, baby Jesus was the gift God sent us. Just imagine, the baby of God, came to earth to walk with us and teach us about God. And then, he gave up his life to forgive of us our sins.” Allow kids to hold and rock the baby one at a time.
Ask a volunteer to hold the “baby” while you open the gift. Show kids what was inside of it—just a rock. Say, “Christmas gifts aren’t bad but they can’t compare to the precious gift of God, Jesus Christ.” That’s the best gift ever!
Suggested Bible Reference (John 3:16)
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16 NIV
Don’t miss our free advent coloring book and other ministry ideas for Christmas:
- 4 Christmas Object Lessons
- Christmas Object Lessons for Children’s Church
- Paper Airplane Object Lesson
- Easy Christmas Light Object Lesson: Missing a Light
- Talking about Christmas Gifts – Object Discussion Game for Kids Church