Back to School 2020 is going to be different. So we collected our three most popular coloring pages about going to school again. Two traditional and one about online teachers.

Download these free coloring page activities for kids as they get close to starting a new school year. Scroll to see the non-religious (for public school) and religious options (for churches).
4 Non-Religious Options (for Public Schools)
We created these four options for teachers to use in non-religious settings. The include positive messages for children starting a new school year. The pictures feature school supplies, about me page, a school bus, and a trophy for doing their best work. Scroll down to see these images up close or simply download all four using the link above. If you are a teacher, we love to hear your feedback if these were helpful in your classroom. (you are welcome to white-out our website name if that would cause a problem in your public school district)
2 Religious “Back To School” Coloring Pages for Sunday School

The link above includes our two back to school pages and bonus sheets from the calendar coloring series (August & September). Don’t miss our other coloring books for holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, St Patrick’s Day and Easter.
FREE Starting School Coloring Pages (2019)
These printables are simple and fun for any grade student. Have them on hand for an easy art activity in your classroom. They share positive messages and feature educational supplies (pencils, eraser, crayons, scissors, and glue). I’ve even included a school bus picture for younger kids who love riding the big yellow bus.
More Coloring Sheets for School Students
- Don’t miss our easy printable PDF Thanksgiving coloring pages.

Use this coloring page with your children to talk about going back to school. This can be a powerful teaching moment as kids learn to trust God and appreciate the blessing of education.
Directions: Click on the preview image to the right, or chose a file format from the links below.
This religious Back to School coloring page features several familiar illustrations about school. These include a schoolhouse, apple, art supplies, and books. The test of the coloring page says, ” Summer soon shall turn to fall … Lord, let our school days bless us all.”
Update: We’ve added a new first day of school coloring page that would be a great second option if using this sheet.
This coloring sheet could be used at home with your children or in a Sunday School lesson. Here are a few ideas to help start a conversation about trusting God as a new school year begins.
- What about going back to school is the most exciting?
- Does anything about going back to school make you worry?
- What would happen if God didn’t give us schools and teachers?
- What can we say to God as a pray when going back to school?
We hope you enjoy our free Christian coloring pages. Like all our resources, this printable is 100% free to use in your church, home, or school. We love to hear your feedback.
I love this site so much fun to download everything I need for my Sunday school kids. Thank you so much for the encouragement I receive from this pages.