Preschool Lesson: David Trusts God (2 Samuel 5:1-5; Psalm 37)

Lesson Title:  David Trusts God Bible Reference: 2 Samuel 5:1-5; Psalm 37 Target Age Group: Preschool Learning Context: Children’s Church Target Time Frame: 1 ½ hour Gospel Connection: David was chosen to be king when he was just a child, but his road to the throne was not easy. Along the way he had to fight Goliath, escape from Saul, and lead Israel’s army. He needed God’s help to succeed. Today, preschoolers will learn that God helps

"Forgiveness" Preschool Sunday School Lesson (Matthew 18:21-22)

Forgiveness is a hard concept for children to understand and it is an even harder concept for them to put into action. This Bible Lesson is designed to introduce children to the concept of forgiveness. This lesson was created to be used in a Sunday School or Kids Church setting, however it can be adapted to be used at preschool or at home. Objective: To teach children to forgive Targeted Age Group: Preschool Say: We all do

The Story of King David Lesson

Sometimes it’s hard to see what God wants to do through our lives in the midst of struggles, but King David certainly knew where to put his trust! This is the sixth lesson in the series teaching kids how God used ordinary people in the Old Testament to fulfill his plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. Kids will be encouraged by God’s desire to use them AND their families for his purposes. Also, a fun scratch craft

David Spares Saul's Life (1 Samuel 26:5-25) Preschool Bible Lesson

Once Saul realized that he had lost his favor with God and that David would be king he sought to destroy David. One night Saul set up camp with his army. All of his men slept around him to protect him, but they all fell asleep. David came into the camp and realized that this was his chance to get rid of Saul for good. But that’s not what happened. David knew that God wanted him to

Nabal & Abigail (1 Samuel 25:1-35) Preschool Bible Lesson

The story of Nabal and his wife, Abigail, takes us to a situation that children are very familiar with: sharing. David’s army lived peaceably beside Nabal and even helped protect his sheep. However, everything went sour whenever David asked Nabal to share some food with his army. Nabal had the resources to help David but he didn’t want to. David’s men got angry and would have attacked if Abigail hadn’t intervened and given food to the army.

The Story of Ruth Lesson

Bad things happen in life, but Ruth teaches us to put our full trust in God even when we’ve suffered loss. Through her loving devotion to Naomi, we learn that God puts people in our lives to help us grow closer to him. Also, Ruth’s life shows the amazing, redemptive power of God – the same power that would one day raise Jesus from the dead! Her story of loss, obedience, and blessings show us that God

David is Chosen as King (1 Samuel 16) Preschool Bible Lesson

After Saul failed to follow God’s directions, God sent Samuel to anoint a new king. Samuel was led to the house of Jesse where he was presented Jesse’s eldest sons. God did not pick any of Jesse’s eldest sons to be the new King. Instead he picked David, the smallest of all his sons. Today preschoolers will learn that God doesn’t care how we look as long as we have a heart that loves him. Lesson Title:

Saul Makes A Big Mistake (1 Samuel 13) Preschool Bible Lesson

Israel was so happy to have Saul as their king and Saul reigned for 42 years without any trouble. But then things started to go wrong. Part of the Israelite army attached the Philistines. The Philistines were not people that you wanted to mess with-they were tough. The Philistines decided that they had enough trouble from the Israelites and sent an army to attach. Saul knew that he should wait on Samuel to come and help them

Saul Becomes King (1 Samuel 8) Preschool Bible Lesson

For many years the Israelites were governed by priests and judges before they decided that they wanted to have a king. Other countries had kings and they wanted one as well. God used Samuel to warn the people that it would not be good for them to have a king but they would not listen. Saul became their king but the Israelites soon learned that it would have been better to do things God’s way Lesson Title: 

God Calls Samuel (1 Samuel 3:1-21) Preschool Bible Lesson

Samuel was the son of Hannah, who prayed that God would give her a son. Once Samuel was old enough Hannah was faithful in taking Samuel to the temple to be raised there. Though Samuel was young he learned that he must always listen to God as God gave him an important message. Today our preschoolers will learn the importance of listening to God. Lesson Title:  God Calls Samuel Bible Reference: 1 Samuel 3:1-21 Target Age Group:

God's Promise (Noah and the Ark) Preschool Lesson from Genesis 9

This preschool Bible lesson is designed to teach kids about the promise, God, made in the story of, Noah, and the Ark. This lesson was created for a Sunday School or Children’s Church setting, but it can also be used at home. Objective: This lesson is designed to teach kids that God loves them and has made a promise to never flood the whole earth again. Targeted Age Group: Preschool Game: Hide-And-Seek-Animals. Before the kids arrive hide

Preschool Lesson: Jesus is Alive (John 20:1-18)

This is one of the most important lessons that children will ever learn.  Easter is not about bunnies and egg hunts, but it is about Jesus rising from the dead.  Through this lesson children will learn that Jesus’ tomb was empty and he is alive today. Lesson Title:  Jesus is Alive Bible Reference: John 20:1-18 Target Age Group: Preschool Learning Context: Children’s Church Target Time Frame: 1 ½ hour Learning Aim:  Jesus is Alive. Materials Needed: Play-doh Paper

Preschool Lesson: Jesus is Tried and Crucified (Luke 19:28-40, 23:1-49)

Today’s lesson covers two events-Jesus’ joyous entry into Jerusalem and His death on the cross.  While preschooler’s don’t need to know all the details of how Jesus died at this time, they do need to know that Jesus is really the King and that He died for them.  This lesson is taught in two parts in hopes that children will understand that Jesus died for them. Lesson Title:  Jesus is Tried and Crucified Bible Reference: Luke 19:28-40,

The Story of Exodus Lesson

Moses certainly had a miraculous beginning, but God also greatly used him through the latter part of his life. This second part of “The Story of Moses (Lesson 4 of the series),” will teach children that no obstacle is too great for God! In addition, there is a crossword at the end of the lesson to help the children remember previous lessons while reminding them that God used many people to fulfill his promise of a Savior.

The Story of Moses Lesson

God made promises to Abraham and Jacob that their descendants would be numerous and that they would be blessed. In this first part of “Who Was Moses?”, children will learn how Moses was a part of God’s continued plan for the Hebrew people and how he delivered them from slavery. This lesson emphasizes the importance of families and the impact they can have on the Kingdom of God. The children will incorporate the lesson through a fun

Lesson: Why Easter Matters (1 Corinthians 15:12-19)

There comes a time in every believer’s life when questions like, “Why does this matter?” begin to weigh on the heart as we evaluate why we worship and live a certain way. This lesson, “Why Easter Matters,” will help children understand how the highly celebrated holiday of Easter has incredible meaning and the difference it makes on our faith. TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To emphasize that Jesus’ resurrection made all the difference because he came back to

Lesson: Facing the Unknown: Terrifying Transitions (Judges 6)

Bible Focus: How can we best work through life transitions and changes? Through character profiles, discussion, and key verses, this lesson seeks to provide comfort and security for students who are preparing to transition into new levels of school or home life. The lesson is particularly relevant to students moving from elementary into middle school, but can be adapted to suit other age groups as well. Student application: Although change can be daunting, considering the elements that

The Story of Jacob Lesson

Oh, the game of playing tricks and favorites! Jacob certainly wasn’t a perfect man, but this second lesson in the “Who Was…?” series will help children understand that God has a divine plan even in the midst of human sin. This lesson covers important events in Jacob’s life such as deceiving his father, Isaac, and having twelve sons who would one day become the twelve tribes of Israel. In addition, there is a fun word search the

The Story of Abraham: Bible Lesson for Children’s Church

In the first lesson of the series, “Who was…?”, children will learn about Abraham, God’s chosen father of his people. This in-depth series will focus on fourteen specific people in the bible whom God used to fulfill, and implement, his plan of salvation for all of mankind. Included in this lesson is a trivia game called, “Who Said It?” and a special mission project. Children will be comforted to know that even Abraham wasn’t perfect but God

Moses and Elijah Appear with Jesus (Luke 9:28-36) Preschool Lesson

Lesson Title:  Moses and Elijah Appear with Jesus Bible Reference: Luke 9:28-36 Target Age Group: Preschool Learning Context: Children’s Church Target Time Frame: 1 ½ hour Gospel Connection: The story told in Luke 9:28-36 is very important because it is when God himself affirmed that Jesus was His son.  The clouds open up and Elijah and Moses talk to Jesus as if He is God’s son and then God affirms that He is.  God speaks and says

Paul is Transformed by Jesus (Forever Changed Lesson #5)

Paul had a unique encounter with Christ, and the evidence of his changed heart is extraordinary! In this last lesson of the “Forever Changed” series, children will study the magnitude of Paul’s past and the power of God to turn his life around and use him to spread the gospel. They will also learn how to apply what they have learned throughout the series by coming up with biblical responses to every day situations that test our

Jesus Washes the Disciples Feet (John 13:1-17) Preschool Lesson

Lesson Title:  Jesus Washes the Disciples Feet Bible Reference: John 13:1-17 Target Age Group: Preschool Learning Context: Children’s Church Target Time Frame: 1 ½ hour Gospel Connection: In John chapter 13 Jesus is almost ready for the Crucifixion but He still has more to teach the disciples.  Typically we want to try to be the best but by washing the feet of the disciples Jesus teaches that a true leader is a servant.  Today, our children will

Peter is Transformed by Jesus (Forever Changed Lesson #4)

Peter was a charismatic and bold follower of Jesus. His experiences with Christ before the crucifixion were certainly climatic, but after the resurrection Peter’s faith became even stronger as the leader of the early church. In “Peter is Transformed by Jesus” (lesson 4 of the “Forever Changed” series), children will learn that God also wants to use their individual abilities and strengths to tell the world about Jesus. This lesson includes both a review game of previously

The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) Preschool Lesson

Lesson Title:  The Parable of the Prodigal Son for KidsBible Reference: Luke 15:11-32Target Age Group: PreschoolLearning Context: Children’s Church or Sunday SchoolTarget Time Frame: 1 ½ hour Gospel Connection: The story of the Prodigal Son teaches us that God’s ways are clearly not our own.  When the young son returns home begging for a job as a servant we expect the father to be angry with him.  That is human nature and how we would react.  But