Nahum Bible Coloring Page

This free coloring page is based on the book of Nahum. It’s one part of our series of illustrations for each individual book of the Bible. Click here to download the print friendly PDF version. We’ve also uploaded the image in JPEG format. The illustration shows a shield, swords, and torches. The Bible quote from Nahum 2:23 reads, “The shields of his soldiers are red…they look like flaming torches.”We will add a series index one we have several books online.

Micah Bible Coloring Page

This free coloring page is based on the book of Micah. It’s one part of our series of illustrations for each individual book of the Bible. Click here to download the print friendly PDF version. We’ve also uploaded the image in JPEG format. The illustration shows a young boy gathering sheep in a pin. There are two Bible verses included in the illustration. These are just partial quotes to give the children something to remember from the content

I AM the True Vine (John 15:1) Lesson

Lesson Eight: The True Vine Main idea: Jesus helps us to grow when we stay connected to him. Series: This study is part of a  8- part series on the I AM statements of Jesus. Follow that link to find the other lesson plans. Teacher preparation: Read Scripture references, Isaiah 5:1-7, Psalm 80:7-19, and Hebrews 12:7-12. Gather: Bible; dry erase markers or chart paper and markers; review game card (download here and here) printed and cut out; several

Jonah Bible Coloring Page

This free coloring page is based on the book of Jonah. It’s one part of our series of illustrations for each individual book of the Bible. Click on the image above for the printable PDF version. We’ve also uploaded this illustration as a jpeg file for any readers that need to customize. The illustration shows Jonah in the water as he is swallowed by the great fish. We will add a series index one we have several books online. For now you

Obadiah Bible Coloring Page

This free coloring page is based on the book of Obadiah. It’s one part of our series of illustrations for each individual book of the Bible. Click on the image above for the printable PDF version. We’ve also uploaded this illustration as a jpeg file for any readers that need to customize. The illustration shows scripture quotes from Obadiah 1:4. “Though you soar aloft like the eagle, though your nest is set among the stars, from there I will

I AM the Way, the Truth, the Life (John 14:6) Lesson

Lesson Seven: The Way, the Truth, and The Life Main idea: Jesus is comfort and certainty in an uncertain world. Series: This study is part of a  8- part series on the I AM statements of Jesus. Follow that link to find the other lesson plans. Teacher preparation: Read Scripture references. Gather: Bible; dry erase markers or chart paper and markers; 5-10 pieces of string, each between 10-20 feet; painters tape; 5-10 random objects and toys for the

Amos Bible Coloring Page

This free coloring page is based on the book of Amos. It’s one part of our series of illustrations for each individual book of the Bible. Click on the image above for the printable PDF version. We’ve also uploaded this illustration as a jpeg file for any readers that need to customize. The illustration shows scripture quotes from Amos 5:24. “Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like and ever flowing stream.” We will add a series

I AM the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25) Lesson

Lesson Six: The Resurrection and the Life Main idea: Jesus has power over life and death. Series: This study is part of a  8- part series on the I AM statements of Jesus. Follow that link to find the other lesson plans. Teacher preparation: Read Scripture references, Romans 5:12-21, 1 Corinthians 15 Gather: Bible; dry erase markers or chart paper and markers; playing cards; terra cotta pots and saucers for each child (or plastic cups); packs of flower

Hidden Bible Verse (Psalm 37:3) Word Find Worksheet

Color squares in a grid to discover the hidden Bible verse – “Trust in the Lord.” Click on the preview image above to download the printable PDF worksheet. This is part of a series called Bible Puzzle with a variety of different puzzles. Besides pencils, some need Bibles, crayons, and/or scissors and glue. Some are easier or harder than others. This worksheet would be a good activity along with our Trust & Worry Object Lesson. We also

Joel Bible Coloring Page

  This free coloring page is based on the book of Joel. It’s one part of our series of illustrations for each individual book of the Bible. Click on the image above for the printable PDF version. We’ve also uploaded this illustration as a jpeg file for any readers that need to customize. The illustration shows scripture quotes from the Joel. We will add a series index one we have several books online. For now you can follow

Baking Soda Object Lessons on Anger & Self-Control (James 3:2-8) Message for Kids

When looking for Bible object lessons, I often migrate to the pantry and fridge. Most of these items are inexpensive and easy to purchase if you need them on the fly. Baking soda has many great properties, making it the perfect item for a children’s ministry object lesson. Put one of these two baking soda lessons to use your church! They are safe but may be messy so prepare the demonstration area. Object Lesson About Self-Control You

Bible Puzzle for Kids: Dorcas Dot-to-Dot Worksheet Activity for Tabitha Sunday School Lessons

This picture shows the clothes Dorcas made for her friends. It can be used as an introduction or a review for the story of Dorcas. Use this worksheet activity with younger children (preschool age 4-5 years old) or early elementary children (age 6-8 years old) in your kids church Bible lessons. Click here to download This is part of a series called Bible Puzzle with a variety of different puzzles. Besides pencils, some need Bibles, crayons, and/or

I AM the Good Shepherd (John 10:11-16) Lesson

Lesson Five: The Good Shepherd Main idea: Jesus is the good shepherd who sacrificed his life for our lives. Series: This study is part of a  8- part series on the I AM statements of Jesus. Follow that link to find the other lesson plans. Teacher preparation: Read Scripture references, Ezekiel 34:1-24 Gather: Bible; dry erase markers or chart paper and markers; white balloons, blown up and with a sheep’s face drawn on them in permanent marker (eyes, a nose

I AM the Gate of the Sheep (John 10:7) Lesson

Lesson Four: The Gate for the Sheep Main idea: Jesus is the only entrance to salvation. Series: This study is part of a  8- part series on the I AM statements of Jesus. Follow that link to find the other lesson plans. Teacher preparation: Read Scripture references, Psalm 23 Gather: Bible; dry erase markers or chart paper and markers; hula hoops, carpet squares, or masking tape; ball-pit balls, bean bags, or crumpled paper; craft printables; scissors; glue; crayons

I AM the Light of the World (John 8:12) Lesson

Lesson Three: The Light of the World Main idea: Jesus is the light that shows us the way out of our dark sin.Series: This study is part of a  8- part series on the I AM statements of Jesus. Follow that link to find the other lesson plans.Teacher preparation: Scripture references: Game: Red Light, Green Light.The person who is “it” is the stoplight, and the goal for the other children is to be the first to reach

Bible Puzzle: Ruth's Family Word Find

Review the story of Ruth with a word find puzzle containing the important words in the story. Click here to download This is part of a series called Bible Puzzle with a variety of different puzzles. Besides pencils, some need Bibles, crayons, and/or scissors and glue. Some are easier or harder than others.   Bible Puzzle Ruth’s Family Word Find RUTH lived in MOAB with her mother-in-law NAOMI and her sister-in-law ORPAH. Their husbands, ELIMELECH, MAHLON and

I AM the Bread of Life (John 6:35) Lesson

Lesson Two: The Bread of Life. Main idea: Jesus fills up our physical and spiritual needs. Series: This study is part of a  8- part series on the I AM statements of Jesus. Follow that link to find the other lesson plans.  Teacher preparation: Read Scripture references, John 6:1-59, Proverbs 30:8, and Exodus 16:1-18 Gather: Bible, dry erase markers or chart paper and markers, blocks for relay, baking soda, cornstarch, craft magnets Make blocks for the game

3 More "Fruit of the Spirit" Activities

Bearing spiritual fruit is proof that God is at work in your life! Even though they are small, this Bible principle applies to kids, too. However, kids won’t know about developing spiritual fruit if we don’t teach them. Include these fruit of the Spirit activities in your next lesson and watch the “spiritual lightbulbs” come one. This fun, playful ideas will get everyone involved and hungry for spiritual fruit. Remember, the fruits of the Spirit are: love,

Jesus is the Great "I AM" Lesson & Series Index (John 8:58, Exodus 3:14)

This lesson begins a series on the “I AM” statement of Jesus. Children will learn from Exodus 3:1-17 and John 8:54-59 how Jesus identified himself as the same all-powerful God who acted throughout the Old Testament. Throughout this study, kids will learn about the character of Christ and how they can follow him through faith. Series Index – The 7 I AM Statements of Christ You are here – Introduction / Jesus is the Great I AM

"Hosea" Bible Coloring Page

This free coloring page is based on the book of Hosea. It’s one part of our series of illustrations for each individual book of the Bible. Click on the preview image above to download this coloring page in print-friendly PDF format. We’ve also uploaded a the JPEG image for anyone who needs to edit the picture or words. The illustration shows these scripture quotes. He shall take root like the trees of Lebanon… his beauty shall be like the alive. We

"Daniel" Bible Coloring Page

This free coloring page is based on the book of Daniel. It’s one part of our series of illustrations for each individual book of the Bible. Click on the preview image above to download this coloring page in print-friendly PDF format. We’ve also uploaded a the JPEG image for anyone who needs to edit the picture or words. The illustration shows these scripture quotes. And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above Daniel 12:3 We

Real Treasure (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21) Lesson

Main idea: We store up treasure in heaven when we focus on serving God and being generous to others.  Teacher preparation: Read Scripture references (below) Spend time in prayer. Pray for your students. Take time to evaluate, where do you store your treasures, on earth or in heaven? Gather: Bible, dry erase board and markers, a few dollar’s worth of pennies, envelopes, glass (see through) baking dish, dark paper, a cross, masking tape, activity page, crayons or

"Ezekiel" Coloring Page

This free coloring page is based on the book of  Ezekiel. It’s one part of our series of illustrations for each individual book of the Bible. Click on the preview image above to download this coloring page in print-friendly PDF format. We’ve also uploaded a the JPEG image for anyone who needs to edit the picture or words. The illustration shows these scripture quotes. Son of Man, I have man you a watchman for the house of Israel. We will add