"Back to School" Free I-Spy Printable

We’re going to be heading back to school soon and it’s an important time in the lives of the students in our classes. Sometimes our kids can be nervous and anxious about heading back or starting school all together. It’s important for our kids to know that we care about what they’re going through and that we understand what they’re … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Learning the "at" Words Flip Book

My youngest son is learning to recognize his letters and letter sounds. Letters, by themselves, had no meaning to him and he kept wanting me to help him write words. I wanted his zeal for learning words to continue, so I decided to teach him the letters and letter sounds in conjunction with word families. Word families are words that … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Learning the "ig" Words Flip Book

My youngest son is learning to recognize his letters and letter sounds. Letters, by themselves, had no meaning to him and he kept wanting me to help him write words. I wanted his zeal for learning words to continue, so I decided to teach him the letters and letter sounds in conjunction with word families. Word families are words that … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Learning the "en" Words Flip Book

My youngest son is learning to recognize his letters and letter sounds. Letters, by themselves, had no meaning to him and he kept wanting me to help him write words. I wanted his zeal for learning words to continue, so I decided to teach him the letters and letter sounds in conjunction with word families. Word families are words that … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Learning the "ug" Words Flip Book

My youngest son is learning to recognize his letters and letter sounds. Letters, by themselves, had no meaning to him and he kept wanting me to help him write words. I wanted his zeal for learning words to continue, so I decided to teach him the letters and letter sounds in conjunction with word families. Word families are words that … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Homeschool Coloring Page

Mandy wanted to create a coloring sheet activity for all the homeschool students as they get the new year started. Use the links below to download each file for these “Our home is our school” coloring pages. Coloring sheet in PDF or JPEG Cut-out version sheet #1 in PDF or JPEG Cut-out version sheet #2 in PDF or JPEG

Back to School – A Good Time to Reflect

I have always loved the “Back to School” time in August/September. “Back to school” time to me means sharp crayons, new pencils, and any new gadgets that will make school just a little more fun and colorful. We have decided to homeschool year-round. Taking 3 months off in the Summer doesn’t work for us and we like to take different … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Homeschooling and Family Quality Time

2 1/2 years ago, my husband and I decided that we would be homeschooling our two boys. It was, and still it, the right decision for our family. Since I stay home with our boys, you would think that I have oodles and oodles of quality time with them. After homeschooling them, housework, meals, and work for the church, it … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Toddler/Preschool Websites for Homeschooling

While homeschooling school-age children, we often forget that our little ones need some structured learning as well. I’m not saying that they should be sitting there for hours on end every day, but it is good for them to have a few structured activities to do where they do have to sit for just a few minutes. If you don’t … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Work in Homeschooling

Bible study is so important in our daily lives. If we want to get to know our Creator, we have to read His book. We also want our children to read their Bible so that they can grow in their relationship with the Lord. For children who go to public school, this has to be a separate time from their … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Frugal Writing Center for Homeschooling

While going through some “mystery” boxes in some of our closets, I came across some items that I thought my boys could play with, instead of just throwing them away. I decided to make a Writing Center for them. Playing is one of the many ways that children learn, so I thought that this was perfect. Here is a list … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What To Do When Homeschooling Doesn’t Work

One year ago at this time, my husband, son and I had packed up our apartment in Louisville, Kentucky (where my husband attended seminary) to move back to our home state of South Carolina.   My husband had graduated from seminary, and we were searching for God’s plan for our lives. We had homeschooled our son while in Louisville for his … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Reading Around the World" Program Idea

I have created this Summer Reading Program so that my son would read more during the summer months. We keep talking about how reading is an adventure so I came up with the Reading Around the World theme. He will be working towards goals which then gets him rewards. Here is a run-down of the program: He will have a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Homeschooling is Not for the Faint of Heart!

What a true statement that I am learning first hand!  We have almost completed a year of homeschooling, and I have to be honest: It Has Been Challenging! Homeschooling is definitely not something to be taken lightly.  We had prayed for guidance regarding this decision, and I still believe this is where God had us for this school year.  However, … More Children’s Ministry Resources