Be ready this year – use our ideas below to challenge and encourage dads this father’s day in your church.
Don’t miss our free lessons, crafts, games, and coloring pages for Father’s Day.
Use this page to plan your Sunday School or Children’s Church lesson for Father’s Day. Here are all most popular free ideas for father’s day at your church.
Worship Service Ideas (Kids Presentations)
- Have kids recite this Father’s Day poem in the service to celebrate dads. It’s a long poem so you could divide speaking parts up among the children.
- An easy option are these short poems for fathers and Bible verses for father’s day.
- We also have FATHER acrostic and DAD acrostic poems for kids presentation in church
Lessons & Activities for Father’s Day
- Fathers Day Sunday School Lesson
- Honor Your Father Lesson
- Fathers in the Bible Lesson
- Coloring Pages for Father’s Day
- Father’s Day Object Lesson Message
- Children’s Sermon for Father’s Day
Bonus Ideas
- The Messy Middle offers 10 ideas for pastors about Father’s Day (offsite link)
- Children’s Ministry Deals has a Father’s Day Questioner for kids (offsite link)
Joke for Pastor’s Sermon (on Father’s Day)
Three boys are in the school yard bragging about their fathers. The first boy says, ‘My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a poem, they give him $50.’
The second boy says, ‘That’s nothing. My Dad scribbles a few words on piece of paper, he calls it a song, they give him $100.’
The third boy says, ‘I got you both beat. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a sermon, and it takes eight people to collect all the money!’
Free Father’s Day Lessons
- Download our lesson titled “How to Honor Your Father.”
- “A Perfect Father’s Day” Bible Lesson for Kids Church
- “Our Father’s Wisdom” Bible Lesson for Sunday School
- Another simple Father’s Day Sunday School Lesson
- “Father of Compassion” Bible Lesson for Children
- “Obey your parents” lesson plan
- “The Son Who Obeyed” from Jesus Parable in Matthew 21
- Father’s Day Children’s Sermon
- Scripture for Father’s Day
- “Our Loving Father” Psalm 103 Lesson
Crafts & Printables for Father’s Day
- Download any of our seven coloring pages for Father’s Day
- Easy Father’s Day Crafts for Kids
- Christian Poem for Father’s Day
- Father’s Day Crafts for Sunday School
- Browse these Father’s Day Bible Verses for Cards
- Printable Poem: When Father Reads The Book
- Father’s Day Picture Frame Craft Idea
- Father’s Day Poems for Cards & Crafts
- 4 More Cool Craft Ideas for Father’s Day
- Collection of Father’s Day Crafts from Pinterest
More Ideas for Father’s Day Ideas for Church
- Father’s Game Games for Kids Church
- Father’s Day Bulletin Board
- Father’s Day Games
- Article – How to Minister to the Fatherless
- Biblical Parenting: 10 Tips for Fathers
- Father’s Day Sermon from the 5th Commandment (Exodus 20:12)
- 18 Things I Will Not Regret Doing with My Kids by Tim Challies
- You can also find some inspiration from this collected Bible verses about parents.