The Prodigal Son Story in Video

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Try this powerful video to help the children (or adults) in your church connect with the story of the prodigal son. It’s based on a song by Soverign Grace Music. This video would be a strong addition to any Prodigal Son Bible lesson. It tells the story in a modern context, using a female character to make the point of the story about God’s love.

YouTube video

The creator of this video noted 1 John 3:1 as his inspiration for the animations.

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.

You could use this video to teach children the parable of the prodigal son. You might say something like this to introduce the clip. Here is a music video that tells the story of the prodigal, while you’re watching this try to think of reasons why someone would walk away from God.
After the clip you could do a simple debrief by asking questions. You could says something like this. Did anyone think of reasons why people stop loving God? What do you think God wants us to do if we discover we have ran away from him? What does this story tell us about God and what he is like?
Here are the lyric to the song from Bob Kauflin

You held out Your arms, I walked away
Insolent I spurned Your face
Squandering the gifts You gave to me
Holding close forbidden things
Destitute a rebel still, a fool in all my pride
The world I once enjoyed is death to me
No joy, no hope, no life
Where now are the friends, that I had bought
Gone with every penny lost
What hope could there be for such as I
Sold out to a world of lies
Oh, to see Your face again, it seems so distant now
Could it be that You would take me back
A servant in Your house
You held out Your arms, I see them still
You never left, You never will
Running to embrace me, now I know
Your cords of love will always hold
Mercy’s robe, a ring of grace
Such favor undeserved
You sing over me and celebrate
The rebel now Your child
© 2009 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP).

HT: Timmy Brister.

Need More Ideas? Browse our Gospel Coloring Book “Jesus is King” or watch another video clip based on the parable of the prodigal son.

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