Lesson: On This Rock – Peter’s Confession of Christ

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to encourage kids to believe in Jesus for themselves. Needed: Bibles, a large rock, a church figurine or picture (I used a Christmas ornament of a church), playing cards, a tray of sand and a tray of rocks for each student, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Intro Activity: Christian Story Interview  Have students pair up and ask each other the following questions. They’ll then present their partner’s answers as a

Lesson: The Good Shepherd

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids how Jesus cares for us and how we should follow Him. Needed: Bibles Intro Game: The Wolves and the Shepherd  Divide students into two teams. Draw a line halfway between your play area. For the first round, Team A is the Wolves, and Team B is the Sheep. Choose one student from Team B to be the Shepherd. The Wolves line up on the far side of your

Lesson: It’s What Comes Out of Your Mouth

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids to control what they say. Needed: Bibles, various items, rotten food, candy, dirt Intro Game: Don’t Say It  Have the students pair up. They take turns asking each other questions. The person answering, however, can’t use certain letters. For the first round, they might not be able to use words with the letter “s.” If they do, their partner gets a point. Continue for a couple of minutes

Lesson: John the Baptist is Beheaded

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids how to resist temptations from peer pressure. Needed: Bibles, soft balls or paper wads Intro Game: Despite All Obstacles  Set up an obstacle course with two mirror paths. Divide the students into two teams. One student from each team runs the obstacle course at a time while the other team members line up along the length of the obstacle course. When they’re not running, the members of the

Lesson: The Good and Bad Fish – Parable of the Net

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids about the coming judgment and the need to share the Gospel. Needed: Bibles, pictures of happy and angry fish, paper bag or kiddie pool Intro Game: Angel Fishing!  Photocopy the Happy and Angry fish patterns and place them in a kiddie pool (without water) or in a paper bag. Have students take turns closing their eyes and reaching in to pick a fish. When they pull one out,

Lesson: A Little Bit Goes a Long Way – Parable of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids how they can spread the message about Jesus. Needed: Bibles, a seed, a picture of a tree, bread without yeast, yeast, bread with yeast Intro Game: Disciple Tag  Choose one student to be It. When they tag someone, that person links hands with them and joins their team. They continue adding people to their team, linking hands with each one until all but one student is part of

Lesson: Good and Bad Seed – Parable of the Weeds

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids about the coming judgment and how they can help bring others to Jesus. Needed: Bibles Intro Game: Finding the Difference  Name three items that you can see. Two of them should be the same in a certain way (color, shape, material, etc.) and one should be different in that same way. The first student who calls out the difference gets to name the next three objects. Play as

Lesson: Growing in God – Parable of the Sower

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids how they can mature in Christ and share their belief with other people. Needed: Bibles, seeds, dirt, (optional – planting pots for each student), ping pong balls or small paper wads Lesson Before starting, go outside and clear a small patch of ground of grass, or bring in planting pots for each student. Take children outside. Give them each a handful of seeds. Tell students, Jesus told a

Lesson: Saved by Faith

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids that God forgives us if we place our faith in Jesus. Needed: Bibles, a blackboard or whiteboard, two six-sided dice, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: Forgiven Much  In this game show, you’ll divide your students into two teams. The first student from each team comes forward to answer a question. You’ll read the question, and listen for both of their answers. They can each answer

Lesson: If You’re Not With Me, You’re Against Me

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids what it means to make a decision for Jesus. Needed: Bibles (optional: something to represent two professional sports teams, such as pictures of their logos, jerseys, or hats) Intro Game: With Me or Against Me  In this game of tag, a player’s own teammates can turn against them. Divide the students into two teams. Each team is trying to tag the other. But when you shout “Against!” players

Lesson: Come to Me, All You Who Are Weary and Burdened

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids that Jesus takes our guilt and worry, and gives us His rules in exchange. Needed: Bibles, a scale and various items to weigh, a heavy object (such as bricks or boxes of rocks) Intro Game #1: Doctor, Doctor In this game of Freeze Tag, students will come to you for “healing” to get back in the game. First, divide students into two teams. One team starts as It,

Lesson: Wisdom is Proved by Her Actions

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids that only our actions prove whether we’re good or bad. Needed: Bibles, pictures of various types of people, a way to play music for Musical Chairs Intro Game: Good or Bad? Divide students into two teams. Then, name a variety of items and ask if the items are Good, Bad, or Both? Each team must answer unanimously and provide a reason for their answer. They get a point

Lesson: Don’t Be Afraid of People

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids that they will ultimately be held accountable to God, not to other people. Needed: Bibles, a couple of Mad Libs stories, items for an obstacle course, soft balls or paper wads Game: Mad Libs  Have the kids come up with the missing words for a story and, then, read it aloud to them. You can make up your own story or use one of the free printables from

Lesson: The Harvest is Plentiful

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to inspire kids to share their faith with others. Needed: Bibles, a picture of a large ripe farm field Intro Game: Disciple Tag  Choose one student to be It. When they tag someone, that person links hands with them and joins their team. They continue adding people to their team, linking hands with each one until all but one student is part of their chain. That remaining student becomes It for

Lesson: New Wine into New Wineskins

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids that we need to change if we want to follow Jesus’ teaching. Needed: Bibles, a rope, an old garment with a hole in it, three large glasses, one small glass, tarps or towels Intro Game: Pulled Apart  Divide students into two teams for a modified tug of war. The first team divides their members in half, taking each side of the rope. The second team holds the middle

Lesson: The Calling of Matthew

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson on the calling of Matthew to show kids that Jesus is always ready to give us second chances and that He can change any of us for the better. Needed: Bibles, pennies or playing cards, some type of game cards or soft balls or paper wads, construction paper, scissors, and decorating materials Intro Game: Tax Collector Tag Give each student two pennies or two playing cards. Then, choose 2-4 students to

Lesson: Counting the Cost

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids that Jesus needs to be the most important thing in their lives. Needed: Bibles, different sizes of containers filled with candy, empty reserve containers, paper and writing utensils, Bible trivia questions, Legos or building blocks of some sort Note: The following three games work in a series. You’ll use the same materials for each. Intro Game #1: Guess How Many? Before class, fill up three or more different

Bible Lesson: Without the Good Shepherd… We’d All Be Baaaaad Sheep.

Wonderful sheep, source of so many illustrations, parables, and great games and lessons! One interesting thing to note is that Jesus is depicted both as the good shepherd, who knows His sheep, and also the sacrificial lamb, who lays down his life for us. In this lesson, we will look at the importance of loving one another, and how that love was demonstrated in the work of Jesus. Lesson focus: As humans, we easily stray from what

Sunday School Lesson (Luke 18:1-8) Prayer & The Parable of the Persistent Widow

Download this free Sunday School lesson. It teaches the importance of prayer based on Jesus parable of the Persistent Widow in Luke 18:1-8. The download link below includes the full lesson plan, teaching activities, and bonus coloring pages. It’s every thing you need to share this powerful message with your Sunday School Class or Kids Church. “The Parable of the Persistent Widow and the Unjust Judge” from Luke 18:1-8 In Just Keep Asking?? Sunday School Lesson Lesson

The 10 Best Children’s Bibles for 2024

What are the best Bibles for children? What suggestions for parents wanting to make Bible story bedtime a habit in their family? What are your top bedtime story Bibles for kids? Top 10 Picks for Best Children’s Bible This article is a guide to the best children’s Bibles. It discusses different Bible versions and features that are good for kids. There are many popular options, including The Jesus Storybook Bible and the NIV Adventure Bible for Kids. #1

Sunday School Lesson (Luke 16:1-15) Money & Wise Stewardship

Jesus said a lot about money and putting God first. This kids’ Sunday School lessons from Luke 16:1-15 will teach children about managing gifts well and stewarding wisely. Download the printable lesson plan below. We’ve included the craft, coloring pages, and teaching outline below. Enjoy and may God bless your ministry! Stewarding Wisely… Sunday School Lesson on Managing Gifts Well Let’s admit it: some of the parables of Christ are a lot easier to teach than others…and

Children's Sermon (The Dishonest Manager) Luke 16:1-15 Lesson

Teach kids what Jesus says about money and how we cannot serve two masters in Luke 16:1-15. Watch our video teaching example and download the printable script. Cannot Serve Two Masters – Jesus’ Parable of the Dishonest Manager Main Objective: The parable of the shrewd manager is not an easy one to understand, even for adults. It can be even more challenging to communicate to children the main principles of what Jesus communicated in this dialogue. It

Children's Sermon "The Lost Sheep" Luke 15:1-10

God seeks out his lost children! That’s the powerful message in the Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-10) Download this children’s sermon and watch the video teaching example below. May God bless your ministry! Video Example & Object Lesson “The Lost Sheep” Children’s Message: Lost and Found – God’s Pursuit of His Children          Main Objective: The parable of the lost sheep can be a fun story to share with children, but it is about much more

Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) Children's Sermon

Loving others matters to God – that’s why Jesus told this parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37. Download our free children’s sermon above and watch our teaching example below. Main Objective: The Good Samaritan is a story that many kids have probably heard before, but it never hurts to explore it again. The themes of unconditional love and action-based faith are important to consistently reinforce. This message reminds students that loving God is the best