The Best Children’s Ministry Podcasts

If you are a Kids Ministry leader, you know how important it is to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and resources. One great way to do this is by listening to the top podcasts. There are many great podcasts out there that can help you learn more about leading kids ministry, and keep your teaching fresh. In this blog … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Interview: Ministry to Kids with Disabilities, learning from 2020 with Stephen Grcevich MD

online church

The pandemic as an unexpected blessing to the disability community. What should churches learn from this remarkable time in our society. What can Coronavirus teach the church about offering the “least restrictive environment” for children? Dr. Stephen Grcevich serves as President and Founder of Key Ministry, a non-profit organization providing free training, consultation, resources and support to help churches serve … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Podcast: Important Children's Ministry (2019 Statistics)

Nick Blevins just released our podcast conversation talking about the latest children’s ministry statistics and what that means for local churches. We talk about how kids are coming to Christ and how families are essential at every step of that process. You can also download our full 33-page special report (PDF). Transcript: Importance of Children’s Ministry Introduction: Welcome to the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Podcast #16 Growing Up as the Pastor's Kid

Children who grow up as the preacher’s kid face a unique set of challenges & opportunities. Amy Fenton Lee knows this first hand. She is the daughter of a respected Baptist minister. In this podcast, she talks candidly about that experience and how it has shaped her faith today. She also shares some tips for raising kids in this unique situation. Anyone serving in ministry … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Podcast #15 Divorce Ministry for Children

Divorce is a traumatic life event for an large number of children in our society. This presents both an opportunity and a challenge for the local church. In this podcast, I talk with Wayne Stocks about his new website focused on ministry to children of divorce. Directions: To listen to this audio recording, simply click the play button below or … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Podcast #14 The Legacy Path with Brian Haynes

In this fast moving interview, I talk with Brain Haynes about his new Christian parenting book titled The Legacy Path. Among other topics, I asked how these principles can help the non-traditional and broken families our churches need to reach with the Gospel. Update ~ Brian also responded specifically to one of my questions on his blog. Directions: To listen … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Podcast #11: Autism and Your Children's Ministry

What is Autism and what issues does it raise in real world ministry? That’s what I wanted to talk about in this latest episode of our podcast. So I invited back Amy Fenton Lee who runs a popular blog about special needs children’s ministry. You’ll remember her from our very first podcast and her guest post about adapting curriculum for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Podcast #10 Social Networking in Children's Ministry

The Internet has created many new opportunities for people in kids ministry. One highlight has been CM Connect, the social network for children’s ministers. With over 6,700 users, it’s become an amazing way to share ideas online. The man behind it all is Michael Chanley. He’s also an author and popular conference speaker. His work is an encouragement to many … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Podcast #9: VBS Tips from Shannon at Group VBS

It’s only November, why are you talking about VBS? The short answer is you can’t start planning too early. For the longer answer, you should listen to this podcast. In this episode I talk with Shannon Velasquez who plans VBS training all across the country. She was the one who invited me to attend their PandaMania field test last summer. It’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Podcast #7 Over-Churched Kids

What’s an 18 year old doing starting a website about kids ministry? That was my first thought when I found out about Brandon Maddux from Children’s Ministry Live. Most guys his age are chasing after the world or still looking for their purpose in life.  To hear the full story, listen to the audio below. This is a special collaborative … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Podcast #6 Leading in Children’s Ministry

Leading in kids ministry is a challenge. Your job includes a little of everything. Doing volunteer meetings, choosing curriculum, encouraging parents, and a hundred little administrative details on top of it all. I can understand why so many kidmin leaders seek outside consulting. One such helper is Amy Dolan. She is the founder of Lemon Lime Kids and a popular speaker about leading kids … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Podcast: Helping Families Worship at Home

Today’s families are in trouble. That’s old news for anyone working in kids ministry. But now more than ever, we need to find ways to encourage and disciple Christian parents. One strategy is providing resources for the home. In my ministry, that has been a powerful way to help families grow together toward Christ. That’s why I wanted to talk … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Podcast #3: Relevant Children's Ministry

How can we use kid culture to better share God’s message with children? That’s a question I’ve been asking myself lately. Maybe you’re asking the same thing at your church. If so, you’ll want to listen to this conversation with Dale Hudson. You may know Dale from his excellent blog titled Relevant Children’s Ministry. He’s also the Children’s Pastor at Christ Fellowship … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Podcast #1: Your Church & Children With Special Needs

Does your church welcome children with special needs? That is a question that many kids ministry leaders should be asking. It’s also the topic of our very first podcast.  It took a little more work than I expected, but the end result is a very helpful conversation about welcoming special needs children into your church. The guest for this podcast … More Children’s Ministry Resources