Use our 10 part study to teach the Lord’s Prayer for Kids from Matthew 6:9-13. In many churches, kids will memorize and recite this passage as a foundation for lifelong habits of prayer. Our curriculum and printables will reinforce that process and help kids comprehend the meaning in each petition of Jesus’ model prayer.
The Lord’s Prayer Lessons for Kids
- What is Prayer?
- Do’s and Don’ts of Praying
- Our Father in Heaven
- Let Your Name Be Kept Holy
- May Your Kingdom Come Soon
- Your Will Be Done on Earth
- Give Us Today the Food We Need
- Forgive Our Sins
- Guard Us From Temptation & The Devil
- Praise Belongs to God
The Lord’s Prayer Coloring Pages (Printable Coloring Book)
Click on the image above to download in PDF format pages to print. We’ve also uploaded the WORD document (.docx) if you would like to make changes before you print. The links below go to the individual pages in the coloring book. That is where you can find each individual sheet in PDF and JPEG format.
- Cover Page – How To Pray
- Give Us Our Daily Bread
- Forgive Our Sins As We Forgive Others
- Lead Us Not Into Temptation
- Thine Is The Kingdom
- Blank Prayer Coloring Pages
More Activities Ideas for Learning The Lord’s Prayer
- Craft – Ideas from Pinterest for Lord’s Prayer Crafts
- Craft – How to Make a Prayer Cube
- Activity Sheets PDF – Learn about Prayer
- Memorization – Simple Hand Motions
- Memorization – ASL Lord’s Prayer Video
- Lesson – Prayer “Talking To God”
- Lesson & Craft – The Spiritual Discipline of Prayer
- Object Lessons – Our Daily Bread & Forgiving
- Object Lesson – Resisting Temptation
- Object Lesson – The Five Finger Prayer
- Lesson – Prayer for Help (Psalm 54)
- Article – Lord’s Prayer Activity Ideas
- Article – Teaching Children to Pray
- Article – Why effective teaching depends on prayer
- Article – How to Pray for Your Kids … and Someone Else’s
- Article – 4 Tips for Teaching about Prayer
- Article – Simple Prayers for Children
- We also found some great ideas for teaching the Lord’s Prayer on this reader’s blog post.
The Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6:9-13
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. (ESV)
Matthew 6:9–13 ESV
Thank you Lord for this site… It helps alot in our sunday school service for children… We are including you in our prayer list… Reach more souls specially the children… God bless you all
Fantastic Sunday School lesson. I followed it from beginning to end. I’m thankful that the kids I teach can follow along with the prayer now when the adults recite the Lord’s prayer at the end of the service.
This sight is a God send to me. I have never taught Sunday School, but we have a very very small church and your sight has basically been my go to site for lessons. Thank you.
thank you ,for letting me copy free,our church is small ,i have one and some time 3 , little one so this is great again God Bless you
Thank you so much for the love never tried it yet I enjoy what I have seen I pray that my children will enjoy your resources thank you again God bless you all
Thank you for your website on Teaching Children fun ways in learning the Lord’s Prayer! I can’t tell you how thankful I am for all your resources. May God continues to blessed you for all the teaching ideas!
God bless you for yielding to Him. Am so glad to have been led here. Our children’s church will benefit greatly from all the resources here and they are FREE!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I am highly impressed by your site. It has really given me all I wanted . our children Sabbath school is now waxing stronger . many thanks to you
Thank you for your site. We include the children during our regular worship time and even though it is for ten minutes, I find that your resources are very helpful. As an author and children’s librarian at a Christian school, Here’s a suggestion: Picture books that retell Bible stories are very useful to have.
Blessings to you,
I truly appreciate the wonderful lessons that you share with Sunday school teachers on your website. They are a big help to me as a new Sunday School teacher. God bless you
Angela Williams
So Thankful for this sight! It helps a lot when teaching a blended classroom! The lessons and sermons really grab the children’s attention! God Bless You All!
am so thankful to this wonderful and helpful resources. when i was appointed as kids ministry director i had no teaching resources for the children apart from merely giving them memory verses. but when i was introduced to children ministry life has never being the same. i have grown personally and my classes are very educative, creative and entertaining to the children. please keep up with the good works.
Wonderfull, im just started this week teaching english to my congregation kids, ill need YOUR guys suport on that becouse i do not have experience on that area.
Could you please suggest some Picture Books? Thank you so much!
Thank you for the free resources and ideas . I really appreciate the guidance while learning how to minister with children.
May God continue to bless your ministry,
Thank you so much for the free lessons. It helps me a lot with my remedial class. Learners love it. 🙂
I am grateful to God.Thank you servants of the mist high,for accepting to be used by God.
This curriculum is really helping me as a Sunday school teacher. The lessons are well elaborated and easy to understand and deliver to young children.
May the Lord bless you.