Bible Teaching Skit: Modern-day story of King Josiah (2 Kings 22)

CHARACTERS Narrator #1 Narrator #2 (can be combined with Narrator #1) Miss Hilda Dr. J Nurse Harriet Mr./Ms.Williams (Patient #1) Mr./Ms. Goldstein (Patient #2) Ms./Mr. Winters (Patient #3) PROPS Scenery: five folding chairs, desk, telephone, small table, 3 magazines Miss Hilda: grey wig, glasses, notepad with pencil, desk with chair Dr. J: doctor’s jacket, scrubs, stethoscope, magnifying glass Nurse Harriet: scrubs, stethoscope, clip board Mr./Ms. Williams : (dressed as a lawyer) pant suit, briefcase Mr./Ms. Goldstein: (dressed

Daniel Chapter 6 Bible Skits (Part 6 of 6)

This is the 6th part in a 6 part series on the book of Daniel. Chapter 6 covers: Daniel Serves Darius and Daniel in the Lions’ Den. Don’t miss all our lesson and teaching ideas about the Book of Daniel. ————————————————————————————————— Daniel 6 Daniel Serves Darius: Daniel 6:1-15 Characters: King Darius, Commissioner1 & 2, Daniel, Narrator, Satrap 1, Sign Holder Props: Paper Petition, “Sunset Comes” sign ————————————————————————————————— (Enter King Darius) King Darius: It seems good to me

Daniel Chapter 5 Bible Skits (Part 5 of 6)

This is the 5th part in a 6 part series on the book of Daniel. Chapter 5 covers: Belshazzar’s Feast and Daniel Interprets Handwriting on the Wall. Don’t miss all our lesson and teaching ideas about the Book of Daniel. ————————————————————————————————— Daniel 5 Belshazzar’s Feast: Daniel 5: 1-12 Characters: Narrator, King Belshazzar, Nobles, Group of: Conjurers, the Chaldeans, and the Diviners, Queen Props: Cups of Different Colors, A Picture of a Large Hand Writing ————————————————————————————————— (Enter King

Daniel 4 Bible Skits (Part 4 of 6)

This is the 4th part in a 6 part series on the book of Daniel. Chapter 4 covers: The Vision of a Great Tree, Daniel Interprets the Vision, and The Vision Fulfilled. Don’t miss all our lesson and teaching ideas about the Book of Daniel. ————————————————————————————————— Daniel Chapter 4 The Vision of a Great Tree: Daniel 4:4-18 Characters: Nebuchadnezzar, Belteshazzar (Daniel), People to “Build the Tree”, Angel Props: Picture of: a large tree, fruit, squirrel, rabbit, birds,

Daniel Chapter 3 Bible Skits (Part 3 of 6)

This is the 3rd part in a 6 part series on the book of Daniel. Chapter 3 covers: The King’s Golden Image, Worship of the Image Refused, and Daniel’s Friends Protected. I have put Daniel 4:1-3 at the end of this chapter because it is King Nebuchadnezzar’s reaction to what happened at the end of Chapter 3. Don’t miss all our lesson and teaching ideas about the Book of Daniel. ————————————————————————————————— Daniel Chapter 3 The King’s Golden

Daniel Chapter 2 Bible Skits (Part 2 of 6)

This is the 2nd part in a 6 part series on the book of Daniel. Chapter 2 covers: The King’s Forgotten Dream, The Secret is Revealed to Daniel, and The King’s Dream & Daniel’s Promotion. Don’t miss all our lesson and teaching ideas about the Book of Daniel. ————————————————————————————————— Daniel Chapter 2 The King’s Forgotten Dream: Daniel 2:1-18 Characters: Sign Holder, Narrator, Nebuchadnezzar, Group of Servants (magicians, conjurers, sorcerers), Chaldean 1, Chaldean 2, Daniel, Arioch, Hananiah, Mishael,

Daniel Chapter 1 Bible Skits (Part 1 of 6)

My husband and I watched the movie “The Book of Daniel” on Netflix last week. It was a really good depiction of the book of Daniel. Some of the things that happened in the movie made me go back to the Bible and make sure if they were accurate. I didn’t remember them and I wasn’t sure if they were the movie makers adding in their thoughts to make the movie flow better, or if they were

Jesus Feeds the 5,000 Teaching Skit

This is a great little skit that would be a good addition to your lesson about Jesus feeding the 5,000. It comes out of Luke 9:12-17 (NASB) Characters: Jesus 12 Disciples Sign Holder Crown Props: Sign that says “The End of the Day” bread (could be construction paper) baskets (bowls would work as well) (Sign Holder walks across stage with a sign saying “The End of the Day”) (12 disciples walk over to Jesus) Disciple 1: It’s

Bible Teaching Skits "Wise and Foolish Builders" Matthew 7:24-27

Here are two skits for teaching Matthew 7:24-27 “Build Your House Upon the Rock.” The first script is a literal version of the passage based on the NASB version. I have written it with simple props so that it will be easy to do in any classroom or church setting. Be free to make this as extensive as you want: using costumes and backdrops. The second skit is a modern day version, using a typical Sunday School

Stories of the Savior – Free Script for Resurrection Day Play

This is a continuation of the previous “Stories of the Savior” program from Christmas. This script is perfect for Resurrection Day, or possibly the week before or after. It continues with the concept that everyone has a story of the Savior. We all have been impacted by Jesus and what He did for us. This program starts with Jesus being visited by the magi and continues through His ascension. It is written from different people’s perspective telling

Don't Judge a Book By It's Cover – A Modern Day Good Samaritan Skit (Luke 10:25-37)

Sometimes, it’s hard for kids to get to know new people. We seem to stick with the people that we know and have something in common with. I know, as teachers, we try to make sure that our “new” kids get buddies and try to have our other children welcome them with open arms. This is sometimes difficult, depending on the children involved. I think this skit is a good eye-opener for the kids in your class

The Good Samaritan Teaching Skit (Luke 10:25-37) Love Your Neighbor

A well-known story of the Good Samaritan is always a good one to teach your class. Since it discusses loving your neighbor, it would be a good lesson to teach during the Valentine holiday. So I have put together this skit to help with teaching this most valuable lesson to your students. This skit is a great way to put your students “in the action” of the story and to “see” what the story is all about.

One Thankful Leper: Teaching Skit from Luke 17:11-19

Are you teaching your students about the leper who Jesus healed and came back? It’s in Luke 17:11-19. Here’s a teaching skit that you can use to go along with your lesson. It’s a short one, but getting the children involved in the skit will help them be active in their learning and will hopefully help them to understand it better. Characters: Narrator Ten Lepers Jesus (Jesus is walking across the room/stage while the 10 lepers are

Jericho March for Kids' Church

We all know that God is a miracle-working God but have you ever paused to wonder why He performed so many miracles? I think one of the reasons why God would cause the sun to go backward or bring the walls of Jericho down is to show His people that nothing is impossible–if He is in the equation. As children’s pastors, we must teach kids about His miracles so they can see what He has already done

Tower of Babel Story for Kids with Teaching Skit

This skit was taken directly from the NASB version of Genesis 11:1-9. It tells the story of the Tower of Babel and how God changed the languages of the people. Before you start, talk with the children about how to listen to the words of the script and try to act out what is being read. This skit is really made to just be done in a classroom setting. It really helps the kids to be able

Bible Teaching Skit: A Bride for Isaac

This is a skit portraying the story of how Rebekah was found for Isaac and then them getting married as written in Genesis 24. It is written directly from the Bible, only putting in a few directorial cues, which are written in parenthesis. This skit can be performed as simply as having your students read the script in class, or as extravagant as having costumes and scenery. Characters: Narrator Abraham Servant Rebekah Laban Rebekah’s mother (optional, non-speaking)

Teaching Skit: The Offering of Isaac / God Tests Abraham

This is a skit portraying the story of Abraham offering Isaac to God as written in Genesis 22. It is written directly from the Bible, only putting in a few directorial cues, which are written in parenthesis. This skit can be performed as simply as having your students read the script in class, or as extravagant as having costumes and scenery. Characters: Narrator God Abraham Isaac 2 Young Men Angel of The Lord Props: donkey (picture) wood

Skit – The Rich Young Ruler

This skit was taken directly from the NASB version of Matthew 19:16-26. Before you start, talk with the children about how to listen to the words of the script and try to act out what is being read. This skit can be done as simply as having the kids acting out the parts with no props or costumes and the teacher or another student to read the entire script. It could also be part of a full-blown

Bible Story Skit: Abram and Lot

This is a skit portraying the story of Abram and Lot as written in Genesis 13. It is written directly from the Bible, only putting in a few directorial cues, which are written in parenthesis. This skit can be performed as simply as having your students read the script in class, or as extravagant as having costumes and scenery. Characters: Narrator Abram Lot Servants Sarai (Abrams wife) – optional sheep – optional Props (optional): tents bags (belongings)

Bible Teaching Skit: God's Promise to Abram

This is a skit portraying the story of Abram and the birth of Isaac is promised as written in Genesis 15, 17, & 18. It is written directly from the Bible, only putting in a few directorial cues, which are written in parenthesis. This skit can be performed as simply as having your students read the script in class, or as extravagant as having costumes and scenery Characters: Narrator God Abram/Abraham Sarah 3 Men Props: stars tent

Noah Skit Part 1: Building the Ark

This is the first in a four part series of skits on the life of Noah. This first part was written directly from Genesis 6:9-22 (NASB). This portion is about God telling Noah how to build the Ark. This skit can be done on a small or large stage. It can be done in a classroom setting with regular paper sized props or a full-church performance with costumes and full-size props. Make it fit your classroom or

Noah Skit Part 2: The Flood

This is the second in a four part series of skits on the life of Noah. This second part was written directly from Genesis 7 (NASB). This portion is about Noah, his family, and all of the animals entering the ark and the flood starts. This skit can be done on a small or large stage. It can be done in a classroom setting with regular paper sized props or a full-church performance with costumes and full-size

Noah Skit Part 3: The Flood Subsides

This is the third in a four part series of skits on the life of Noah. This third part was written directly from Genesis 8 (NASB). This portion is about Noah, his family, and all of the animals are in the ark, living through the flood, and then leaving the ark. This skit can be done on a small or large stage. It can be done in a classroom setting with regular paper sized props or a

Noah Skit Part 4: Covenant of the Rainbow

This is the fourth in a four part series of skits on the life of Noah. This fourth part was written directly from Genesis 9 (NASB). This portion is about God blessing Noah and his family. It also covers the covenant God made with Noah and giving him the rainbow as a sign of that covenant. This skit can be done on a small or large stage. It can be done in a classroom setting with regular