Use these printable Christmas worksheets as an added activity in your Christmas Sunday School class. The file below includes 8 pages covering the whole story of Jesus birth. Topics include the Angels, the Shepherds, the Wise Men, and when Jesus was born.

Christmas Worksheets PDF
Printable Christian Christmas Activity Sheets
These Christmas activity worksheets review four important Bible stories related to Jesus’ birth – Gabriel visits Mary, Jesus is born, the shepherds visit Jesus, and the wise men visit Jesus. They can serve as kids’ bulletins for regular worship or be used in Sunday School or children’s worship. Some of the activities are more suitable for older children; younger children (prek and kindergarten) can always color the pictures even if they can’t read. Elementary grades (1st – 5th grade) should have not problem with these worksheets.
Each worksheet consists of two pages, which should be printed back to back. Pencils and crayons need to be available. Scissors are also needed for the shepherds worksheet, but if necessary, the children could do the cutting when they get home. These are religious themes of Christmas and perfect for Christian worksheets in Sunday School, church, or Christian home-school families.
Birth of Jesus Worksheets for Christmas
Jesus is Born Worksheets for Sunday School
Angels Announce the Birth of Jesus Activity Sheets
Shepherds Learn about Baby Jesus Worksheets
Wise Men Activity Packs for Christmas Printable PDF
Preview all our Free Christmas Worksheets & Activity Pages for Kids
worksheets on the shepherds` worksheets on Jesus birth birth of Jesus worksheets Christmastime worksheets baby Jesus worksheets activity worksheets on Jesus birth angels worksheet for Sunday school church worksheet about Jesus
We’d love to hear your feedback about these Christmas worksheets free for Sunday School. Simply leave a comment below. Don’t miss all our free activities for Christmas in your Sunday School or grade level children’s Church. The biblical story of Christmas is not on any common core state standards, but religious Christian people and churches will be happy to share the true meaning with these free Christmas worksheets

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Great work sheets – engaging but also teaching them (and encouraging them to share the message of Jesus with others). Thank you! God bless y’all!
Thanks so much for these worksheets. They’re educational and fun! Thanks for sharing.
merry christmas
and happy new year
Thank you so much for this free resource. There are so many great sunday school work sheets on the internet advertised as free, but you soon find out that you have to scroll through alot of advertisements to find the download link, then…you find you have to register and set up an account to download the advertised free resource…so thank you for making it really free and easy to access.