"Paul Preaching in the Synagogue" Coloring Page

This is another free coloring sheet created by Carlos Bautista, a children’s ministry working in the Philippines. The illustration shows the Apostle Paul speaking before a group of people in a 1st century Jewish Synagogue. This coloring page would be a helpful teaching tool for any lesson about Paul’s ministry or missionary journeys from the book of Acts. To download as a printable PDF document, simply click on the preview image above. You can also browse the

“Fruit of the Spirit” for Kids – 9 Lesson Curriculum for Sunday School

Help your kids grow in their faith when you teach the Fruit of the Spirit Lessons for Kids! This 9-lesson Bible study will teach children about the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives, from Galatians 5:22-23. Each lesson includes a variety of activities to help kids learn and grow spiritually. Plus, we’ve included “more than enough” with each lesson so you can adapt to any teaching situation. Get your copy today and see how your

Self-Control Bible Lesson (Fruit of the Spirit)

This is the eight Bible lesson in our series based on the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5. Each particular lesson plan explains a specific character quality that God creates in us through his Spirit. These lessons are designed to accompany the printableĀ Fruit of the Spirit coloring bookĀ from our website.Ā Click hereĀ to see all the lessons in this series. Suggested Age Group: 1rst-3rd Grades Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23, Matthew 4:1-11, Proverbs 25:28 Exegetical Idea: Self-control is a Fruit

Gentleness Bible Lesson (Fruit of the Spirit)

This is the eight Bible lesson in our series based on the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5. Each particular lesson plan explains a specific character quality that God creates in us through his Spirit. These lessons are designed to accompany the printableĀ Fruit of the Spirit coloring bookĀ from our website.Ā Click hereĀ to see all the lessons in this series. Suggested Age Group: 1rst-3rd Grades Scripture: Deuteronomy 32:2, Galatians 5:22-23, Matthew 11:28-29, 2 Samuel 22:36, 1 Peter 3:15,

Faithfulness Bible Lesson (Fruit of the Spirit)

This is the seventh Bible lesson in our series based on the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5. Each particular lesson plan explains a specific character quality that God creates in us through his Spirit. These lessons are designed to accompany the printableĀ Fruit of the Spirit coloring bookĀ from our website.Ā Click hereĀ to see all the lessons in this series. Suggested Age Group: 1rst-3rd Grades Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23, Psalm 86:15, Psalm 100:5, Psalm 89:1, 1 Samuel 12:24, Psalm

Goodness Bible Lesson (Fruit of the Spirit)

This is the sixth Bible lesson in our series based on the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5. Each particular lesson plan explains a specific character quality that God creates in us through his Spirit. These lessons are designed to accompany the printableĀ Fruit of the Spirit coloring bookĀ from our website.Ā Click hereĀ to see all the lessons in this series. Suggested Age Group: 1rst-3rd Grades Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23, Psalm 25:7, Psalm 31:19, Zechariah 9:16-17a, Ephesians 2:10, Philemon 1:13-14,

Lesson: Paul's Life Well Lived (Acts 18-28)

The following lesson is a review of Paulā€™s ministry from Acts 18-28.Ā  The students will have an opportunity to remember the many ways Paul, empowered by the Holy Spirit, faithfully served Jesus in each circumstance he faced as he shared the Good News. The lesson was prepared for older students and can be adapted.Ā  The following is only a suggested guide to help your class Ā review Acts 18-28.Ā Click here to see all the lessons in this curriculum

Kindness Bible Lesson (Fruit of the Spirit)

This is the fifth Bible lesson in our series based on the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5. Each particular lesson plan explains a specific character quality that God creates in us through his Spirit. These lessons are designed to accompany the printable Fruit of the Spirit coloring book from our website. Be sure to scroll down to see the Kindness Necklace craft directions.Ā Click hereĀ to see all the lessons in this series. Suggested Age Group: 1rst-3rd

Mother’s Day Sunday School Lesson

Our new lesson for 2024 Mother’s Day includes a coloring page, object lesson, word search, easy-to-teach lesson plan, and craft ideas for honoring mom. This simple lesson plan for Mother’s Day is based on Ephesians 6:1-3. The PDF download includes 6 original coloring pages and a printable game about biblical mothers. Don’t miss the 10-page coloring book for Mother’s Day with talking point questions to turn craft time into a teaching moment. I’ve written This simple lesson

The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) Sunday School Lesson

This Bible lesson will teach children about the spiritual discipline of evangelism. Sometimes we forget that children can speak God’s truth, even better than grown-ups. (See Matthew 21:16) Telling others about Jesus is also a key for kids to grow in their own faith. Spiritual disciplines are just a fancy way to say “spiritual exercise.” That means something we can do to help us get closer to Jesus and stronger in our faith. Evangelism is exactly such

Bible Lesson & Skit: Paul's defense before Agrippa

The following lesson is a drama created for students who have been studying the Book of Acts.Ā  The previous lessons have been Paulā€™s trial before Felix and Festus. Ā Finally Paul appears before Agrippa before his departure for Rome.Ā  This lesson is only a guide to help you as you prepare for your students. Adapt to your individual classroom needs. From Paul’s life, students will learn that the Holy Spirit helps believers effectively share how they became a

"No One Can Serve Two Masters" (Matthew 6:24) Coloring Page & Lesson

Download this printable coloring page about loving God versus loving money. It’s based on the Bible verse in Matthew 6:24. Then watch our video explanation of how to use with your kids or Sunday School lesson about the love of money. This free coloring sheet is based on Matthew 6:24 where Jesus teaches about the love of money. The illustration shows a young boy demonstrating what he loves most. In one picture, he is greedily counting his

Lesson: Paul's trial before Felix

This lesson is about Paulā€™s trial before Felix. He is falsely accused but Paul knows he has a clear conscience before God and man. This lesson teaches students that believers should always strive to keep a clear conscience. This is only a guide for the lesson. Adapt to your individual classroom needs. From Paul’s life the students will be challenged to strive to keep a clear conscience before God and man.. Ā The lesson was prepared for older

Easter Lesson: Resurrection Facts from Acts

This Easter lesson was created to focus on the importance of the resurrection and reviews what the students have learned from studying the Book of Acts. This lesson was prepared for older students but can be adapted to the needs of your ministry. Learning Goal:Ā Students will learn that the resurrection is vitally important in sharing the Good News. Optional Activities:Ā You can print our freeĀ Easter coloring sheetsĀ or watch a video clip aboutĀ Jesus Resurrection. If time allows, you might

Patience Bible Lesson for Children (Fruit of the Spirit)

This is the fourth Bible lesson in our series based on the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5. Each particular lesson plan explains a specific character quality that God creates in us through his Spirit. These lessons are designed to accompany the printableĀ Fruit of the SpiritĀ coloring book from our website. Click hereĀ to see all the lessons in this series.Ā Click on the preview to the right to download theĀ freeĀ coloring page aboutĀ patience Suggested Age Group: 1rst-3rd Grades Scripture:

Acts 20 Lesson: Paul's Farewell Journey Begins

The following lesson is a continuation of the journey through the Book of Acts. Ā The lesson covers Paul’s farewell to believers as he heads toward Jerusalem and the story of Eutychus following to his death during Paul’s late night preaching. From Paul’s life the students will be challenged to live a trustworthy life before others. Ā The lesson was prepared for older elementary students but can be easily modified. This is only a suggested guide to help you

"Wild" Object Lessons (James 3:1-12, Jeremiah 29:32)

Have you ever presented an object lesson to a class and had as much fun as the kids? I have and what an experience! There is nothing like seeing the ā€œlight bulbsā€ come on and hearing kids say, ā€œNow I get it.ā€ When I have success delivering God-moments to my childrenā€™s ministry, I write it down, including details about the lesson. Over the years, I have gathered my favorite wild object lessons into a binder but these

"We Do Not Lose Heart" 2 Corinthians 4:13-18 Lesson

Knowing the promises of Jesus, we can face any situation without becoming discouraged. Use this lesson plan to teach children the important lessons fromĀ 2 Corinthians 4:13-18. The key passage is fromĀ 2 Corinthians 4:16: ā€œTherefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet ourĀ inner man is Ā being renewed day by day.Ā (NASB) This lesson follows ourĀ Ā hassle-free format. The basic version makes it easy to teach with very little preparation or outside materials. Weā€™ve also

"Persecuted Not Abandoned" 2 Corinthians 4:8-12 Lesson

In Christ, we can be “Persecuted but Not Abandoned” because our LORD walked through the same sufferings in his time on Earth. Use this lesson plan to teach children the important lessons fromĀ 2 Corinthians 4:8-12. The key passage in this study is fromĀ 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, ā€œWe are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.ā€ This lesson is written with older elementary Sunday

"Treasure in Jars of Clay" 2 Corinthians 4:1-7 Lesson

The power of Christ inside believers is compared to “Treasures in Jars of Clay.”Ā Use this lesson plan to teach children the important lessons fromĀ 2 Corinthians 4:1-7. The main idea for this lesson plan is drawn fromĀ 2 Corinthians 4:6: ā€œFor God, who said, ā€˜Let light shine out of darkness,ā€™ has shone in our hearts to giveĀ the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.ā€ (ESV) This material was first taught to

"Glory of the New Covenant" 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 Lesson

The scriptures point to the Resurrection of Jesus as the proof that all his promises will come true.Ā Use this lesson plan to teach children the important lessons fromĀ 2 Corinthians 3:7-18. The main idea is found inĀ 2 Corinthians 3:9: ā€œIf the old way, which brings condemnation, was glorious, how much more glorious is the new way, which makes us right with God!ā€ (NLT) This four-part study was first taught to older elementary children. Keep this in mind as

Prodigal Son Coloring Page – Printable PDF

Use this free coloring page to teach the Parable of the Prodigal Son. It’s designed with a mini story format to help children process the events. The main page has four panels that illustrate the events of Luke 15. story page | pdf | jpeg second page  | pdf | jpeg third page | pdf | jpeg Directions: Have the children color the first story page and then cut out the four panels. These can be glued to the

Bible Game Idea about the Fruit of the Spirit

Here is a simple way to review the Fruit of the Spirit and the Works of the Flesh with kids in your ministry. All you need is some sidewalk chalk and an open area to play. This learning activity would work well with any lesson plans based on Galatians 5:22-23.Ā Be sure to browse all ourĀ Fruit of the Spirit lessonsĀ and resources. Directions: Draw two different areas with sidewalk chalk. One to represent Fruit of the Spirit and the

Jesus Gives Freedom from Sin (John 8:32) Lesson Plan

This Bible lesson plan about freedom in Christ follows our new hassle-free format. The basic version makes it easy to teach with very little preparation or outside materials. We’ve also suggested more activities so you can expand the lesson to best fit your ministry setting. Lesson Title: Following Jesus & Freedom from Sin Bible Reference: John 8:31-32 Target Age Group: Age 4 – 12 Learning Context: Sunday School or Kids Church Target Time Frame: 30 minutes Memory