Peter and Cornelius Sunday School Lesson

This lesson is taken from the story of God revealing to Cornelius a Gentile and to Peter a Jew, His plan to remove barriers that separated Jews and Gentiles.  Students will learn how God began to guide Peter to understand His plan to allow Gentiles to receive salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.  Even though Peter doesn’t fully understand he obeys the instructions God gives him.  This lesson was prepared for a Sunday School class but can

Kids Bible Lesson: Peter Heals Aeneas and Raises Tabitha

This lesson is taken from the story of Peter visiting the saints in Lydda and Joppa.  When Aeneas is healed and Tabitha is raised from the dead others turn their eyes to the Lord and many believe in Jesus.  This lesson was prepared for Sunday School and could be used for Children’s Church.  It can be modified to use with younger students. Bible Story: Peter Heals Aeneas and Raises Tabitha from the Dead Scripture: Acts 9:32-43 Target

Fruit Basket Upset (Fruit of the Spirit Game)

In school during the week and at church on Sundays children spend a lot of time sitting and listening, when they would love to be playing and running around.  Anytime teaching Bible concepts with an active game, the children will be interested and welcome the change of activity.  The following is a simple and quick game which can be used along with a series or lesson about the Fruit of the Spirit.  This game will help the

Lesson: Jesus Transforms Saul's Life (Paul's Conversion)

This lesson on Saul’s conversion teaches students that God completely transforms a person’s life when they believe in Jesus.  God chose Saul to be His instrument to share the Good News with the Gentiles.  Students will learn that God has a purpose and plan for each person that places his/her faith in Jesus. This can be used as a guide to help you prepare this lesson for your class. This was prepared for a Sunday School class

Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch Sunday School Lesson

Want kids to share their faith? Then give them this powerful example of Philip telling the Ethiopian Eunuch about Jesus. This was an important moment in the early church and Philip was obedient to God’s Spirit when he shared the Good News with a stranger. Students will be challenged to listen for God’s leading and immediately obey. This Bible lesson was first written for Sunday School but could also serve as a children’s church lesson based on

Children’s Ministry Lesson: Peter Raises Dorcas

Print off this free Sunday School lesson based on Acts 9 where Peter raises Dorcas back to life. This lesson teaches children the difference their lives can have on others, and the power of how the Lord can work in the lives of those willing to obey Him. You can also modify this lesson to work in Kids church or other ministry settings. Bible Story: Peter Raises DorcusScripture: Acts 9:36-43Target Age Group: Age 7 – 12 (U.S.

Sunday School Lesson: Persecution Scatters the Church

This Sunday School lesson for children teaches about the events in Acts 8. After a period of success and rapid growth, persecution breaks out against the early church in Jerusalem. God uses these hard times to spread the Gospel to the surrounding region and eventually to all the world. This Bible lesson about the early church would also work well for a children’s church lesson plan. Bible Story: Persecution Scatters the Early Church Scripture: Acts 8:1-25 Target

Memorial Day: Lesson, Craft, Activities for Sunday School

Memorial Day is May 27, 2019 in the United States. It’s the unofficial start of Summer and typically opening weekend for youth baseball and public swimming pools. It’s also a major camping or long weekend for families. So many of your regular kids may be missing (and a few out of town family visitors may show up). It makes sense to deviate from your normal curriculum series and offer something special Sunday. Memorial Day (in the USA)

The Stoning of Stephen: Sunday School Lesson

This free kids Sunday School lesson is based on the story of Stephen in Acts 6-7. It is targeted for older elementary students. It highlights the role of the Holy Spirit in giving courage to Christians, especially when they are suffering. It also shows that believers who suffer for obedience to Jesus will be rewarded. You can also adapt this lesson plan to be used in Children’s Church. Bible Story: The Stoning of Stephen (Suffering for the

Seven Men are Chosen to Minister: Acts 6 Lesson

This Sunday School lesson is based on Acts 6 where the church chose seven men to serve. This is often considered the beginning of the office of deacon in the New Testament church. In this lesson plan, children will learn that every believer has a responsibility to serve. This lesson was first prepared for an older elementary Sunday School class but can be modified to fit your ministry context. Bible Story: Seven Men are Chosen to Minister

The Believers Remained Devoted: Sunday School Lesson

This Sunday School lesson is based on the events in Acts 4 where the early Christians show their devotion to Jesus. They continue in their faith even when hard times come. This lesson plan was first written for children’s Sunday School, but it could be adapted for other ministry settings. Be sure to check out the additional learning activities listed at the bottom of this page. Bible Story: Devoted Believers Continue Despite Difficulties Scripture: Acts 4:32-5:42 Target

Lesson: The Spirit gives boldness to Peter & John

This lesson is based on Acts chapter 4 and teaches children about the Spirits role in empowering their Christian witness for Christ. It was originally prepared for an upper elementary Sunday School lesson, but you can modify it for children’s church or younger kids. Be sure to check out the additional learning activities and teaching resources linked at the end of this page. Bible Story: The Spirit Gives Boldness to Peter & John Scripture: Acts 4:1-31 Target

Lesson: The Birth of the Church on Pentecost

Use this Sunday School lesson to teach children about the birth of the Christian church as told in Acts 2. This lesson plan was first prepared for an older elementary Sunday School class, but you could easily modify it for younger children or kids church. In the present form the estimated length is about 60 minutes. We’ve included links to other free activities related to this story at the end of this page. Bible Story: The Birth

Pentecost Sunday School Lesson (Acts 2:1-21) God Gives the Holy Spirit

This printable Bible lesson would serve well in children’s Sunday School. You could also modify it for children’s church. It teaches about the Day of Pentecost where God gave the gift of the Holy Spirit to the early church.Be sure to note the additional resource links at the end of the lesson for more crafts and activities. Bible Story: Pentecost and the Gift of the Holy SpiritScripture: Acts 2:1-21Target Age Group: Age 9 – 11 (U.S. 3rd –

Parable of the Lost Coin (Luke 15:8-10) Lesson for Lent

This lesson is part 5 of 5 in our study called “Walk His Ways” based on the parables of Jesus. They were prepared for the Lenten season, but could be used anytime of year. This lesson explores losing and finding God, connecting with prayer, and reinforces the idea that God NEVER loses us with the story of The Lost Coin. Bible Story: The Parable of the Lost Coin Scripture: Luke 15:8-10 Target Age Group: Age 3 – 12 (U.S.

Lesson: Journey Through the Book of Acts

This lesson was first prepared for a 4th Grade Sunday School Class (ages 10-11), but you can easily adapt it for younger students or Children’s Church. This year, our Children’s Ministry began using a new curriculum (Discipleland).  The lessons for our fourth grade class covers the Book of Acts for the entire year. This lesson plan was inspired by my experience teaching that material. This lesson does not reproduce any of their content, but only my own

Jesus on Palm Sunday (Preschool Lesson)

Parades are fun and exciting – this simple preschool lesson will teach young children about Palm Sunday. The famous day when rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. This Bible story is sometimes called the triumphant entry, you can find it in Luke, Matthew, Mark, and John. It could be used in any setting with children age 2-5 at church, including a preschool Sunday School class or a toddlers Children’s Church class. As always, consider your own ministry

Parable of Foolish Rich Man (Luke 12:16-21) Lesson for Kids

This lesson is part 4 of 5 in our study called “Walk His Ways” based on the parables of Jesus. They were prepared for the Lenten season, but could be used anytime of year. This lesson explores needs and wants and helping everyone to have enough with Jesus’ story of the Rich Fool. Bible Story: The Parable of the Foolish Rich ManScripture: Luke 12:16-21Target Age Group: Age 3 – 12 (U.S. preschool – 6th Grade)Time: 45 MinutesLearning Context: Children’s Church

Jesus Visits Martha and Mary (Luke 10:38-42) Sunday School Lesson

This lesson is the fifth and last lesson in a series of five that explore the theme “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?” through Bible stories that each involve the sharing of a meal.  I apologize that pregnancy and medical concerns have prevented me from posting this last lesson in the series until now.  I appreciate your understanding, prayers, and support. This lesson would work for Sunday School or Children’s Church.  The introduction and baby picture activities may

Parable of the Great Feast (Luke 14:12-24) Lesson for Lent

This lesson is part 3 of 5 in our study called “Walk His Ways” based on the parables of Jesus. They were prepared for the Lenten season, but could be used anytime of year. This parable is sometimes called the parable of the great banquet. This lesson explores including and inviting others with the story of The Parable of the Great Feast. Bible Story: The Parable of the Great Feast Scripture: Luke 14:12-24 Target Age Group: Age 3 – 12

Good Samaritan Bible (Luke 10:25-37) Lesson for Lent

This lesson is part 2 of 5  in our study called “Walk His Ways” based on the parables of Jesus. They were prepared for the Lenten season, but could be used anytime of year. This lesson explores neighbors with the story of The Parable of the Good Samaritan. Bible Story: The Parable of the Good Samaritan Scripture: Luke 10:25-37 Target Age Group: Age 3 – 12 (U.S. preschool – 6th Grade) Time: 45 Minutes Learning Context: Children’s

Parable of the Two Sons (Matthew 21:28-32) Lesson for Lent

This lesson is part 1 of 5 in our study called “Walk His Ways” based on the parables of Jesus. They were prepared for the Lenten season, but could be used anytime of year. Bible Story: The Parable of the Two SonsScripture: Matthew 21:28-32Target Age Group: Age 3 – 12 (U.S. preschool – 6th Grade)Time: 45 MinutesLearning Context: Children’s Church or Sunday School Learning Objectives: Children will experience the Parable of the Two Sons story, discussing the

God's Holy Spirit Is Everywhere (Psalm 139:7) Object Lesson

Use science to illustrate Bible Truth! This classic object lesson is a fun way to explain that God’s Holy Spirit is everywhere even when we can’t see it. Watch the video example below. Have you ever been asked the following question? How can the Holy Spirit be a person in the Trinity and yet He cannot be seen and does not take up any space like all people do? This is a simple object lesson that incorporates

Love Your Enemies (Matthew 5:38-48) Lesson

This short Bible lesson for children comes from Matthew 5:38-48 where Jesus discusses how to respond to our enemies. This material will work as a Sunday School lesson or in Children’s Church. Time: 25 Minutes Learning Objectives: After this lesson…. Children discuss the key people and main message of these verses by retelling the lessons Jesus gave to His listeners. Children discuss what they learn about Jesus’ view on how to treat our enemies. Children discuss responses