Kids learn best through storytelling – that’s why teaching the parables of Jesus is perfect for Sunday School and Junior Church. This 9 lesson curriculum is 100% free to download an teach.

This page lists all the individual lesson plans in our 9 part series on the parables of Jesus. We’ve also included some additional teaching helps below.
- Why Jesus Told Parables (Matthew 13:10-17)
- The Story of the Soils (Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23)
- Stories of the Kingdom (Matthew 13:24-33)
- God’s Kingdom is a Treasure (Matthew 13:44)
- The Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21-35)
- Which Son Obeyed? (Matthew 21:28-32)
- The Story of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30)
- The Good Neighbor (Luke 10:25-37)
- Lost Things Get Found (Luke 15:1-32)
Additional Teaching Helps
Beyond the main lesson plans above, we have many other resources related to the parables of Jesus on our website: Here is a listing of some of the best. You can always find more ideas by using our search page.
- Lesson – Why did Jesus teaching in parables?
- Worksheet – Learn about the Parables
- Coloring Book – How do I follow Jesus?
- Coloring Page – J is for Jesus
- Coloring Page – “Believe on the Lord Jesus”
Other Kids Bible Lesson Series
Much of our website material is presented as stand-alone lesson plans and ideas. We also have longer and better integrated children’s curriculum. Here are a few of the most popular longer lesson series.
- The Lord’s Prayer (10 lessons)
- Fruit of the Spirit (9 lessons)
- Days of Creation (7 lessons)
- Armor of God (9 lessons)
- Toddlers Knowing God (8 lessons)
- Walk in His Ways (5 lessons)
- The Kings of Israel (28 lessons)
- Book of Acts (25 lessons)
- Who is the Holy Spirit (4 lessons)
- Don’t miss our many Bible object lessons
I have just finished the Parables of Jesus series with our Children’s Church. I found it all very good. As we only have 35-40 mins with the children there was too much to do in that time. But we learned to adapt it which went well.
I am doing the Parables of Jesus now on Wednesday night with 5&6 grades they are enjoying it pluse it’s helpful for them to look up books of the bibles ans chapters to
Our children’s ministry just started the Parables of Jesus study last Sunday. Today, we learned of the Parable of the Soils. It was such a fun and interactive morning. We did the sensory boxes (with the rice, rocks, seeds, etc.) and played the game of racing to get the most seeds out. We had the children compete in three teams (4 per team.) Then we went on to have the lesson, and last, we stepped outside the gym doors (we meet in a high school, and our K-5th meet in the gym) onto a cement area to make our seed bombs. I had the red clay powder, soil and seeds already mixed together in a plastic bin. As I added the water and began mixing with my hands, I explained to the kids about the seed bombs. They had a fun time rolling and shaping their “bombs.” I had a piece of wax paper for each of the children. They placed their bombs on the wax paper , wrapped them up, and then put them in a small paper bag to take home. I included instructions for how to dry the seeds bombs and how to scatter them.
This is a well-written, fun and meaningful lesson. So very pleased with Tara’s gift of developing lessons for children’s ministry.
These lessons are wonderful. I will begin to teach Children’s church and this site has just what I was looking for the word of God is Free for All even our children.
Thank you all so much,
This is an answered prayer for me having the freedom to download this comprehensive bible school guide for kids since GOd has chosen and entrusted me to teach kids every sunday and It is my first and I dont have experience teaching kids in church.Thank you so much and really God bless you more.
This has been very useful to me as I teach Sunday school here in Kenya. Thank you and stay blessed.
Thank you so much for these resources. Living on a small South Pacific island it is very hard to get so many wonderful, free and user-friendly resources for our little Sunday School. May God continue to bless your ministry.
Thank yo so much for the hard work that you have put in and you are a God send with Godly intervention