“God’s Covenant Promises” Bible Craft Ideas

The lesson accompanying these crafts focuses on the blessed assurance we take in knowing that God is faithful to His promises. The stories covered feature God’s covenants with Noah, Abraham, and David, and how all covenants were fulfilled in Christ, the New Covenant. These crafts explore elements of those covenant passages. A decorative “Ark of the Covenant” reflects back on the ancient days of the people of Israel. A rainbow comforts us with the thought that God

Children’s Sermon from Mark 9:2-9 on the Transfiguration of Christ

The Transfiguration of Christ was a remarkable event that carried significance in multiple ways. The Transfiguration demonstrated God’s glory and showed who Jesus was. It also revealed to the disciples, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they were putting their faith in the true Son of God. This message communicates that to children, reminding them that we can trust in God’s power and know who Jesus is. Law/Gospel Theme: It is essential to our faith that

Called By God (John 1:43-51) Sunday School Lesson

For most children, the focus of day to day living includes trying to follow directions, having fun, and perhaps surviving time with siblings. Kids might not contemplate an overall “life plan” or goals for the future. They might feel that they are insignificant or too young to do anything important. It is important to remind them that God cares for them deeply, and has a specific plan for them. He knows each and every individual, and they

John the Baptist (Mark 1:1-8) Bible Lesson for Kids

Make way! Someone special is coming! Who wouldn’t want to be the bearer of good news? The task of John the Baptist was an important one. He announced the coming of the Messiah. But he was not always celebrated and appreciated. He also brought a message calling people to repentance, and he wasn’t afraid to call out sin. John was eventually arrested and beheaded for his outspoken proclamations against wrongdoing. However, as we see the prophet at

Be Ready for Jesus (Matthew 25:1-12) Bible Lesson for Kids Church

Use this free Bible lesson when teaching kids the parable of the Ten Virgins from Matthew 25:1-12. The pdf teaching plan below includes games, complete lesson plan, and craft ideas to help keep your Sunday School or Kids Church engaged. “Be Ready for Jesus” Sunday School Lesson from Matthew 25:1-12, the Parable of the Ten Virgins This parable can seem a bit strange at face value, especially as we communicate it with kids. Why are these women waiting

Bible Crafts: Be Prepared for Jesus (the Parable of the Waiting Ladies) Matthew 25:1-12

These craft ideas will supplement your Bible teaching on the passage in Matthew 25:1-12 where Jesus tells the Parable of the Ten Waiting Ladies. Use it in your children’s church or Sunday School when teaching about being ready for Jesus to come back. “Be Prepared for Jesus” Bible Craft Ideas on Matthew 25:1-12, the Parable of the Ten Virgins This week’s Gospel lesson presents another parable, and one that might seem odd or confusing taken out of context.

“Be Ready for Jesus” Matthew 25:1-25 Children’s Sermon (Parable of the Ten Virgins)

Use this free children’s Sermon and object lesson when teaching from Matthew 25:1-12, the Parable of the Ten Virgins. Download our message notes below, gather your teaching props, and watch the demonstration video below as you prepare for your Sunday School or Kids Church. Main Objective: This parable can seem a bit strange at face value, especially as we communicate it with kids. Why are these women waiting for their groom? Why would a light need oil?

Autumn Sunday School Lesson: A Season for Harvest Joys

For a lot of people, transitioning seasons are marked by holidays, wardrobe changes, and new flavors at Starbucks. Fall might mean a chill in the air, brilliant leaf colors, and pumpkin spice in everything from cereal to pickles. Autumn is of course a lot more than early nightfall and candy corn, though. In fact, it’s a great season to share some important Biblical principles with children. We can honor the joy of changing life patterns, as well

Everyone’s Invited (Matthew 22:1-14) Sunday School Lesson

Use this free Bible lesson for kids in your Sunday School class when teaching the Parable of the Wedding Feast from Matthew 22:1-14. The download below includes crafts, games, printables and a complete teaching plan. “Everyone’s Invited!” Sunday School Lesson on the Wedding Feast in Matthew 22:1-14 “Many are called, but few are chosen…” This statement, directly following the scene of throwing guests out into the darkness with weeping and gnashing of teeth, might seem a little

Faith-Over-Fear Curriculum for Back To School

This year, more than ever, kids are feeling anxiety and fear about going back to school. They need to know God is with them. God can be trusted – HE can make a difference in times of fear. I’m excited to share about a new curriculum from Bethany Darwin. It’s a special 5-week curriculum based on Hebrews 11 that will help kids navigate fear by trusting in GOD. This awesome series FAITH OVER FEAR is available only through the Sunday School

Coloring Page on the Parable of the Sower

Use this coloring page when teaching the Parable of the Sower. You can download it in print-friendly format below or click on the image for a larger JPG image to print. This graphic is from Christian Clip Arts, be sure to check out their amazing (and free) graphics you can use in your lesson plans. This illustration is from their parable of the Sower coloring sheet. Matthew 13:3-9, Mark 4:2-9, Luke 8:4-8 A sower went out to

“Abba! A Father Who Provides” Father’s Day Bible Lesson for Kids

GOD is the our Father. Use this simple Bible lesson to teach kids on Father’s Day. Download the teaching notes below. We’ve included crafts, game ideas, and other printable coloring pages to help you prepare and teach this important truth from God’s Word. “Abba! A Father Who Provides” Father’s Day Bible Lesson for Kids Father’s Day tends to attract much less attention and publicity than Mother’s Day. Perhaps it is eclipsed by other summer celebrations. Maybe masculine

What does it Mean to Trust and Obey? Sunday School Lesson on Faith

            Kids have a difficult time with abstracts. It is understandably challenging to put trust in things that cannot be seen, or to grasp concepts that are not tangible. “The faith of a mustard seed can move mountains”, we might hear. But to the concrete mind of a six-year-old this only conjures a very perplexing image. When discussing faith, it’s best to put in terms that a youngster can potentially comprehend, relating it to how we trust

The Real Temple…Jesus Reveals Himself

There are a couple of important principles evident in the story of Christ clearing out the temple of Jerusalem. For one thing, we see that Jesus demonstrated anger, which is no sin…however, this was a justifiable anger, aimed at evil against the Lord’s house. Jesus did not have a temper tantrum; He was showing who He was. Jesus was the fulfillment of Old Testament practices and prophecies. We need to point to Him always, and communicate with

God's Promise to David- 2 Samuel 7 (Sunday School Lesson)

Title: God’s Promise to David Scripture: 2 Samuel 7 Target Age Group: 3rd-5th grade Lesson Opening Ask: Has someone ever made a promise to you? What was the promise? Did they keep it? Say: People don’t always keep their promises, but you know who does? God! Throughout the Bible we read about many promises that God made to different people, and He always kept those promises. Our story today is about a promise God made to King

A Rising Star… Space-themed activities for family ministry

  I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near. A star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel. He will crush the foreheads of Moab, the skulls of all the sons of Sheth.   Numbers 24:17 A guiding light… Stars are quite fascinating things. In scientific terms, of course, they are technically big balls of glowing gas. But in history and in the Bible, they have played several significant

God is Amazing…and He is on our Side!

    Sometimes we think of the prophetic books as a mysterious foretelling or maybe a boring old irrelevant message. For kids especially, words of the prophets can seem confusing or abstract, but we lose some rich spiritual nourishment when we overlook these wonderful portions of the Old Testament. Isaiah, especially, has beautiful descriptions of the Lord, as well as encouraging words and clues of Christ. This lesson looks at one of those passages in particular, highlighting

Faith and Assurance: Lessons from a Canaanite Woman

 We see in God’s word that the Lord rewards faith. Sometimes we don’t quite understand what this means, but persistence is important. Not only that, but often there are elements of life that we don’t at first comprehend, but God makes clear.  This lesson looks at Jesus and His interaction with a woman who did some unique and surprising things. Lesson focus: Jesus promises salvation for all people; through faith and perseverance we know we can trust

Living Sacrifices; Spiritual Gifts… Serving God with ALL of our Being

  The word “sacrifice” often carries a connotation of suffering or struggle, as we think of giving things up or going without them. But the idea of sacrifice is more than that. Sacrificed items were meant to be given over completely to God, and that is how we want to think of our lives. This lesson looks at how we can view sacrifice in a more positive light, as a blessing that we are to use our

For Mothers…and Fathers, and Families of all Kinds

When Mother’s Day pops up, we shift our focus on earthly families and appreciate how much our mothers do. This is of course important, and respects God’s commandment to honor parents (Exodus 20:12). God has given us father and mother with special purpose. On the other side of things, though, what about those who do not have such a blessed home life? This lesson peeks at the importance of family, but also the significance of God adopting

God says Get Out! From Abraham to Patrick, following Jesus is an Adventure

Bible Focus: God does not always promise comfort or fun, but life with Him is an adventure! This lesson provides a twist on traditional St. Patrick’s Day emphasis by looking at the event’s founder relative to Biblical patriarchs. Patrick followed God’s lead and spread the word of the Gospel, just like Old (and New) Testament heroes followed God’s direction. Target Age Group: Pre-K-Sixth Grade (adaptable) Student application: We celebrate people in the Bible who have done great

Hope is Coming…we are Chosen for HIM

Sometimes it is easy to read the Old Testament and think of it as irrelevant, or less important than the gospels and epistles. Words of prophecy may seem harsh, repetitive, or difficult to understand. But so much that we find in the prophetic books can be significant and meaningful to our daily lives and especially to kids. Not only that, but the prophets point to Christ, and understanding some poignant verses can greatly enhance a genuine appreciation

“All People Matter to God” Bible Lesson on Made in the Image of God

All people matter to God – this is an important truth for kids to know. Use this lesson to teach about the value of all people because they are made in the image of God. This teaching plan is ideal for children’s church, Sunday school, or home Bible study. “God’s Masterpieces: Made in His Image” Bible Lesson for Kids on the Value of All People Theme: Our Human Nature and Our Sin Memory Verse: “Every good and

Lesson: Philip Teaches the Ethiopian about Jesus

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids about the need to tell others about Jesus. Needed: Bibles, slips of paper with prophecies about Jesus written on them Intro Activity: Christian Story Interview  Have students pair up and ask each other the following questions. They’ll then present their partner’s answers as a reporter. They can write the answers down if they want. What is your name? How old are you? When did you first hear about