Christian – now is the time to INCREASE your CHURCH offering

“Giving” and “offering” are words that make every minister shy — Your pastor isn’t called to panhandle for offerings. Nobody wants to be a televangelist during this pandemic. Even to mention “online giving” will trigger the haters on Facebook. BUT…. Right now — creative and brave church leaders are finding ways to impact their community. They are looking outside their congregations to spread hope like never before. Why should the supply lines get cut while the battle

We Love Sermons4Kids

Do you know about Sermons4Kids? They host countless free children’s messages. Their teaching materials cover every major Bible story in the Old and New Testament. Even if you have a lesson plan, you can find more teaching activities on their website. Sermons4Kids is available in Spanish too! Sermons4kids Video Introduction Why we recommend “sermons4kids” Sermons 4 Kids is a ministry free resource website. The post new children’s messages each week based on the Revised Common Lectionary. They

Sunday School Lesson (Matthew 2:1-13) Visitation of the Magi | Epiphany

This free printable Sunday School lesson is based on the story of the Wise Men found in Matthew 2:1-13.  It’s part of our new series “Heroes of the Christmas Story” (Celebrated and Lesser-Known) that shares the Biblical story of Christmas. The download below includes craft suggestions, worksheets, coloring page, and complete teaching guide. Wise Men Bring Gifts to Jesus Sunday School Lesson from Matthew 2:1-13 There are a lot of great truths to take from the story of

Sunday School Lesson (Matthew 2) King Herod the (NOT) Great

This Bible study for Children takes a different look at the story of the Wise Men in Matthew 2. It focuses on the wicked King Herod to show how Jesus was the true King. It’s part of our series Nativity Notables series. The printable lesson plan below includes the complete teaching notes, game, craft, and coloring pages.  King Herod the (NOT) Great / Jesus the True King Sunday School Lesson from Matthew 2 for Advent There are

Sponsor a Child Reviews – The Best Child Sponsorship Programs for 2022

We reviewed all the top child sponsorship organizations – Here are the best options for 2022. Millions of Christians participate in monthly support programs for kids called “child sponsorship.” There are many excellent and trustworthy organizations that facilitate this types of programs. This page will answer some frequent questions about child sponsorship and off our suggestions for programs that deserve your support. Ministry-To-Children is an online only ministry – we do not accept donations or have personal

Cokesbury VBS 2020 "Knights of the North Castle"

It’s time to find the right VBS 2020 theme for your church. This post takes a closer look at the Vacation Bible School program from Cokesbury titled, “Knights of the North Castle.” We’re excited to dig into this curriculum, but we would love to hear your ideas too. Leave a comment below or take our survey about your favorite themes 2020 VBS. Our First Impression: Cokebury is among the most trusted VBS publishers for good reason, this

Children's Sermon (Luke 11:1-13) The Lord's Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer for Kids Teach this children’s sermon on the Lord’s Prayer to help kids understand what prayer is and how children can pray. The Bible is a resource that can help children learn how to pray. The Lord’s Prayer is a model prayer that Jesus gave to his disciples. It includes thanking God, asking for what you need, and forgiveness. God wants to hear from his children and will always be there for them. Download

Hope in a Heavenly Father (Kids Bible Lesson) for Father's Day

Type “father” into a Bible search engine and likely over a thousand verse references will pop up. Fatherhood is a key topic in both Old and New Testaments, as seen through genealogies, patriarchs, and character examples. Children might have different ideas of what a dad should be like, and unfortunately not all earthly fathers are present or set a Godly example. This lesson looks at a few elements of Biblical fathers and celebrates the comfort we can

Do you want to be Healed? (John 5:1-9) Sunday School Lesson

This is another fun miracle lesson, with a couple of interesting twists. In this story, Jesus encounters a man who has been crippled for many years. Jesus first asks the man if he wants to get better. Not realizing who he was speaking with, the man explained his situation, and received healing in an unexpected way. Although we do not always know what God has planned for us, we can recognize that He will always have the

He Has Risen! (Luke 23-24) Sunday School Lesson for Easter

Easter, to Christians, should be the most important celebration of the year. After all, Easter reminds us of what Jesus did and how He rose from the dead. It reminds us that God fulfilled His promises and sent a savior. Sometimes we go through the motions and forget why Easter is so significant. This lesson should help little ones understand the basics of God’s plan and prophetic conclusions, in order to help them appreciate the holiday beyond

God Heals His People (Numbers 21:4-9) Lesson #13 in What is God Like?

This is lesson 13 of 42 in our study on the Attributes of God called “Can you tell me what God is like?” Visit the series index to view all the lessons and get more ideas for using this curriculum in your children’s ministry.  LESSON 13: GOD HEALS HIS PEOPLE Key Verse:“See now that I myself am He! There is no god beside me. I put to death and I bring to life, I have wounded and I

Seeing "Jesus" in the Names of God (John 1:1-14) Lesson

Hello, My Name Is… A Series on the Names of God Lesson Fifteen: Jesus in the Names of God Main Idea: We can shout praises to God because we read in the Bible that he sent his son Jesus to save us from our sins so we can be with him forever. Memory Verse: “There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12 This

Sunday School Lesson (1 Corinthians 1:18-31) Wisdom & Power of God

Wisdom is Foolishness and Weak Becomes Strong…How the message of the cross goes against traditional ideas… As Christians, we know that our value is in much different things than what the world tends to judge as important. Sometimes we want to brag or think that our faith is our own doing. But the Bible makes it clear that God lifts up those who are weak and brings low those who seem strong. This Sunday School lesson emphasizes

8 Books of the Bible Games

I hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to hop up on my soap box for a few minutes. Let’s talk about Bibles and technology. Don’t get me wrong, I’m currently sitting here with my iPhone (with the Bible app open) serving as a hotspot for my macbook so I can write this article. And, once this article is published, I’ll use my iPhone to share it across social media. I enjoy technology as much (or more)

Psalm 113 Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This is lesson 31 of 32 in a series of lessons called “Praise God Through the Psalms.”  “Praise God Through the Psalms” – Psalm 113 Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 113, we are reminded that God is worthy of praise and worship all the time and

Who was the Promised One? Lesson

OBJECTIVE: To help the children understand that Jesus was God’s promised Savior. MAIN IDEA:  God doesn’t break his promises, and he sent someone very special to earth to prove his love for us. The entire bible teaches us to trust God and his promises. TARGET AGES: 9 – 13 Older Elementary. You may need to simplify this lesson when working with younger children. CURRICULUM UNIT: This lesson is part of the Who was …. ? series on

"Rock/Cornerstone" Names of God Lessons for Kids

This lesson is part of a series we’re calling, “Hello, My Name Is…  A Series on the Names of God.” You can find the latest when you follow Tara’s author archive. We’ll add links to the whole Bible study once it’s complete. Lesson Nine: The Rock/Cornerstone Main Idea: God the Rock is our place of safety. Jesus is the cornerstone and we are the living stones that build the church. Memory Verse: “There is salvation in no one

Psalm 100 Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This is lesson 29 of 32 in a series of lessons called “Praise God Through the Psalms.”  “Praise God Through the Psalms” – Psalm 100 Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 100, we’re reminded of God’s goodness and what it means to be one of ‘God’s sheep.’ Through

DIY Bible Board Game Activity

Have extra time in summer camp that you need to fill? This exciting activity is great for small groups of kids. When the kids finish this project, they will also have a fun game to play. Kids come up with a game name, a concept and design. They get to decide what to include on their board game. Give kids popular board game ideas for inspiration like Candyland, Sorry or Parcheesi. You can even have their named

Psalm 98 Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This is lesson 28 of 33 in a series of lessons called “Praise God Through the Psalms.”  “Praise God Through the Psalms” – Psalm 98 Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 98, we’re reminded of the many ways that God has rescued His people through history and

"Yahweh Shalom / Prince of Peace" Names of God Lesson for Kids

This is part one of a new series we’re calling, “Hello, My Name Is…  A Series on the Names of God.” Look for the next installments to come throughout February. You can find the latest when you follow Tara’s author archive. We’ll add links to the whole Bible study once it’s complete. Lesson Seven: Yahweh Shalom/ Prince of Peace  Main Idea: Yahweh Shalom sends us in peace, saves us in peace and shields us in peace. Memory

"Yahweh / I AM" Names of God Lesson for Kids

This is part of a new series we’re calling, “Hello, My Name Is…  A Series on the Names of God.” Look for the next installments to come throughout February. You can find the latest when you follow Tara’s author archive. We’ll add links to the whole Bible study once it’s complete. Lesson Three: Yahweh/I AM Main Idea: God’s eternal, special name is Yahweh. Yahweh is the forever God, with no beginning or end and who never changes.

"Elohim / The Word" Names of God Lesson for Kids

This is part of a new series we’re calling, “Hello, My Name Is…  A Series on the Names of God.” Look for the next installments to come throughout February. You can find the latest when you follow Tara’s author archive. We’ll add links to the whole Bible study once it’s complete. Lesson Two: Elohim/The Word Main Idea: God is the Strong Creator of the universe and of us. We can trust him and through his strength do

Faithful Fear and Reverence: A Lesson on Worship

What do we want children to feel when they think about God? What attributes do we emphasize and what impressions are left when we teach students? Often, we tend to air on the side of caution.  Nervous about portraying our Heavenly Father as a judgmental punisher, we sometimes wind up “dumbing God down” and highlighting His softer and friendlier elements. God becomes a buddy, a Santa Clause, a vending machine. We don’t want to scare anyone away,