“Colossians” Bible Book Coloring Page

This free coloring page is based on the Book of Colossians. It’s one part of our series of illustrations for each individual book of the Bible. Click here to download the print friendly PDF version. We’ve also uploaded the image in JPEG format. The illustration captures the theme from Colossians 2:6. So walk in him, rooted and built up in him. We will add a series index one we have several books online. For now you can follow our progress

“Philippians” Bible Book Coloring Page

This free coloring page is based on the Book of Philippians. It’s one part of our series of illustrations for each individual book of the Bible. Click here to download the print friendly PDF version. We’ve also uploaded the image in JPEG format. The illustration captures the theme from Philippians 2:15. Shine … as lights in the world. We will add a series index one we have several books online. For now you can follow our progress on this page. If

Psalm 54 Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This is lesson 21 of 33 in a series of lessons called “Praise God Through the Psalms.”  “Praise God Through the Psalms” – Psalm 54 Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 54, the psalmist calls God the upholder of his life. And in so doing, he reminds

Psalm 43 Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This is lesson 20 of 33 in a series of lessons called “Praise God Through the Psalms.”  “Praise God Through the Psalms” – Psalm 43 Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 43, the psalmist shows us that God not only saves His people physically, but that He

The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) Preschool Lesson

Lesson Title:  The Parable of the Prodigal Son for KidsBible Reference: Luke 15:11-32Target Age Group: PreschoolLearning Context: Children’s Church or Sunday SchoolTarget Time Frame: 1 ½ hour Gospel Connection: The story of the Prodigal Son teaches us that God’s ways are clearly not our own.  When the young son returns home begging for a job as a servant we expect the father to be angry with him.  That is human nature and how we would react.  But

Psalm 33 Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This is lesson 19 of 33 in a series of lessons called “Praise God Through the Psalms.”  “Praise God Through the Psalms” – Psalm 33 Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 33, the psalmist gives instructions for worship and explains why God deserves all of our worship.

Peter's Vision, Gentiles Receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 10-11) Lesson

Being modern-day Christians, kids today may take for granted how radical it once was for non-Jews to get attention or hear the gospel. But we still at times might consider some things off-limits or “taboo,” or we think some types of people to be better than others. In this story, we see how God transformed Peter’s heart to realize how important it was to share the good news. The fun and special lesson here will remind kids

Psalm 32 Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This is lesson 18 of 33 in a series of lessons called “Praise God Through the Psalms.”  “Praise God Through the Psalms” – Psalm 32 Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 32, the psalmist focusses on the need to confess our sin and turn to God in

Jesus is Tempted (Matthew 4:1-11) Sunday School Lesson and Activities

This Sunday School lesson is based on the Temptation of Jesus in Matthew 4:1-11. You can use these lesson activities with Luke 4:1-11. The lesson plan below includes the complete teacher notes, craft ideas, worksheets, and coloring pages. It’s everything you need to teach kids about the Temptation of Christ. Jesus is Tempted Lesson Plan for Kids Sunday School Lesson on Matthew 4:1-11 Target Age Group: 3rd-5th grade, but could be adapted for other age groups. Compare

Doubting Thomas Sunday School Lesson (John 20:19-31)

Jesus Walks Through the Walls… No Doubt About it! Tell all About it! He’s alive! So now what?? Once the eggs have been found, chocolate consumed, and bonnets put away, it may seem that Easter loses its thrill. But the empty tomb is only the beginning of the story, and there are important lessons to be gained from events immediately after the resurrection as well as further down the road. This lesson focuses on Christ’s appearances after

Psalm 29 Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This is lesson 17 of 33 in a series of lessons called “Praise God Through the Psalms.”  “Praise God Through the Psalms” – Psalm 29 Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 29, the psalmist calls us to ascribe glory to the name of the Lord. Through this

Lesson: Strong and Patient (The Book of James – Part 5)

Waiting on God’s timing is hard, but a maturing Christian understands that patience is necessary for an increasing growth in the faith. In this fifth and final part of the Book of James series, “Strong and Patient” will outline the reasons and positive results of patience. Also, children will learn that we should be patient with others because God is patient with us! TARGET AGES: 9-12 This lesson is part of our five unit study on the

Lesson: Strong and Humble (The Book of James – Part 4)

Growing humility is a necessary trait of a strong believer in Jesus Christ. This fourth lesson of the Book of James series, “Strong and Humble,” will teach children how to embrace humility and incorporate it in their daily lives. Also, by identifying Jesus Christ as the ultimate example of humility, the children will understand that sacrificial service and humility are results of obeying God. TARGET AGES: 9-12 This lesson is part of our five unit study on

Lesson: Strong and Wise (Book of James – Part 1)

The book of James contains a plethora of information for believers to become mature in their relationships to Christ. This series of five lessons will cover each chapter of James with the goal of outlining how we can become stronger in our faith. In part 1, “Strong and Wise,” there will be an emphasis on trusting God’s plan, persevering through difficulties, and obeying the bible. In addition, several opportunities for the teacher to share how God has

Lesson: Strong and Active Faith (Book of James – Part 2)

Having a strong and mature relationship with Jesus Christ requires deliberate actions that model one’s faith. In this second part of the “Book of James” series, children will explore what James 2 has to say about a Christ-follower’s actions matching the word of God. TARGET AGES: 9-12 This lesson is part of our five unit study on the book of James for Older Elementary children. Use the following links to navigate to the other sections ONE —

Lesson: Strong and Kindly Spoken (The Book of James – Part 3)

A strong believer knows his or her words have the power to draw or push others away from Christ and avidly desires to honor God through their speech. In “Strong and Kindly Spoken (The Book of James – Part 3),” children will learn to stop and think about their words, consider how their speech affects others, and come up with positive substitutions for everyday, sinful responses. In addition, they will learn that humility is required to speak

John the Baptist-Matt 3:1-10 (Sunday School Lesson)

Use this free Sunday School lesson to teach kids about John the Baptist and his role to prepare the people for the coming of Jesus Christ. Scripture: Matt 3:1-10; 14:1-12, Luke 3:1-20 Target Age Group: 3rd-5th grade Main Point: We must prepare our hearts for Jesus Compare our Sunday School Lesson on John the Baptist (Matthew 3:1-12) Another Lesson by Kristen on the Baptist of Jesus (Matthew 3:1-17) Download carton illustrations & coloring page of John the Baptist Lesson Introduction

Sunday School Lesson: The Baptism of Jesus in Matthew 3:13-17

Teach about the Baptism of Jesus with this free Sunday School Lesson. Kids need to learn about Baptism. This lesson is from Matthew 3:13-17 and includes crafts, coloring pages, game ideas, worksheets, object lesson, and full teaching plan. About this Sunday School Lesson Title: Jesus’ Baptism Scripture: Matthew 3:11-17 and John 1:29-34 Sunday School Age Group: 3rd-5th grade Lesson Main Idea: People are baptized to show they are turning away from sin.) Supplies: Bibles, marker board, markers,

The Beatitudes (Luke 6:17-26) Sunday School Lesson

In Luke 6:17-26 Jesus gives us the Beatitudes, teaching us to store up our treasures in Heaven and not on Earth.  Younger children won’t understand all the blesseds and woes but they can understand that Jesus taught us the right way to act and interact with others and to store up our treasures in Heaven.  Through this lesson they will learn that the BEatittudes teach us to BE kind, humble, loving, and gentle. Bible Reference: Luke 6:17-26

Love Your Enemies (Luke 6:27-38) Sunday School Lesson

The Bible teaches us that we are to love everyone, even our enemies.  For young children, and really everyone, the natural response is to respond to anger with anger.  This lesson teaches children that they should do the opposite and love their enemies instead of hate them. Lesson Title:  Love Your Enemies Bible Reference: Luke 6:27-38 Learning Context: Children’s Church or Sunday School Target Time Frame: 1 ½ hour Learning Aim:  Jesus wants us to love your

Daniel Chapter 6 Bible Skits (Part 6 of 6)

This is the 6th part in a 6 part series on the book of Daniel. Chapter 6 covers: Daniel Serves Darius and Daniel in the Lions’ Den. Don’t miss all our lesson and teaching ideas about the Book of Daniel. ————————————————————————————————— Daniel 6 Daniel Serves Darius: Daniel 6:1-15 Characters: King Darius, Commissioner1 & 2, Daniel, Narrator, Satrap 1, Sign Holder Props: Paper Petition, “Sunset Comes” sign ————————————————————————————————— (Enter King Darius) King Darius: It seems good to me

"Ephesians" Bible Book Coloring Page

This free coloring page is based on the Book of Ephesians. It’s one part of our series of illustrations for each individual book of the Bible. Click here to download the print friendly PDF version. We’ve also uploaded the image in JPEG format. The illustration captures the theme from Ephesians 4:4-6. There is one body and spirit… one hope… one Lord, one faith, one baptism. We will add a series index one we have several books online. For now

Daniel Chapter 5 Bible Skits (Part 5 of 6)

This is the 5th part in a 6 part series on the book of Daniel. Chapter 5 covers: Belshazzar’s Feast and Daniel Interprets Handwriting on the Wall. Don’t miss all our lesson and teaching ideas about the Book of Daniel. ————————————————————————————————— Daniel 5 Belshazzar’s Feast: Daniel 5: 1-12 Characters: Narrator, King Belshazzar, Nobles, Group of: Conjurers, the Chaldeans, and the Diviners, Queen Props: Cups of Different Colors, A Picture of a Large Hand Writing ————————————————————————————————— (Enter King

Psalm 28 Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This is lesson 16 of 33 in a series of lessons called “Praise God Through the Psalms.”  Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 28, God is seen as the Great Protector who serve as a Rock a Shield and a Shepherd for His people. In each of