Why Children’s Ministry is Important in the Local Church Context

people sitting on chairs inside the room

Why Children’s Ministry is Important in the Local Church Context Children’s ministry plays a crucial role in young children’s spiritual development and overall well-being within the local church context. By investing in age-appropriate Bible teaching and fostering a supportive environment, churches can lay a strong foundation for children’s faith and spiritual journey. In this blog post, we will explore the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Importance of Age-Appropriate Bible Teaching for Children in Evangelical Churches

Spiritual growth, Age-appropriate Bible teaching, Evangelical churches, Sunday School programs, Kids Church programs, Biblical worldview, Faith development, Spiritual disciplines, Community, Practical applications, Critical thinking, Theological foundation

Ensuring that children receive age-appropriate Bible teaching is crucial for their spiritual growth and development in evangelical churches. Sunday School and Kids Church programs play a vital role in creating spaces where children can engage with the Scriptures in a way suitable for their age and understanding. This blog post will explore why age-appropriate Bible teaching is important for children … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Ministry is the Highest Calling

children's ministry, children's ministry deals, children's ministry curriculum, children's ministry lessons, children's ministry ideas

Why is the children’s ministry so important? Children are a priority in the Bible and it’s our responsibility as Christians to make sure they’re not just being entertained. In this video, I share one simple reason why children’s ministry matters. 68 Reasons Why Children’s Ministry Matters Children’s Ministry is so important for so many reasons! We know how important children’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Ministry Statistics (2019) How do kids come to Christ?

family ministry statistics

Update: We released a research on 2022 children’s ministry statistics with over 1200 ministry leaders responding. We surveyed 400 children’s ministry leaders and analyzed the latest research. Here’s what we learned. Jesus loves the little ones – that’s why we love to serve in children’s ministry. Every person (no matter their age) was created to have a personal relationship with … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Even the Smallest Sunday School Matters to God

Does a Sunday school require a quorum? There are some churches out there that require golf carts to move through parking lots, tags and intercoms for childcare, and separate staff just to organize coffee fellowship. These are the congregations with fog machines, headliner worship bands, and personalized latte brands. However, not all bodies of believers are quite so numerous. Some … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Faithful Fear and Reverence: A Lesson on Worship

What do we want children to feel when they think about God? What attributes do we emphasize and what impressions are left when we teach students? Often, we tend to air on the side of caution.  Nervous about portraying our Heavenly Father as a judgmental punisher, we sometimes wind up “dumbing God down” and highlighting His softer and friendlier elements. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Let's Talk About Self Care for Ministry Leaders

Today let’s talk about self-care. I know, it just sounds bad doesn’t it? (It has the word “self” in it so it must be bad, right?) I’d like to challenge that thinking–it’s a fallacy and one that can hurt you. Since I’m not comfortable using my ministry friends for this example (although there are quite a few, I’ll be the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Reasons Why Kids Need Children's Church

Children’s church or big church? That is the question many parents are asking lately. When I began in ministry, back in 1997, (oh my!) children’s churches weren’t wildly popular in my area but over the years, the trend has caught on. Now I am happy to report we have some amazing ministries that reach children of all races and social situations. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Devotional: The Bible is a VERB

My son was learning about parts of speech this year. We started with nouns: people, places, and things. Then we moved onto verbs: action. That’s what got me thinking about the Bible. Most people think that it’s a noun. Well, it’s a thing, right? Technically, yes. It’s a book made of paper and binding. But, I believe that the Bible … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Top 4 Myths About Children's Pastors

Children’s pastors are like magical unicorns, strange creatures that are largely misunderstood — that is if you believe the myths about children’s pastors. Having been involved in children’s ministry for over 20 years I can assure you that I have heard just about everything. I am not offended by what I have heard just amused and slightly surprised. Perhaps you … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sanctity of Life Sunday: 5 Ways Kids Can Take Action

Because all life is important to God, it’s never too early to introduce Sanctity of Life to children. This is core value of the Christian faith – that all people matter because they reflect God’s image. It’s much bigger than the political drama in the USA regarding abortion or the pro-life movement. Each January is dedicated toward recognizing, educating, and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Never Forget — Look to Jesus This Holiday Season!

The Christmas season seems like it is just getting busier and busier. Our calendars get filled up with school events, family events, church events, and friend events. We make cookies, decorate the house, go look at Christmas lights, and sing Christmas carols. I love doing all of these things and there is absolutely nothing wrong with them. As I am … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Biblical Ways to Sustain Ministerial Harmony (Romans 12)

The musical term “dissonance” means, “a tension or clash resulting from the combination of two disharmonious or unsuitable elements1.” Basically, when two notes are too close together it results in an uncomfortable, colliding sound. A way to think about it is like hearing a fork scrape across a plate or fingers running down a chalk board; the instant shudder you … More Children’s Ministry Resources