Numbers 21:4-9 Sunday School Lesson for Kids – Moses Lifts the Bronze Serpent

This Moses and the Serpent Bible lesson is available in ESV and KJV, also from the Sunday School Store. Use the link above to download the complete teaching plan in NIV translation. The Final Cure: Lifted Up to Save – Sunday School Lesson: Numbers 21 In this lesson, we consider how God rescues us and is with us. The snake bites and bronze serpent cure of Numbers 21 might seem a little odd, but the passage points

10 Lessons Learned from Becoming a Father Again at Age 45

I became a father at 22 when my first son was born. My 1st son David has grown into a brilliant young man, a humble genius passionate about giving back. He serves as a public school teacher while honing his skills as a writer on the weekends. He is kind, compassionate, and a credit to the human race. In many ways, he’s become my best friend and even a role model in my life. I still remember

Children’s Sermon Object Lesson (Deuteronomy 30:15-20) Choose Life!

Choose Life! Children’s Message on Embracing the Grace of God Main Objective: Some decisions should seem pretty obvious…and yet we don’t always opt for the glorious blessings that God offers us. Life or death? Good or evil? This message encourages students to make wise choices about life and loving the Lord. Our choices have important consequences! Consider the words of Deuteronomy 30 as they relate to everyday decisions and the importance of accepting God’s free gift of

Craft Activities: The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

The story of the Good Samaritan reminds us of the importance of loving ALL of God’s people, not just those close to us or the ones we get along with well. It isn’t always easy, but when we care for others, we demonstrate the love of Christ. The Good Samaritan also reminds us how much God loves us, even in our broken sinful state. These crafts recall the story and offer something for students to give to

Bible Crafts: Healing of Naaman (2 Kings 5:1-14)

Use these Bible Craft Ideas in your children’s ministry or Sunday School to teach the Bible story of Naaman’s healing in 2 Kings 5. These activity crafts on the theme “Take a Bath! (Or Several)” will be a great learning activity for your kids church lesson. The story of the healing of Naaman’s leprosy is an interesting one to discuss. Naaman had faith following his doubts, and received cleansing in an unexpected way, which solidified his beliefs.

Children’s Sermon Lesson on the Last Supper from Luke 22:7-23 Do This in Remembrance of Me

This children’s sermon visits the events of the Last Supper that Jesus shared with His disciples. Christ shared bread and wine, inviting His friends (and us) to remember that He gave His body and blood for us, for the salvation of sins. We need God’s grace for our spiritual nourishment, just as we need physical food to sustain our bodies. This message describes the practice of communion and why we do it in church, celebrating the saving

Trust in Him! Children’s Sermon Object Lesson on the Lord’s Covenant with Abram from Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18

God has made us wonderful promises, and always keeps them! He calls us to do His work, and gives us all that we need to complete it. This message reminds children that God will always provide for us and we can trust Him, even if we don’t always understand what He’s doing or how. Use a simple task that requires specific elements to help children see that God gives us what we need. Trust in Him…God Makes

Bible Crafts: Calling of Jeremiah 1:4-10

When God calls us, He equips us to do His work! In the Old Testament, God called prophets like Jeremiah to share His news with people. Jeremiah was uncertain due to his youth, but God promised to provide Him with what he would need to proclaim Holy messages. These crafts remind children that God will always help us to do what is needed. A “Can-Do Can” recycles a container to be re-purposed for Godly goals. A “Godly

Put Words in My Mouth …“Calling of Jeremiah” Children’s Sermon from Jeremiah 1:4-10

It is important for children to know that God provides us with the strength and ability to do all things. Just as He called Old Testament prophets, He calls all of us to share His messages with those around us. This message uses an example of how we sometimes need help saying and doing things to demonstrate God’s help in all areas of our lives. He provides the words to say and means to communicate those words.

The Widow’s Gift: Sunday School Lesson from Mark 12:38-44

God wants more than just “leftovers”! As servants of the Lord, we want to give Him our best. Sometimes this means monetary tithing, but even more importantly, we offer God our time and talents, and give Him our love and the love we share with others. The Bible promises that when we offer what we have to God, we will be blessed richly in return. Lesson focus: This lesson looks at the story of the widow’s mite

Wise Up! Children’s Sermon: 1 Kings 3:3-14; Ephesians 5:15-21

This message aims to describe for children what wisdom means and where it comes from. Young people might think of wisdom as mere knowledge or “head smarts”, but true wisdom comes from the heart. Wisdom is something that we should desire because God wants us to have it and practice using it. The message uses practical objects and misconceptions to elaborate on what wisdom is. Law/Gospel Theme: God wants us to act as wise and not foolish

Wise Up! Sunday School Lesson: 1 Kings 3:3-14; Eph. 5:15-21

What is wisdom? How do we know what choices are best? Can we make ourselves wise? Young students may or may not have encountered such considerations in their lives, but they are worth discussion. Kids should understand what wisdom is and where it comes from. They can learn the importance of discernment, even at an early age. The story of King Solomon is a great opportunity to contemplate wisdom and recognize that it is a treasure from

Jesus is the Bread from Heaven (John 6:24-35) Sunday School Lesson

Have some bread! In this day of gluten-free, carb friendly diet consciousness, we might lose sight of how essential bread has been historically to life. It is a food staple that sees variations throughout time and culture, but which nourishes and strengthens us physically. Understanding that Jesus is our “bread” reminds us that He provides what we need for spiritual strength and health. We need more than just food to survive in life. We need Jesus! Lesson

Showing Compassion: Mark 6:30-44, 53-56 Sunday School Lesson

What does compassion mean? Who demonstrates compassion, and how can we show it to others? We hear a great deal about the miracles of Jesus, but don’t always pause to contemplate why He did so many amazing things. The Savior truly loves and cares about all people (including us!). He provided healing during His earthly ministry because He had compassion. The same Jesus still lives with us and has compassion upon us, and He wants us to

Bible Craft Ideas on Compassion

It’s important to help children understand and embrace what it means to have compassion. It often takes modeling and encouraging, but is essential to developing character and kindness. Students should first value and appreciate how much compassion Christ demonstrates towards us, and out of that appreciation, they should share that compassion with others. These two crafts aim to assist in efforts to understand compassion. A “blooming with compassion flower” offers an opportunity to consider ways to show

What is Compassion? Children’s Sermon from Mark 6:30-44, 53-56

The aim of this message is to illustrate for children what it means to have and share compassion with others. Youngsters often have a natural inclination towards self-serving attitudes, but they can easily be prompted to care about those in need, as well. This lesson explains through simple example what compassion is, and also describes how Jesus demonstrated genuine compassion throughout His earthly ministry. Law/Gospel Theme: Students are frequently reminded of the need to act with kindness

Have Faith! Jesus Heals! Bible Craft Ideas (Mark 5:21-43)

What is faith? What does it mean to have faith and to trust in Jesus? This concept is the focus of the Gospel lesson on Mark 5, where Jesus heals a woman with a bleeding condition and a young girl who has died. These crafts celebrate that element of faith and healing. A “healing stick” reminds us that Jesus heals our hearts, even if physical relief is not immediate. A simple but fun puppet recounts the resurrection

Have Faith! Children’s Sermon (Mark 5:21-43) Jesus Raises Jairus’ Daughter

Faith can be a challenging concept to understand, but it’s important to discuss with young children. Students should be taught that solid faith does not rely on our own strength, but on what we put our faith in—a God who is powerful and capable of anything. This message uses a simple “blind bag” illustration to point out how faith involves belief without sight. The story element features acts of healing that Jesus did, reminding us that He

Bible Craft Ideas: Jesus Calms the Storm

The story of Jesus calming the stormy sea is an exciting event that also packs important Biblical truths: God controls all things. He keeps His promises to take care for us, and will provide what we need. Just as Christ had command over the wind and waves on the lake, He has command over our hearts and can still our uncertain and stormy minds. These crafts aim to remind children of those comforting principles. A “storm scene”

Jesus Calms the Storm (Mark 4:35-41) Children’s Sermon

The story of Jesus Calming the stormy waves is a fun and fascinating one to share with children, but it’s about more than just a natural disaster miracle. Use the events of Mark 4 to remind students that God is in control of our lives. He can bring us peace when we feel frightened or upset, just as Jesus calmed the Sea of Galilee. This message includes an interactive recreation of the event as well as an

God Looks at the Heart (1 Samuel 15:34-16:13) Children’s Sermon

Modern culture places a lot of emphasis on outward appearance. When we look around at what is celebrated and “idolized”, it seems as though looks are most important. For kids, it’s easy to judge things based on what they look like. However, as we explore the story of David being anointed king, we recognize that God looks at our hearts, rather than what we are on the outside. It’s critical to communicate to children from early on

Bible Crafts on the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-21; John 16:4-16)

Pentecost is a powerful and memorable event in the history of the church, but the idea of who the Holy Spirit is can be somewhat challenging. These crafts celebrate Pentecost and the Holy Spirit by focusing on “wind-powered” elements. A wind sock can be hung up for decoration or breeze catching. “Air-blown paint” allows creativity (and a little mess). And an old-fashioned toy turns into an opportunity to witness wind power and create a mini “animation”! More

What is the Holy Spirit? Children’s Sermon (Acts 2:1-21; John 16:4-16)

The Holy Spirit can be a challenging element of the Trinity to explain or discuss with children (or anyone, for that matter!). At Pentecost, we celebrate the coming of the Spirit and the “birthday” of the church. This message seeks to communicate to students who the Spirit is and what He does for us. We may not see the Holy Spirit physically, but through his power all things take place! Law/Gospel Theme: Jesus promised to send a

“God’s Keeps His Promises” Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 Sunday School Lesson

I promise!!! We might make promises and have intentions, but human frailty limits our genuine ability. Fortunately, God’s power is much greater than our own. Throughout the Bible, God made promises to His people, and all of those promises were fulfilled in Christ Jesus. We can count on our Lord to keep His word, both in the past and now! Lesson focus: This lesson looks at a few Old Testament covenants that God made with His people.