Unexpected Combinations: Children’s Sermon on the Golden Rule from Luke 6:27-38

Lesson Objective: The lesson here uses unexpected combinations to illustrate what can happen when we love our enemies. This message focuses on Christ’s challenging instructions admonishing us to love others. We are called to not only care for people that we like, but to pray even for those who might be unkind to us. It seems contradictory, but loving our enemies has power to change our hearts as well as theirs. An odd food mixture demonstrates how

Trees Planted by Water… Children’s Sermon Lesson from Psalm 1; Jeremiah 17:5-10

Trees Planted by Water… Children’s Message on Spiritual Growth and Health –  This message encourages children to stay closely connected to God in order to thrive and grow. Passages from both Psalms and Jeremiah reflect on tree metaphors, noting how relying on God’s law and love nourishes and strengthens us. The message uses examples of withering and healthy plants to demonstrate the contrast in the natural world. In our spiritual lives, we flourish and thrive when we

The Most Important Thing 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Children’s Sermon

Children’s Sermon Lesson Message on the Reliability of Christ: What does it mean to believe in Jesus? How do we know the truth of what He says and who He is? We teach children many stories from the Bible, but it is important for us to emphasize that the Bible is the true word of God, and every story in it actually happened. This message contrasts popular legends and fairy tale stories with the life of Jesus,

Put Words in My Mouth …“Calling of Jeremiah” Children’s Sermon from Jeremiah 1:4-10

It is important for children to know that God provides us with the strength and ability to do all things. Just as He called Old Testament prophets, He calls all of us to share His messages with those around us. This message uses an example of how we sometimes need help saying and doing things to demonstrate God’s help in all areas of our lives. He provides the words to say and means to communicate those words.

The Most Important Piece… “Body of Christ” Children’s Sermon from 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

Children need to understand the importance of their place in the body of Christ. It takes a group of individuals with unique talents and abilities to contribute God’s work in the church. This lesson uses a jigsaw puzzle to illustrate how all “pieces” (and people) are significant. Just as a puzzle needs all of the pieces to complete a picture, the body of Christ needs all members to carry out its purpose. Even kids can and should

It’s a Miracle! (John 2:1-11) Children’s Sermon Lesson on the Wedding at Cana

Main Objective: While on Earth, Jesus did a lot of amazing miracles. The first one we read of in the gospels was a transformative act that kept a party going! In the story of the wedding at Cana, we notice that Jesus cares about all things, even our own human enjoyment of life. We also recognize that Jesus continues to work miracles in our lives, in ways large and small. This lesson uses a simple drink mix

Start with a Clean Slate! Children’s Sermon on Luke 3:15-17; 21-22

There are times in our lives (maybe a lot of times) that we will make mistakes. We often find ourselves needing to start fresh, and we can do that every day with God’s help. We can’t clean up our sins and mistakes, but the blood of Jesus washes our sins and makes us new. This message uses cleaning products as an example of how we can wipe away old messes and begin anew in Christ.  Baptism reminds

New Year, New Life in Christ – Children’s Sermon from John 1:10-18

New Year, New You!  Children’s Message on Transformation through Jesus. A new year is often a time when people make goals and resolutions to transform and change themselves. However, we know that on our own we can do nothing. True change must come from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This message reminds children that we are adopted into God’s family, and we have new identity in Him. Any change we hope to achieve comes through Him

Don’t Miss Jesus! Luke 2:41-52 Children’s Sermon

Who was and is Jesus? That might seem like a simple and straight forward Gospel question, but it’s an important one to address frequently with kids. This message focuses on the story of Jesus in the temple as a 12-year-old boy. The story reminds us that Jesus was aware of His identity as the Son of God, but also obeyed His parents and was responsible to them as a human. Mary and Joseph thought Jesus was lost,

Elizabeth and Mary Praise God: Children’s Sermon from Luke 1:39-55

How do we praise the Lord? Sometimes, we forget the meaning or importance of glorifying God. We think of songs or prayers, but true praise can occur in a variety of ways, and should come from a place of genuine enthusiasm and gratitude. As Christians, our natural reaction to salvation should be to rejoice with praise and thanksgiving. In this passage, we see John the Baptist praise God in the womb, and we see Mary praise God

What’s on the Inside? Children’s Sermon from Luke 3:7-18

As Christians, it’s essential to live in a way that shows others who we are. We want to not only call ourselves Christians, but act like it by demonstrating love and sharing with others. John the Baptist admonished people to share their faith authentically, and the same message speaks to us. While we are saved by faith alone, we should act in a manner that reflects the Holy Spirit within us. This message uses a disappointedly empty

Are You Prepared? Children’s Sermon Lesson from Luke 3:1-6

This message reminds students of the importance of giving Jesus the priority in our hearts. It can be easy, especially during the holidays, to get busy with preparations of various kinds. The most important thing we can prepare for is Jesus! How do we do that, and why should we? Preparing our hearts means that we pray, give thanks, and read God’s Word to understand who He is and give thanks for His presence now and always.   

Waiting on Jesus! Children’s Sermon from Luke 21:25-36

During the season of Advent, we celebrate the coming of Christ. We think back to His birth in Bethlehem, but we also look forward to His Second Coming one day. This message encourages children to consider things that they might have to wait for. Great things are worth the wait, and sometimes we can increase patience by doing other things to pass time. In the same way, Jesus is well worth the wait, and while we look

Christ is King! Children’s Sermon from John 18:33-37

Jesus did a lot of remarkable things and fulfilled many roles while on Earth. He continues to hold tremendous power and authority over all things, especially our lives. This message considers some of the titles that describe Jesus, such as Good Shepherd, bread of life, and Lamb of God. Most importantly, though, Jesus is the king. He is God made flesh, ruling not over an Earthly kingdom but an eternal one. It’s important to remind children that

Jesus is Reliable and True! Children’s Sermon Lesson from Mark 13:1-8

There are a lot of conflicting messages we are bombarded with daily. How do we know who or what to trust? Jesus reminded His disciples that there would be a lot of hardships to face, and a lot of people who might try to deceive. We know we can rely on the Lord for ultimate truth. If we know someone, we recognize we can trust them. Focusing on the Bible helps us to know God’s heart, and

Give It All to God! Children’s Sermon from Mark 12:38-44

What’s the most valuable gift? This children’s message tells the story of the widow’s mite to remind kids that God wants all of us. The woman in the passage gave just a few cents, but offered all she had. In the same way, we should offer all of who we are to the Lord. Money isn’t all that we can give God. With our time, talents, prayers, and praise, we devote ourselves to Him, just as He

The Greatest Commandment: Children’s Sermon from Mark 12:28-34

First things first…all things in life require a solid foundation before work or building can be accomplished. This message reminds students of the importance of this basic principle, using the alphabet as an analogy. We need letters to communicate through language, just as we need rules or guidelines to do anything. What is the most important foundational rule? We are reminded several times in the Bible of the true “Greatest Commandment”: Love God with all of who

Jesus Healed Blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52) Children’s Sermon

Jesus Hears Our Call! Call out to Jesus…He wants to help and heal! This lesson uses fun noise makers and the healing of a blind man to remind children that they can go to Jesus with any need. Bartimaeus trusted Jesus and knew He could do anything. He did not let anyone deter him from approaching the Messiah. We can rejoice that Jesus does want us to reach out to Him. We also recognize that Jesus is

Thank You Pastors! Children’s Sermon from Hebrews 5:1-10

Who’s in charge? Wherever they go, kids recognize those in leadership roles. In the church, that usually means looking to the pastor for guidance. Serving in ministry is an immense and challenging calling. Pastors work very hard, and too often we don’t provide them with quite the appreciation and gratitude that they deserve. Scripture reminds us of the importance of church leaders as God’s chosen instruments to guide us and teach us in faith matters. This message

Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler Mark 10:17-31 Children’s Sermon Lesson

What would you give up? This children’s message focuses on the story of Jesus and the rich young ruler, who thought he could earn himself salvation but missed out on the most important asset available, Christ! This message challenges kids to consider how we can become distracted by wealth or “stuff”, and forget about the most important things in life. Law/Gospel Theme: Many times, when we look at this passage, we focus on the wealth element, emphasizing

Let’s Trade! Children’s Sermon from Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12

This message uses a familiar idea of trading items to illustrate the Gospel principles of salvation. Children will consider what it means to give one thing up to get another, and how that concept relates to the life and death of Christ. When we accept His free gift of life, Jesus takes on our sin and “bad stuff” and in return makes us children of God. He has paid the ultimate price to give us a new

Be Salty Christians (Mark 9:38-50) Children’s Sermon Lesson

Children can have a challenging time understanding metaphors and abstract concepts. In this Gospel passage, Jesus offers some hyperbolic statements that can be hard even for adults. The focus of this message emphasizes the “salt” element, though. Kids are encouraged to think about the importance of our influence on the world as Christians. Just as salt can add flavor to food (among other things), we can “flavor” those around us and maintain an essential impact on those

The Least is the Greatest: Children’s Sermon from from Mark 9:30-37

“Me first!” This is a cry that is likely heard by anyone working with children. Kids are often short on patience, and can also be a bit competitive. This message communicates to them the principles that Jesus taught, which turn our ideas of greatness upside down. Discussing this Gospel passage with kids emphasizes to them how dependent we are on God, who is truly the greatest. We encourage children to rely on the Lord and seek to

Taming the Tongue (James 3:1-12) Children’s Sermon

This message emphasizes to kids the importance of using speech wisely. Children experience the impact that words can have, but they don’t always stop to think before they speak or consider how their words will impact others. This message reminds students that the things we say can be a helpful tool or a harmful weapon. Words do have lasting effects for good or for bad. We want to encourage our young people to use their mouths to