Jesus Heals a Deaf Man (Mark 7:31-37) Children’s Sermon Lesson

This message describes another of Christ’s remarkable healings. Jesus was noticed and celebrated for His amazing power. People watching did not always recognize who He was or why He did such incredible things, but we know! As kids consider how Jesus healed a man born deaf and mute, they will be encouraged to think about how we can ask God to “open our ears.” We may not have any trouble physically hearing things, but sometimes we don’t

Clean Hearts for Christ – Children’s Sermon: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23  

Actions speak louder than words…and pure intentions speak louder than outer actions! Children are accustomed to following rules or going along with traditions, even if they often don’t quite understand the meaning behind them. However, it is important to recognize that in our Christian lives, heart intent matters. God cares about what’s inside of us, more than the details of what we look like or do outwardly. This message focuses on that “clean hearts” element, which we

“Put on the Armor of God” Children’s Sermon: Ephesians 6:10-20

The Armor of God is a fun visual to talk about with students, but it is important to communicate what it truly means, as well. As frightening as it might sound, there are evil forces at work in the world around us. The good news is that we know God protects and provides for us, no matter what. This message uses some protective “gear” to exemplify the importance and meaning of being protected from harm. Our spiritual

Wise Up! Children’s Sermon: 1 Kings 3:3-14; Ephesians 5:15-21

This message aims to describe for children what wisdom means and where it comes from. Young people might think of wisdom as mere knowledge or “head smarts”, but true wisdom comes from the heart. Wisdom is something that we should desire because God wants us to have it and practice using it. The message uses practical objects and misconceptions to elaborate on what wisdom is. Law/Gospel Theme: God wants us to act as wise and not foolish

Imitate Jesus: Children’s Sermon from Ephesians 4:17-5:2

This message addresses a beautiful passage in Ephesians, which reminds us to “put on Christ” as we focus on living in ways that are kind and truthful, rather than lashing out in anger. The key principle of this message focuses on what it means to imitate Jesus. When we imitate something, we mimic or copy it, recognizing that we are not the thing itself, but that we can represent it. When we imitate Jesus, we know we

Jesus is the Bread of Life: Children’s Sermon from John 6:24-35

Despite modern concerns of gluten-free or keto-friendly diets, bread has historically been a nutrition staple, and continues to provide energy and life to those who eat it! Bread also serves as a simple and fun visual for this children’s message. Use whatever variety of bread might be relevant to your students (maybe even donuts!) to explain how important bread is. Jesus called Himself the “bread of life”, and we recognize that we need Him for fuel and

Rooted in Christ: Children’s Sermon on Ephesians 3:14-21

This message uses a plant-based object lesson to communicate to students the importance of having a firm foundation in the love of Jesus. Being “rooted” in Christ means dwelling in Him and gathering strength and nourishment from Him, just as plants set forth roots and are nourished by soil. It can be challenging for youngsters to fully grasp the metaphor of dwelling in Christ, but a practical visual helps to explain how we can be filled with

What is Compassion? Children’s Sermon from Mark 6:30-44, 53-56

The aim of this message is to illustrate for children what it means to have and share compassion with others. Youngsters often have a natural inclination towards self-serving attitudes, but they can easily be prompted to care about those in need, as well. This lesson explains through simple example what compassion is, and also describes how Jesus demonstrated genuine compassion throughout His earthly ministry. Law/Gospel Theme: Students are frequently reminded of the need to act with kindness

Children’s Sermon (Ephesians 1:3-14) Chosen By God for a Purpose!

Young students might not yet be wrestling with the question of life purpose, but every child seeks to be known and loved. Whether or not they have strong relationships with family, it’s important for kids to know that they are chosen by God and adopted into His family. This message reminds students that God has a special plan and purpose for them, and that He has always cared for them and will continue to do so.  The

Children’s Sermon (2 Corinthians 12:2-10) Power in Weakness

Children might not have traumatic struggles and challenges to face in their lives (hopefully!), but they can certainly relate to the concept of weakness. There are a lot of things that are difficult or impossible for kids to do on their own, and they recognize that they need help from others to accomplish daily tasks. In the same way, we know we rely on God for all that we do in our lives. This message reminds students

Have Faith! Children’s Sermon (Mark 5:21-43) Jesus Raises Jairus’ Daughter

Faith can be a challenging concept to understand, but it’s important to discuss with young children. Students should be taught that solid faith does not rely on our own strength, but on what we put our faith in—a God who is powerful and capable of anything. This message uses a simple “blind bag” illustration to point out how faith involves belief without sight. The story element features acts of healing that Jesus did, reminding us that He

Jesus Calms the Storm (Mark 4:35-41) Children’s Sermon

The story of Jesus Calming the stormy waves is a fun and fascinating one to share with children, but it’s about more than just a natural disaster miracle. Use the events of Mark 4 to remind students that God is in control of our lives. He can bring us peace when we feel frightened or upset, just as Jesus calmed the Sea of Galilee. This message includes an interactive recreation of the event as well as an

God Looks at the Heart (1 Samuel 15:34-16:13) Children’s Sermon

Modern culture places a lot of emphasis on outward appearance. When we look around at what is celebrated and “idolized”, it seems as though looks are most important. For kids, it’s easy to judge things based on what they look like. However, as we explore the story of David being anointed king, we recognize that God looks at our hearts, rather than what we are on the outside. It’s critical to communicate to children from early on

The Family of Christ – Children’s Sermon on Mark 3:20-35

Families are wonderful and important…but they certainly are not perfect. Fortunately, we have been given the opportunity to be part of the family of Jesus! This message emphasizes how Jesus calls us His brothers and sisters. We are sons and daughters of God, and siblings of one another and of Christ. This is a blessed and comforting thought, whether or not we have or get along with earthly siblings! We can embrace our relationship with Jesus, knowing

What is the Holy Spirit? Children’s Sermon (Acts 2:1-21; John 16:4-16)

The Holy Spirit can be a challenging element of the Trinity to explain or discuss with children (or anyone, for that matter!). At Pentecost, we celebrate the coming of the Spirit and the “birthday” of the church. This message seeks to communicate to students who the Spirit is and what He does for us. We may not see the Holy Spirit physically, but through his power all things take place! Law/Gospel Theme: Jesus promised to send a

Children’s Sermon (John 17:6-19) Jesus Gives Us Tools for Prayer

Children need to understand the power and importance of prayer, but it can be a challenging topic to teach. This message describes the way that Jesus has prayed for us and encourages children to recognize that God helps us pray. The illustration involved uses an object that requires tools and assistance to fix, in order to share with kids how God gives us tools and assistance to communicate with Him. Law/Gospel Theme: Jesus has given us all

Jesus is the Real Thing! (John 15:9-17) Children’s Sermon

This children’s message imparts the hope of our relationship with Jesus. Earthly friendships may fail and disappoint us, but the love of Christ will always be there. It might be hard to grasp since we do not see the Lord physically, but His presence guards and guides us. Jesus calls us friends and laid down His life for us. The message uses a “disappointing” object to remind children that God does not disappoint. Law/Gospel Theme: Jesus has

Vine and the Branches: Children’s Sermon Lesson from John 15:1-8

This message explains that we need to remain constantly connected to Christ. As a branch needs to be connected to the main part of the plant in order to live, we need to be “attached” to the Lord. What does this mean? Being rooted in prayer and Bible reading should be components of our daily life, providing the fuel we need to grow and stay healthy in our faith. This message uses a “fruity” object lesson to

Who’s Your Good Shepherd? Children’s Sermon from John 10:11-18

This message reminds students that God loves and cares for us, and that He protects us at all times. Just as a shepherd watches out for the needs of the lambs and sees that they have what they need, God provides for us. Jesus gave His life for His sheep, willing to sacrifice for those He loves. The Bible uses many beautiful reminders of this shepherd analogy, and explaining those passages helps children understand and appreciate the

Children’s Sermon (Luke 24:36-49) Jesus Proves His Identity

This message communicates to children the importance of trusting that Jesus truly is God, and that He has authority to forgive our sins and encourage us in our faith. Jesus proved His identity by coming back to life from the dead! Because we believe in His death and resurrection, we should want to share that good news with others. Law/Gospel Theme: Jesus most certainly died and came back to life! Because of this, we have assurance that

Easter Children’s Sermon (John 20:1-18) Colors of Hope

Easter is (or should be) the pivotal holiday of the Christian faith. It celebrates the greatest event in history, and is a time of great rejoicing! Aside from the fancy dresses, fun decorations, and baskets, though, what is it that we honor for Easter? Young children might not always have a solid understanding of the story behind God’s great plan for mankind. In this message, the story of Good Friday and Easter is told through a favorite

Children’s Message: Palm Sunday (Mark 11:1-11)

Palm Sunday is a fun and triumphant church celebration, especially when it involves waving branches during service and having “mini parades” or songs. But what does it mean and celebrate? This message takes a look at the original events of Palm Sunday, with an emphasis on how Jesus had a different end goal and purpose than what the people wanted for Him. We recognize that He did not come to establish an earthly kingdom or to fulfill

Children’s Sermon (John 12:20-33) Jesus Died to Give Life

This message demonstrates how Jesus died in order to give us life. Children will consider plants and seeds as an analogy of Christ’s sacrifice. Plants die in a sense and enter the earth, in order to grow up out of the ground and provide new life and vegetation. In the same way, Christ gave up His life, but rose again and gives life to all.  Law/Gospel Theme: Jesus came to live a different sort of life, and

God’s Big Picture (John 3:14-21) Children’s Sermon

This children’s sermon is focused on recognizing the importance of who Jesus is in relation to God’s great plan for the salvation of all people. Children may be familiar with the John 3:16 passage, but might not fully understand what it means and why it is so important. The object lesson in this message uses images at unique angles to explain the importance of seeing Christ in light of the whole story of the Bible. Law/Gospel Theme: