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ENDS SOON 🌻 101-Week Curriculum Bundle
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Scripture Index of Sunday School Lessons for Kids
"The Last Supper & Good Friday" Bible Study for Kids
April Fools Day Coloring Pages (with Bible Wisdom)
Sunday School Lesson (John 11:1-45) Jesus Raised Lazarus from the Dead
Craft Ideas: Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead
HOME Sunday School Lesson (John 9:1-42) Jesus Heals a Blind Man
Children's Sermon on Jesus Healing the Blind Man (John 9:1-42)
Craft Ideas on Jesus Healing the Man Born Blind
Children's Sermon: The Woman at the Well (John 4) Living Water Object Lesson
Crafts about the Woman at the Well for Sunday School
Ruth Coloring Page
Craft ideas on the Temptation of Jesus
Temptation of Christ Children’s Sermon Message Luke 4:1-13
Children's Sermon (Matthew 17:1-9) The Transfiguration of Jesus
Sunday School Lesson (Matthew 17:1-9) The Transfiguration of Jesus
Valentine Children's Sermon (Matthew 5:21-37) Object Lesson
David Coloring Page
Deborah Coloring Page
"Love Rules" Lesson #12 in the Ten Commandments for Kids
Children's Sermon: Be "Salt and Light" for Jesus! Matthew 5:13-20 Object Lesson
Craft Ideas: Be "Salt and Light" for Jesus
"Be Content" Lesson #11 in the Ten Commandments for Kids
Moses Coloring Page
Beatitude Craft Ideas
Children's Sermon on the Beatitudes | Matthew 5:1-12
“Tell the Truth” Lesson #10 in The Ten Commandments for Kids
Sunday School Lesson "Fishers of Friends" Matthew 4:12-23
Coloring Page "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8
Children's Sermon (Matthew 4:12-23) Object Lesson on "Fishers of Men"
Sunday School Crafts on "Fishers of Men" for Jesus from Matthew 4
“Don't Steal” Lesson #9 in The Ten Commandments for Kids
Sunday School Lesson (John 1:29-42) Go Make Disciples
Sunday School Crafts on the Disciples Sharing about Jesus
Children's Sermon (John 1:29-42) Object Lesson on Sharing about Jesus
Sunday School Lesson (Matthew 2:1-13) Visitation of the Magi | Epiphany
Children's Sermon (John 1:1-18) Adopted by God Object Lesson
"Value Life" Lesson #7 in The Ten Commandments for Kids
Sunday School Lesson (Luke 2:22-40) Simeon and Anna Rejoice
Celebrate Jesus Crafts for Sunday School
Children's Sermon (Matthew 2:13-23) God is in Control Object Lesson
Mary and Joseph (The Birth of Jesus) Sunday School Lesson
Christmas Children's Sermon (Matthew 1:18-25)
Isaiah 9 Coloring Pages: People in darkness have seen a GREAT light.
Sunday School Lesson (Matthew 2) King Herod the (NOT) Great
“Obey Authority” Lesson #6 in The Ten Commandments for Kids
“Holy Sabbath Rest” Lesson #5 in the 10 Commandments for Kids
Children's Sermon (Matthew 11:2-11) "Signs of the Messiah" Object Lesson
"God's Holy Name" Lesson #4 in the 10 Commandments for Kids
Advent Sunday School Lesson (Luke 2:8-20) The Bethlehem Shepherds
"No Idols" Lesson #3 in the 10 Commandments for Kids
"Shine the Light" Matthew 3:1-12 Children's Sermon
"Who's Number One?" Lesson #2 in the 10 Commandments for Kids
Advent Sunday School Lesson: Elizabeth & the Birth of John the Baptist
Children's Sermon (Matthew 24:36-44) Be Prepared Object Lesson
"Why We Have Rules" Lesson #1 in the 10 Commandments for Kids
Sunday School Lesson (Luke 23:33-43) How Jesus' Cross Connects to Christmas
Children's Sermon (Luke 23:33-43) Object Lesson on Jesus the Greatest Gift
Children's Sermon (Luke 21:5-19) Object Lesson on Trusting Jesus'
Sunday School Lesson (Judges 6-7) The Story of Gideon for Kids
Gideon Craft Ideas for Sunday School
Children's Sermon (Exodus 3:1-15) Moses and the Burning Bush
3 Paper Craft Ideas for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Children's Sermon (1 Thess 5:16-19) Object Lesson
Sunday School Lesson (Luke 19:1-10) “Zacchaeus the Tax Collector”
Zacchaeus Crafts for Sunday School (Luke 19:1-10) Craft Activities
Zacchaeus Children's Sermon (Luke 19:1-10) Changed Hearts Object Lesson
Sunday School Lesson (Luke 18:9-14) Pharisee and Tax Collector
Bible Craft Activities: The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
Object Lesson (Luke 18:9-14) Children's Sermon on the Pharisee and Tax Collector
Sunday School Lesson (Luke 18:1-8) Prayer & The Parable of the Persistent Widow
Sunday School Lesson (Luke 7:1-10) The Faith of the Centurion
"Scripture, God's Word" Craft ideas about the Bible
God's Word Object Lesson (2 Timothy 3:14-4:5) Children's Sermon
Sunday School Lesson (Luke 17:11-17) Jesus Heals: Who Says Thanks?
"Give Thanks – Say Thanks" Bible Craft Ideas
Faith Object Lesson (Luke 17:1-5) Children's Sermon for Sunday School
Sunday School Lesson (Luke 16:19-31) The Rich Man & Lazarus
Bible Crafts (Putting God First) for Sunday School
Children's Sermon (Luke 16:19-31) Lazarus & Rich Man
Sunday School Lesson (Luke 16:1-15) Money & Wise Stewardship
Children's Sermon "The Lost Sheep" Luke 15:1-10
Sunday School Lesson (Luke 14:25-35) Counting the Cost
Children's Sermon (Luke 14:25-35) Counting the Cost Object Lesson
Sunday School Lesson (Jeremiah 1:4-10) God Wants to Use You
Children's Sermon (Luke 13:10-17) Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
Faith in the Face of…Anything! (Hebrews 11:1-12:3) Sunday School Lessons
Children's Sermon (Hebrews 11:29-12:3) "What is Faith"
Children's Sermon (Don't Worry – Treasure in Heaven) Luke 12:22-34
Sunday School Lesson (Luke 12:13-21) Parable of the Rich Foolish Man
"Back to School " Children's Sermon (Jesus, the Sin Eraser)
God is Worthy (1 Samuel 4-7) Lesson #42 in What is God Like?
God is With Us (Exodus 25-40) Lesson #41 in What is God Like?
God is Wise (1 Kings 3) Lesson #40 in What is God Like?
God is Unchangeable (Luke 19) Lesson #39 in What is God Like?
Citizens of Heaven (Luke 10:1-11; 16-20) Children's Sermon for July 4th
Following Jesus (Luke 9:51-62; Luke 14:25-34) Sunday School Lesson
Jesus Protects and Transforms (Luke 8:26-39) Sunday School Lesson
Jesus Has Power (Luke 8:26-39) Children's Sermon
Father's Day Children's Sermon (John 16:12-15) Print & Video
God is Truth (Genesis 2 -3) Lesson #38 in What is God Like?
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