Wise Up! Sunday School Lesson: 1 Kings 3:3-14; Eph. 5:15-21

What is wisdom? How do we know what choices are best? Can we make ourselves wise? Young students may or may not have encountered such considerations in their lives, but they are worth discussion. Kids should understand what wisdom is and where it comes from. They can learn the importance of discernment, even at an early age. The story of King Solomon is a great opportunity to contemplate wisdom and recognize that it is a treasure from

Imitate Jesus: Children’s Sermon from Ephesians 4:17-5:2

This message addresses a beautiful passage in Ephesians, which reminds us to “put on Christ” as we focus on living in ways that are kind and truthful, rather than lashing out in anger. The key principle of this message focuses on what it means to imitate Jesus. When we imitate something, we mimic or copy it, recognizing that we are not the thing itself, but that we can represent it. When we imitate Jesus, we know we

Bible Crafts: Put on a New Self (Ephesians 4:17-5:2)

What does it mean to imitate Jesus? How do we build others up with kindness and tenderheartedness? Is it a sin to be angry? This beautiful passage from Ephesians emphasizes the importance of genuine kindness. These crafts reiterate the significance of building each other up in love and controlling our reactions to emotion by focusing on Jesus. A “flipside of anger mask” reminds kids that we should imitate Christ, and not dwell on anger. An “anger stress

Copy Christ! Sunday School Lesson from Ephesians 4:17-5:2

“Be kind”…we say it often, but what does it mean? How do we describe and encourage love and kindness in students, and how do we explain the importance of imitating Jesus, despite our troublesome human nature? It can be challenging to re-shape the naturally self-centered habits of children, but it’s important to provide them with God’s word as an example of how we ought to live. Kids can observe and explore how beautiful it is to love

Jesus is the Bread from Heaven (John 6:24-35) Sunday School Lesson

Have some bread! In this day of gluten-free, carb friendly diet consciousness, we might lose sight of how essential bread has been historically to life. It is a food staple that sees variations throughout time and culture, but which nourishes and strengthens us physically. Understanding that Jesus is our “bread” reminds us that He provides what we need for spiritual strength and health. We need more than just food to survive in life. We need Jesus! Lesson

Bible Crafts on the Bread of Life (John 6:24-35)

We see bread appear several times in the Bible…God gave the Israelites manna in the wilderness. Christ used loaves and fish to feed crowds. Most significantly, the savior gave His body for us on the cross, and calls us to remember that with the bread of Communion. What does it mean that Jesus calls Himself the bread of life? Just as we are physically fed by food, we recognize that we need spiritual nourishment. We obtain that

Jesus is the Bread of Life: Children’s Sermon from John 6:24-35

Despite modern concerns of gluten-free or keto-friendly diets, bread has historically been a nutrition staple, and continues to provide energy and life to those who eat it! Bread also serves as a simple and fun visual for this children’s message. Use whatever variety of bread might be relevant to your students (maybe even donuts!) to explain how important bread is. Jesus called Himself the “bread of life”, and we recognize that we need Him for fuel and

Rooted in Christ: Children’s Sermon on Ephesians 3:14-21

This message uses a plant-based object lesson to communicate to students the importance of having a firm foundation in the love of Jesus. Being “rooted” in Christ means dwelling in Him and gathering strength and nourishment from Him, just as plants set forth roots and are nourished by soil. It can be challenging for youngsters to fully grasp the metaphor of dwelling in Christ, but a practical visual helps to explain how we can be filled with

Chosen with a Purpose (Ephesians 1:3-14) Sunday School Lesson

What is my purpose? Young children might not worry too much about a grand plan or purpose for their lives, but it’s still meaningful to communicate to them that God loves them and has chosen them for something important. We might not know much about the future, but we can be confident that God promises us amazing blessings, and that He has a plan for us that was known long before we were even born! Lesson focus:

Showing Compassion: Mark 6:30-44, 53-56 Sunday School Lesson

What does compassion mean? Who demonstrates compassion, and how can we show it to others? We hear a great deal about the miracles of Jesus, but don’t always pause to contemplate why He did so many amazing things. The Savior truly loves and cares about all people (including us!). He provided healing during His earthly ministry because He had compassion. The same Jesus still lives with us and has compassion upon us, and He wants us to

Bible Craft Ideas on Compassion

It’s important to help children understand and embrace what it means to have compassion. It often takes modeling and encouraging, but is essential to developing character and kindness. Students should first value and appreciate how much compassion Christ demonstrates towards us, and out of that appreciation, they should share that compassion with others. These two crafts aim to assist in efforts to understand compassion. A “blooming with compassion flower” offers an opportunity to consider ways to show

What is Compassion? Children’s Sermon from Mark 6:30-44, 53-56

The aim of this message is to illustrate for children what it means to have and share compassion with others. Youngsters often have a natural inclination towards self-serving attitudes, but they can easily be prompted to care about those in need, as well. This lesson explains through simple example what compassion is, and also describes how Jesus demonstrated genuine compassion throughout His earthly ministry. Law/Gospel Theme: Students are frequently reminded of the need to act with kindness

Chosen By God: Bible Craft Ideas for Ephesians 1:3-14

We recognize the precious blessing that we are sons and daughters of God. He has chosen us and made us part of His family, which reminds us that we are heirs to His kingdom and deeply loved by Him! These are beautiful truths that children need to know and embrace. These crafts aim to help students recall who they are in Christ and know that they have a special purpose. An “up-cycled instrument” uses simple materials in

Children’s Sermon (Ephesians 1:3-14) Chosen By God for a Purpose!

Young students might not yet be wrestling with the question of life purpose, but every child seeks to be known and loved. Whether or not they have strong relationships with family, it’s important for kids to know that they are chosen by God and adopted into His family. This message reminds students that God has a special plan and purpose for them, and that He has always cared for them and will continue to do so.  The

Children’s Sermon (2 Corinthians 12:2-10) Power in Weakness

Children might not have traumatic struggles and challenges to face in their lives (hopefully!), but they can certainly relate to the concept of weakness. There are a lot of things that are difficult or impossible for kids to do on their own, and they recognize that they need help from others to accomplish daily tasks. In the same way, we know we rely on God for all that we do in our lives. This message reminds students

Bible Crafts: God Gives Us Strength (2 Corinthians 12:2-10)

We recognize that life is full of challenges, and that we are not always capable of doing what we would like to do. The blessed message of this passage is that God’s strength shines through when we are weak! Highlighting 2 Corinthians 12, wherein Paul describes his struggle with an unrelieved challenge, these crafts remind children that our weaknesses can help us rely on God all the more. A cross wrapped in soft yarn or fabric illustrates

When I am Weak…HE is Strong! Sunday School Lesson 2 Corinthians 12:2-10

How can something be made strong because it’s weak? Only through the power of God! This simple Sunday School lesson focuses on a beautiful passage of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. Students will consider what it means to face challenges that they might not be able to conquer on their own power. They will appreciate the strength that comes through relying on God’s grace first and foremost. The file download above includes the complete teaching plan, craft

Have Faith! Jesus Heals! Bible Craft Ideas (Mark 5:21-43)

What is faith? What does it mean to have faith and to trust in Jesus? This concept is the focus of the Gospel lesson on Mark 5, where Jesus heals a woman with a bleeding condition and a young girl who has died. These crafts celebrate that element of faith and healing. A “healing stick” reminds us that Jesus heals our hearts, even if physical relief is not immediate. A simple but fun puppet recounts the resurrection

Have Faith! Children’s Sermon (Mark 5:21-43) Jesus Raises Jairus’ Daughter

Faith can be a challenging concept to understand, but it’s important to discuss with young children. Students should be taught that solid faith does not rely on our own strength, but on what we put our faith in—a God who is powerful and capable of anything. This message uses a simple “blind bag” illustration to point out how faith involves belief without sight. The story element features acts of healing that Jesus did, reminding us that He

Bible Craft Ideas: Jesus Calms the Storm

The story of Jesus calming the stormy sea is an exciting event that also packs important Biblical truths: God controls all things. He keeps His promises to take care for us, and will provide what we need. Just as Christ had command over the wind and waves on the lake, He has command over our hearts and can still our uncertain and stormy minds. These crafts aim to remind children of those comforting principles. A “storm scene”

Jesus Calms the Storm (Mark 4:35-41) Children’s Sermon

The story of Jesus Calming the stormy waves is a fun and fascinating one to share with children, but it’s about more than just a natural disaster miracle. Use the events of Mark 4 to remind students that God is in control of our lives. He can bring us peace when we feel frightened or upset, just as Jesus calmed the Sea of Galilee. This message includes an interactive recreation of the event as well as an

Bible Crafts for (1 Samuel 15:34-16:13) God Looks at the Heart

It’s easy for kids (and adults!) to judge things based on outer appearances or to consider them the most important element of who we are. However, we know from the Bible that God looks at heart attitude and intent, not at the outer trappings. These crafts celebrate the anointing of David by Samuel. God had to guide Samuel to His choice of Jesse’s sons rather than the most impressive-looking one. The craft highlighting the importance of inner

God Looks at the Heart (1 Samuel 15:34-16:13) Children’s Sermon

Modern culture places a lot of emphasis on outward appearance. When we look around at what is celebrated and “idolized”, it seems as though looks are most important. For kids, it’s easy to judge things based on what they look like. However, as we explore the story of David being anointed king, we recognize that God looks at our hearts, rather than what we are on the outside. It’s critical to communicate to children from early on

The Family of Christ – Children’s Sermon on Mark 3:20-35

Families are wonderful and important…but they certainly are not perfect. Fortunately, we have been given the opportunity to be part of the family of Jesus! This message emphasizes how Jesus calls us His brothers and sisters. We are sons and daughters of God, and siblings of one another and of Christ. This is a blessed and comforting thought, whether or not we have or get along with earthly siblings! We can embrace our relationship with Jesus, knowing