Heaven Childrenā€™s Sermon (Revelation 21:1-7) New Heaven and New Earth

Heaven childrens sermon for kids church

Use this “heaven” themed children’s sermon message in your kids church, Sunday School, or children’s ministry moment to share the hope of Heaven from Revelation 21:1-7. Watch our video demonstration below and download the lesson plan notes. Gather your object lesson materials and enjoy teaching this Bible message of hope to the children in your ministry. Children’s Sermon Summary: This … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Hope of Easter: Childrenā€™s Sermon Lesson on The Resurrection of Jesus from John 20:1-18

easter children's sermon, easter childrens sermon, easter children's message, easter sunday children's sermon, children's easter message, easter message for kids, easter sermon for kids, childrens sermons easter, empty tomb children's sermon, sermons4kids easter, children's sermon easter, children easter sermons, easter children's sermons, the empty easter egg story

Childrenā€™s Message for Kids Church on the Resurrection Hope of Easter Sunday. Download this children’s sermon to use in your Sunday School or Kids Church this Easter Sunday! Lesson Objective: Throughout history, we have seen stories of underdogs pulling through. Sometimes this means sports teams winning against all odds. In other cases, it might be an outnumbered army overpowering a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Object Lesson on Obeying God’s Word (Luke 11:28) for Kids Lesson

Children's sermon on obeying God's Word

Use this children’s sermon when teaching kids about obedience. It’s based on Luke 11:28 where Jesus said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of GodĀ and obey it.ā€ Compare John 8:47 scripture about hearing the words of Jesus Christ. Children’s Sermon about Obedience to God You can find more childrenā€™s sermons on Pastor Robbieā€™s YouTube channel called, ā€œFamily Moments.ā€ Hereā€™s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Childrenā€™s Sermon Object Lesson about Godā€™s Protection from Psalm 27, Psalm 63, Isaiah 55

God Protects His Children: Umbrella Object Lesson and Childrenā€™s Sermon on Godā€™s Protection and Strength

Kids need to know that God’s Protection is always with them. Use this children’s sermon and umbrella object lesson to teach that God will protect his children. Download the lesson plan below and watch our children’s sermon video as you prepare to teach in your own children’s church or Sunday School ministry. Lesson Teaching Objective: There can be a great … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lesson on Fear (Psalm 55:22) Kids Object Lesson

children's sermons on fear

Use this Bible object lesson to teach kids about overcoming fear.Ā It’s based on Psalm 55:22, “Cast your cares on theĀ Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” Children’s Sermon about Fear / How to be Brave You can find more childrenā€™s sermons onĀ Pastor Robbieā€™s YouTube channel called, ā€œFamily Moments.ā€ Here is the transcript for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Object Lesson on Faith (2 Corinthians 4:18)

Bible Object Lesson on Faith

Use this children’s Bible object lesson with props to teach kids about faith. Itā€™s based on 2 Corinthians 4:18, “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen,Ā since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” Bible Object Lesson about Faith & Trusting Jesus You can find more childrenā€™s sermons onĀ Pastor … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lesson about Lying (Proverbs 12:22) Kids Bible Object Lesson

children's sermon on lying

Use this children’s sermon with props to teach kids about lying. It’s based on Proverbs 12:22, “TheĀ LordĀ detests lying lips,Ā but he delightsĀ in people who are trustworthy.” Lying Children’s Sermon with Props You can find more childrenā€™s sermons on Pastor Robbieā€™s YouTube channel called, ā€œFamily Moments.ā€ Hereā€™s the transcript of thisĀ childrenā€™s sermon on lying. [Music]hey everyone welcome to another excitingepisodeof family moments where … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Well-Watered Trees: Sunday School Lesson from Psalm 1; Jeremiah 17:5-10

Use this free Sunday School Lesson when teaching about "Trees by Living Water" from Psalm 1 and Jeremiah 17:5-10 in your children's ministry or kids church.

What does it mean to bear spiritual fruit? Scripture is full of plant images, often connecting our Christian lives with principles of agriculture. Many Biblical references describe trees, encouraging us to be ā€œwell-plantedā€ in the Lord and ā€œwateredā€ by His grace. Here, we look at Psalms and the prophet Jeremiah to relate our faith health to arboreal themes. Lesson focus: … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Trees Planted by Waterā€¦ Childrenā€™s Sermon Lesson from Psalm 1; Jeremiah 17:5-10

Childrenā€™s Sermon Lesson (Psalm 1; Jeremiah 17:5-10)

Trees Planted by Waterā€¦ Childrenā€™s Message on Spiritual Growth and Health –  This message encourages children to stay closely connected to God in order to thrive and grow. Passages from both Psalms and Jeremiah reflect on tree metaphors, noting how relying on Godā€™s law and love nourishes and strengthens us. The message uses examples of withering and healthy plants to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Most Important Pieceā€¦ ā€œBody of Christā€ Childrenā€™s Sermon from 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

Children need to understand the importance of their place in the body of Christ. It takes a group of individuals with unique talents and abilities to contribute Godā€™s work in the church. This lesson uses a jigsaw puzzle to illustrate how all ā€œpiecesā€ (and people) are significant. Just as a puzzle needs all of the pieces to complete a picture, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Let Your Light Shine! (Matthew 2:1-12) Sunday School Lesson for Epiphany

Contrary to most traditional Nativity scenes, the visitation of the Magi (or ā€œWise Menā€) most likely did not take place directly after the birth of Jesus, but was a somewhat separate, though still significant event. In several countries, Epiphany (or ā€œThree Kings Dayā€) is elaborately honored with gifts and food, in some places even more so than Christmas itself. This … More Children’s Ministry Resources