10 Storytelling Ideas for Kids Church Lessons

childrens church lessons

There is a big difference between giving a lesson plan and telling an God’s amazing story. This guest post from David Rausch (creator of an awesome children’s church lessons called GO! Curriculum). He shares simple tips to make your Bible teaching more interactive. 10 interactive storytelling ideas for ELEMENTARY kids If you want to make your KidMin lessons more interactive … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Classroom Management: Setting Biblical Rules

One of the most common questions I hear from new teachers (or those considering serving in children’s ministry) is about classroom management and discipline. How do I keep them all under control? What are the rules? What do I do when someone disobeys? What does discipline look like in the classroom? These are all great questions and should all be … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teacher Buckets – Making It Easy For Your Teachers

Sometimes it can be very time consuming to prepare for a lesson. Gathering supplies, making copies, going to the store to buy those harder to gather supplies, all takes time. Having lesson buckets for classrooms makes it easier for teachers to teach. When I was put over the Children’s Ministries, I soon realized that all of the teachers were buying … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Parables, Poems, and Prophecy… Literature Building Faith

“Read me a story!” This child-driven request can be for adults an invitation to perform, music to the ears, or merely a bedtime stall tactic…but it is natural and wonderful for kids to enjoy listening to tales. In this age of instant satisfaction entertainment and screen-swiping technology, there is something to be said for a return to good “old-fashioned” literature. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What Kids Can Teach Us About Following Jesus

Childlike Maturity… Cultivating an Attitude of Genuine Enthusiasm “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” (Luke 18:16-17) What, exactly, might this mean? Why would … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Top 10 Tips for Telling a Bible Story

It’s your turn to teach, you have the lesson, now what? How do you take the lesson printed on paper and present it to a room full of kids? I regularly have new volunteers begin serving in children’s ministry and the top concern I hear from them is something along the lines of… I’m happy to help, but I’m not a teacher. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

A Starter’s Guide for Teaching Sunday School

I will never forget the day a relative commented, “Teaching isn’t difficult. You just get in front of people and tell them what you know.” Sure thing (I replied in my head), if you never want to have an impact on your students. There seems to be a misconception that teaching is a skill anyone can just pick up, but … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Classroom Supplies Checklist

As the new year comes, it’s a great time to make sure all of the classrooms are set up. It’s important to have supplies for your teachers so that they feel like they can complete their lessons adequately and not have to spend a lot of money out-of-pocket. Though most teachers that I know buy things for their classes and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Buckets for Toys

New years is a great way to organize and clean out things. I like to work through the classroom to see what can be cleaned up, thrown away, or organized. That’s where the toys come in. I don’t know about you, but when I teach classes, we are way too busy to play with toys. Don’t get me wrong, I … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What to Do When Teaching Styles Clash?

If teaching children’s church or Sunday School was as easy as showing up and teaching a Bible story, everyone would do it! However, that’s rarely the case. We serve an awesome God but we’re all human–that includes our leaders. A recent email from a discouraged teacher has me thinking about one particular subject–when teaching styles clash. You know what I … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What to Do When Kids Feel Entitled

Kids are loving beings who don’t mind getting muddy to help a friend in need. They have big hearts and feel very deeply about things. I love kids! I’ve been serving them for nearly twenty years! However, they can also be selfish and display a sense of entitlement that is nothing short of shocking. You know, kind of like some … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching Kids to Know Nothing but Christ

In 1 Corinthians 2:2, Paul says “For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” (ESV) Let those words sink in for a minute. What does it mean to know nothing except Jesus Christ? Take just a minute to stop and take inventory of your thoughts for the last 60 seconds. If we’re honest, most … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Exercises that Increase Creativity

In a previous article, “How to Become More Creative,” I mentioned that you should work your creative muscles daily if you want to improve it. Believe me, I wasn’t born writing object lessons or designing kids’ crusades. It took time and lots of practice but it all began at a children’s ministry conference in my hometown. It was my first … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Become More Creative in Your Teaching

One thing I hear a lot from new children’s ministry volunteers is, “I’m not that creative.” I used to argue with people who said this. Like a responsible children’s ministry leader, I’d tell them what I believed, that God made us all creative beings, that creativity can be expressed in infinite ways. I even took some by the hand and … More Children’s Ministry Resources