Seek Thee (Family Devotional)

Seek Thee is a family devotional designed to connect God’s creation to the Bible. This devotional would be perfect for summer and/ or a camping trip. It focuses on one verse and helps the kids put it into action.  Activity One: As a family wake up early enough to watch the sunrise. The kids would find it fun to sit … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Big Church, Little Church: Which to Choose for Kids?

There’s been quite a bit of bruhaha lately about whether to send your kids to children’s church or keep them with their parents in the larger congregation. As a long time children’s minister, (twenty years now) I’ve seen the “big church, little church” debate arise numerous times.  It’s healthy to talk about these things but for those of you who … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Poll: What is your opinion of Pokémon Go?

[polldaddy poll=9470964]   After lots of good conversation about Pokémon Go in our parent’s guide, I thought it would be helpful to poll our readers for their opinions. Feel free to sound off in the comments as well. Let’s just be respectful to one another in Christ.

Pokémon Go: What Parents Need to Know

Pokémon are everywhere…. The latest reinvention of this gaming phenomenon is going viral. It’s called Pokémon Go and it’s the biggest trend in kid culture this summer (and probably this year). In this article, I’m trying to explain the game and offer a basic guide to what parents need to know about Pokémon Go. It’s the classic capture-train-battle imaginary animals game with … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Don't Just Talk…Do Something! Setting Example by Action (Titus 2:7-8)

“Well, maybe you should write this homework assignment yourself!” The back-talking student retorts to a teacher’s request… “I’d like to see you run this work-out!” Says the athlete to coach (which probably earns extra laps). Kids crave validity. They want adults who demonstrate and lead by example, rather than simply lecturing. As teachers, mentors, and ministers, we are called to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

We All Need to Recharge in Christ – Devotion

In this modern age of electronic emphasis and technological advance, we have grown somewhat dependent on our gadgets and appliances. Anyone who has had the misfortune of going without a phone or temporarily losing power can understand the frustrated feeling of detachment that comes with not being able to instantly access the usual contacts and keep up with friends. And … More Children’s Ministry Resources

60 Summer Fun Activity Ideas for Kids

Well, it’s that time again. It’s summer. We are taking a well-deserved break from school and enjoying the nice weather. It’s also the time when my boys start saying, “There’s nothing to do!” Translated, this means, “Entertain us, Mom!” I’m prepared this year! I’ve made up a list of 60 items that they can do alone and with me. I … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thanksgiving Interview Idea for Children & Families

Having trouble getting the children in your ministry to talk with the older generations at your church? Here’s a wonderful project to get multiple generations talking together. Give each of the children in your ministry a copy of this interview (there are 2 per page). Have them interview someone in your congregation, trying to have them all interview someone different. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Help for Parents: Preparing Kids for a New School Year

Yeah! It’s that time again–back to school. With all the uncertainty in the world, it’s easy to see why parents would be a little fearful about sending them to school. As children’s ministers we have the opportunity to help parents send their children back to school safely. Feel free to share these practical tips in your weekly bulletin, monthly newsletter … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Parents That Embarrass Their Kids

Kids have such soft hearts and squishy spirits. Why would you ever want to intentionally embarrass them? That doesn’t stop some parents from humiliating their little ones and not accidentally. Let’s face it—we all embarrass our kids eventually but that’s usually because we dress too trendy or too dated or say something that makes us sound “lame.” I’m not a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Encourage Kids to Read the Bible at Home

Inspiring kids to hone their bible-studying skills is a dream we all have, isn’t it? My kids are pretty good about showing up to church with a bible (I do offer incentives) but I notice that sometimes the books don’t make it home. That tells me that during the week, kids aren’t opening the bible at all. That’s not good. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Cell Phones Apps for Christian Kids

You have to agree that cell phones are everywhere! Not only do parents have them “glued” to their hands but so do teens and now kids. I can’t tell you the number of birthday parties I’ve attended recently (and that’s quite a few—I’m a children’s pastor) where kids are receiving cell phones as gifts. I won’t go into all my … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Five Ways Parents Can Disciple Kids

Make disciples! That was the command of Jesus to his disciples. What better way to fulfill this command then to disciple your own children and empower others to do the same. Biblical discipleship wasn’t in the classroom, it was demonstrated through daily interaction with others — letting them see Christ-like living. Even parents who are new Christians can disciple their … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Outreach Idea: Host a Parenting Class

A strong church focuses on the family–in whatever form that family takes. Whether a family is a single parent or a large blended family, chances are parents will face challenges they didn’t plan on. An angry tween who can’t seem to move past a divorce, a toddler with severe separation anxiety, a frazzled parent who has no idea what to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Family Ministries Ideas: The Lord's Prayer

The Lord’s prayer is simple but perhaps that’s what makes it so powerful. The words of Jesus have resonated with humanity for 2000 years–long after he first spoke them. What better prayer example can we ask for? If you have a heart to get your families praying this prayer at home, give them some inspiration. Put some suggestions in your … More Children’s Ministry Resources