Designing an Effective Discipline Plan for Kids Church

Discipline plans often need tweaking but sometimes it’s not clear what changes we need to make. You have an incentive program. You even feature the Kid of the Week in your newsletter. Still little Wendy can’t stop shouting out during teaching time and Jason wants another snack–now! Don’t despair; you aren’t alone. Reworking your discipline plan to cover these points … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Using My Talents Object Lesson (1 Peter 4:10-11)

The New Testament features more than one parable about talents but this particular lesson focuses on talents being gifts. It may be a while before the children in your class or church step into ministry but it’s never too early to start thinking about how to use those God-given talents for kingdom service. This object lesson begins with these verses: … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Easter Stations for Children's Church

Easter Morning Stained Glass

At Easter time, children’s ministries have to walk the line between the secular and the biblical and sometimes it’s a tough line to walk. If you’ve been in children’s church leadership long you know that parents, grandparents and sometimes the entire community expect you to host some sort of Easter egg hunt or a pageant for this holiday. That’s part … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Silly Ways to Play Duck Duck Goose

Have time to kill at the end of class or looking for an active game to break up a teaching block? Keep it simple and call out this fun, classic game. Of course, you could play the traditional Duck, Duck, Goose game but why not make it more biblical? Try these variations on this fast-paced game. Duck Duck Goose Call-Out … More Children’s Ministry Resources

All My Heart Object Lesson – Matthew 22:37-39

One of the most “fun” collection of verses in the bible is Matthew 22:37-39. You know how it goes, “Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”  In the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

High Jump Object Lesson – Psalm 18:33

Forget super heroes! Once kids discover what God can do, they’ll realize that they are “super” too–thanks to Him. Looking for an object lesson that will teach kids that God can and will enable us to do things we never thought we could? This one will do the trick! All you need is a yardstick, ruler or measuring tape and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Things a Children’s Pastor Needs

kids need playtime at church

I’m pretty sure most people expect to find a giant rubber ball, parachute or costumes on my list but alas, those items didn’t make the cut. (Although we do love toys/props/unique tools for ministry!) As a children’s minister I can’t help but get creative—I work with kids but there are some things I actually do need. As a children’s ministry … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Talking to Kids About Monsters (Fear Versus Faith)

Popular culture can’t seem to get enough of monsters. From television shows about finding Bigfoot to creature features, our world is permeated with images of monsters. Kids sure don’t need these visual aids to believe in the “boogeyman,” their imaginations make it easy to believe something is under the bed or in the closet. (Incidentally, as a child I believed … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Great Ways to Greet Kids in Children’s Church

Think a good greeting program isn’t necessary for children’s church? Think again! When we don’t greet kids as they come in, we miss making a valuable connection for two reasons. First, the greeting is where you establish discipline. That’s so important to do right at the beginning of each session. Kids need to know someone is in charge. Second, we … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fingerstache Bible Object Lesson (Hebrews 4:13)

Have you ever snapped a selfie wearing a fingerstache? A fingerstache is a moustache drawing on the pointer finger that a person can use to pretend he has a moustache. It’s a playful temporary “tattoo” that was made popular a few years when it began showing up on different social media sites. I love the fingerstache—it’s a playful ice breaker … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Lies That Sabotage Children's Pastors

Negative voices tend to beat us down. They make us doubt our abilities, our anointing and even our calling. Sometimes those negative voices come from the people you serve (or their parents and grandparents) other times, those negative voices come from people you know outside the church and other times, those negative Nellies come from within your own two ears. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Musical Chairs: Bible Object Lesson (John 14:2)

Musical chairs isn’t just an exciting game, it’s an opportunity to present an object lesson to kids. Break out those chairs, get the music ready and that’s all you need. Here’s a review of how the game is played and some verses you can use. Chairs are placed in a circle, the seats facing outward. There should be one chair … More Children’s Ministry Resources

See God’s Love: Strawberry Syrup Object Lesson

Unlike most folks, I’m not a big strawberry syrup fan but sometimes it’s delicious to have with milk. It makes a wonderful object lesson for teaching kids to see and appreciate God’s love. That’s perfect for Valentine’s Day or anytime you need to teach children about His precious love. This is so simple, it’s kind of silly to teach you … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Craft Alert! Mail a Hug for Valentine’s Day

Craft Alert! Mail a Hug for Valentine’s Day This Valentine’s Day craft is so easy, you’ll be wondering why you haven’t made it before. Full disclosure here: I took a great idea that I saw somewhere else and tweaked it to make it more specific for Valentine’s Day. It’s the ideal craft for kids who have loved ones like grandparents … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Things You Should Tell Kids in Your Church

Children’s ministry today seems so complicated, doesn’t it? When I began in children’s ministry in 1996, it was a bit simpler to teach. Kids weren’t as tech savvy and let’s face it–we didn’t have so many products to choose from. I’m not complaining, I love new ideas but the list of things you feel you should teach continues to grow. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Flashing Light Object Lesson about Prayer

We’ve all heard the acronyms, FROG and PUSH (that’s Fully Rely on God and Pray Until Something Happens.) These might motivate teens and adults to pray but kids need something more. Prayer isn’t a natural impulse but once kids get the power of prayer, they will want to participate. Let me say this, when parents teach their children to pray, … More Children’s Ministry Resources