Children’s Sermon on Doubting Thomas (John 20:19-31)

Yeah Right! Children’s Message on Doubting Thomas Main Objective: Do we need to see things to believe them? How can we know that what we are told is true? This message focuses on the importance of trusting God’s Word as a reliable source of information, given for us to know and understand who He is. It also reviews the story of “doubting Thomas” to consider that doubts will come, but Christ is with us in those doubts.

The Hope of Easter: Children’s Sermon Lesson on The Resurrection of Jesus from John 20:1-18

Children’s Message for Kids Church on the Resurrection Hope of Easter Sunday. Download this children’s sermon to use in your Sunday School or Kids Church this Easter Sunday! Lesson Objective: Throughout history, we have seen stories of underdogs pulling through. Sometimes this means sports teams winning against all odds. In other cases, it might be an outnumbered army overpowering a foe. This message reminds children that Easter is a time to rejoice in the greatest “surprise” victory

It’s a Miracle! (John 2:1-11) Children’s Sermon Lesson on the Wedding at Cana

Main Objective: While on Earth, Jesus did a lot of amazing miracles. The first one we read of in the gospels was a transformative act that kept a party going! In the story of the wedding at Cana, we notice that Jesus cares about all things, even our own human enjoyment of life. We also recognize that Jesus continues to work miracles in our lives, in ways large and small. This lesson uses a simple drink mix

New Year, New Life in Christ – Children’s Sermon from John 1:10-18

New Year, New You!  Children’s Message on Transformation through Jesus. A new year is often a time when people make goals and resolutions to transform and change themselves. However, we know that on our own we can do nothing. True change must come from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This message reminds children that we are adopted into God’s family, and we have new identity in Him. Any change we hope to achieve comes through Him

Jesus Rules All! Sunday School Lesson on John 18:33-37

Crown Him Lord…on the last Sunday of the “church calendar” year, we celebrate that Jesus Christ is the King. This may not be a widely honored holiday, but is a special time to remember that Jesus rules over all things, and that we want to put God first in our lives. Jesus came to lead as a humble servant. He continues to lead us and should be made authority over our hearts. Lesson focus: This lesson explores

Christ is King! Children’s Sermon from John 18:33-37

Jesus did a lot of remarkable things and fulfilled many roles while on Earth. He continues to hold tremendous power and authority over all things, especially our lives. This message considers some of the titles that describe Jesus, such as Good Shepherd, bread of life, and Lamb of God. Most importantly, though, Jesus is the king. He is God made flesh, ruling not over an Earthly kingdom but an eternal one. It’s important to remind children that

Jesus is the Bread of Life: Children’s Sermon from John 6:24-35

Despite modern concerns of gluten-free or keto-friendly diets, bread has historically been a nutrition staple, and continues to provide energy and life to those who eat it! Bread also serves as a simple and fun visual for this children’s message. Use whatever variety of bread might be relevant to your students (maybe even donuts!) to explain how important bread is. Jesus called Himself the “bread of life”, and we recognize that we need Him for fuel and

What is the Holy Spirit? Children’s Sermon (Acts 2:1-21; John 16:4-16)

The Holy Spirit can be a challenging element of the Trinity to explain or discuss with children (or anyone, for that matter!). At Pentecost, we celebrate the coming of the Spirit and the “birthday” of the church. This message seeks to communicate to students who the Spirit is and what He does for us. We may not see the Holy Spirit physically, but through his power all things take place! Law/Gospel Theme: Jesus promised to send a

Children’s Sermon (John 17:6-19) Jesus Gives Us Tools for Prayer

Children need to understand the power and importance of prayer, but it can be a challenging topic to teach. This message describes the way that Jesus has prayed for us and encourages children to recognize that God helps us pray. The illustration involved uses an object that requires tools and assistance to fix, in order to share with kids how God gives us tools and assistance to communicate with Him. Law/Gospel Theme: Jesus has given us all

Jesus is the Real Thing! (John 15:9-17) Children’s Sermon

This children’s message imparts the hope of our relationship with Jesus. Earthly friendships may fail and disappoint us, but the love of Christ will always be there. It might be hard to grasp since we do not see the Lord physically, but His presence guards and guides us. Jesus calls us friends and laid down His life for us. The message uses a “disappointing” object to remind children that God does not disappoint. Law/Gospel Theme: Jesus has

Vine and the Branches: Children’s Sermon Lesson from John 15:1-8

This message explains that we need to remain constantly connected to Christ. As a branch needs to be connected to the main part of the plant in order to live, we need to be “attached” to the Lord. What does this mean? Being rooted in prayer and Bible reading should be components of our daily life, providing the fuel we need to grow and stay healthy in our faith. This message uses a “fruity” object lesson to

Who’s Your Good Shepherd? Children’s Sermon from John 10:11-18

This message reminds students that God loves and cares for us, and that He protects us at all times. Just as a shepherd watches out for the needs of the lambs and sees that they have what they need, God provides for us. Jesus gave His life for His sheep, willing to sacrifice for those He loves. The Bible uses many beautiful reminders of this shepherd analogy, and explaining those passages helps children understand and appreciate the

Doubting Thomas Bible Lesson Message (John 20:19-31)

Children tend to be rather trusting in general. However, they are also literal in their understanding and interpretation of things, and often have a hard time grasping abstract or unseen concepts. This message reminds kids that our faith in Jesus is reliable and true, even though we cannot physically see or touch the Lord. When we believe despite a lack of sight, Jesus says that we are considered “blessed”! Law/Gospel Theme: Jesus most certainly died and came

Easter Craft Ideas (John 20:1-18) He is Risen!

Easter is here! After journeying through the season of Lent and the solemnity of Good Friday, Easter is a joyous celebration. There are many fun and festive possible activities to create in celebrating springtime or Easter. As with most things in life, the central element here should be the Gospel of Christ. These crafts suggest creative ways to consider the joy and miracle of the Resurrection. A jelly bean mosaic provides a colorful way to contemplate Easter

Easter Children’s Sermon (John 20:1-18) Colors of Hope

Easter is (or should be) the pivotal holiday of the Christian faith. It celebrates the greatest event in history, and is a time of great rejoicing! Aside from the fancy dresses, fun decorations, and baskets, though, what is it that we honor for Easter? Young children might not always have a solid understanding of the story behind God’s great plan for mankind. In this message, the story of Good Friday and Easter is told through a favorite

Children’s Sermon (John 12:20-33) Jesus Died to Give Life

This message demonstrates how Jesus died in order to give us life. Children will consider plants and seeds as an analogy of Christ’s sacrifice. Plants die in a sense and enter the earth, in order to grow up out of the ground and provide new life and vegetation. In the same way, Christ gave up His life, but rose again and gives life to all.  Law/Gospel Theme: Jesus came to live a different sort of life, and

God’s Big Picture (John 3:14-21) Children’s Sermon

This children’s sermon is focused on recognizing the importance of who Jesus is in relation to God’s great plan for the salvation of all people. Children may be familiar with the John 3:16 passage, but might not fully understand what it means and why it is so important. The object lesson in this message uses images at unique angles to explain the importance of seeing Christ in light of the whole story of the Bible. Law/Gospel Theme:

“What Does Worship Look Like?” Sunday School Lesson from John 2:13-22

Did Jesus really brandish a whip and overturn tables in church? The story of the temple cleansing can be a fun and fascinating one to share with children. Certainly, it reminds us that Jesus was not merely a meek flannel-graph image, but He was willing to take a stand when necessary to preserve the integrity of His Father’s house. There is more to this story than that, though. In this passage, it’s important to recognize what true

“Jesus Cleans the Temple” Children’s Sermon from John 2:13-22

This message explores the story of Jesus cleansing the temple, which was being corrupted and not used for proper worship. For this illustration, children will see an object being polluted and used for the wrong reason, and through that they will better understand Christ’s actions. Children will also hear the importance of respecting not only the church, but our own bodies and lives as instruments to worship God. Law/Gospel Theme: Focusing on distractions of rules and regulations,

Called By God (John 1:43-51) Sunday School Lesson

For most children, the focus of day to day living includes trying to follow directions, having fun, and perhaps surviving time with siblings. Kids might not contemplate an overall “life plan” or goals for the future. They might feel that they are insignificant or too young to do anything important. It is important to remind them that God cares for them deeply, and has a specific plan for them. He knows each and every individual, and they

“He Knows Your Name” Children’s Sermon from John 1:43-51

This message aims to communicate to children the critical fact that God knows and loves them personally, and that He has a specific calling and plan for their lives. Kids can easily become confused or uncertain about things in this world, and being reassured of God’s love is important to boosting their confidence and identity. The optional object in this lesson uses simple beloved children’s toys to enhance understanding of what it means to have a plan

“Let the Way!” Children’s Sermon from John 1:6-8, 19-28 about the John the Baptist Pointing to Jesus

This seasonal message features the deeper meaning behind the holiday decoration of Christmas lights. The message also uses the character of John the Baptist as a reminder that we are to “proclaim the light” that is Jesus. When we see lights, we recall that Jesus is the light of the world, and that gives us hope at Christmas and always. And along with John, we prepare the way for Christ and share the good news of His

John the Baptist (Mark 1:1-8) Bible Lesson for Kids

Make way! Someone special is coming! Who wouldn’t want to be the bearer of good news? The task of John the Baptist was an important one. He announced the coming of the Messiah. But he was not always celebrated and appreciated. He also brought a message calling people to repentance, and he wasn’t afraid to call out sin. John was eventually arrested and beheaded for his outspoken proclamations against wrongdoing. However, as we see the prophet at

Good News: Children’s Sermon on Mark 1:1-8 about the John the Baptist Pointing to Jesus

How do we receive information? Is the news good, or frustrating? In this message, discuss who John the Baptist was and the message of hope he came to share. Encourage students to receive this good news and to tell others about the joy of Jesus. Main Objective: John the Baptist is a key figure in the Bible, not only for His place as baptizer of Christ. The New Testament prophet brought the blessed news of Christ’s coming,