“Jesus Cleans the Temple” Bible Craft Ideas from John 2:13-22

Jesus got angry? He knocked over tables? This story can be a surprising one for children to hear, but is a fun one to teach and act out. Of course, the important thing to emphasize is that Jesus had a good reason to get mad. He was not having a selfish temper tantrum, but was defending the integrity of God’s house. The lesson that these crafts accompany reminds us that we are made to worship God, and

“Jesus Cleans the Temple” Children’s Sermon from John 2:13-22

This message explores the story of Jesus cleansing the temple, which was being corrupted and not used for proper worship. For this illustration, children will see an object being polluted and used for the wrong reason, and through that they will better understand Christ’s actions. Children will also hear the importance of respecting not only the church, but our own bodies and lives as instruments to worship God. Law/Gospel Theme: Focusing on distractions of rules and regulations,

Jesus, the Suffering Hero (Mark 8:31-38) Children’s Sermon

This message communicates to children the importance of understanding who Jesus was and what His mission was. He knew that He came to Earth in order to love and care for others, but that ultimately God’s plan was for Him to suffer and die. His closest followers did not understand how victory could come through death, but Jesus recognized that glory would come through suffering. We rejoice that because of His death, we have eternal life. Law/Gospel

Lent Bible Crafts on the Temptation of Christ (Mark 1:9-15)

Lent is a season often associated with sober contemplation and reflection. It is a beautiful and wonderful time to consider service and prepare hearts for the rest of the year, and for whatever God has in store for our lives. Whether or not your church tradition honors Lent, it can be a good time of personal thought and of remembrance of the life and ministry of Jesus. These two crafts are meant to serve as positive visual

“Pray and Prepare” Mark 1:9-15 Children’s Sermon

This message opens the season of Lent with thoughts about what it means to prepare for something. The time that Jesus spent in the wilderness prepared Him for His earthly ministry. As we go through Lent, we keep our hearts and minds focused on Christ and we prepare for the celebration of His resurrection and His eventual Second Coming. We also keep in mind that God has a plan and purpose for our lives, and we can

Elijah and Elisha (2 Kings 2:1-12) Sunday School Lesson

Young students are quite familiar with the concept of having a teacher or leader to guide them. For most, it’s a fact that is taken for granted, with little thought given to what we do with the information we receive from mentors. In this story, we see an eager learner who not only persists in following his teacher, but insists on picking up where he left off in devotion to God. As kids experience the spectacular whirlwind

“Passing the Torch” Bible Crafts from 2 Kings 2:11-12on the Elijah and Elisha

The prophet Elijah is a fascinating figure to explore. He was truly a man of God, used by Him to speak to a people that often ignored His words. In this story, though, we see the ultimate victory of Elijah. The man who once called fire down from Heaven was taken up into Heaven by a chariot of fire. The lesson here focuses on Elijah and his successor. Elisha saw his teacher depart, and pleaded with him

Children’s Sermon from Mark 9:2-9 on the Transfiguration of Christ

The Transfiguration of Christ was a remarkable event that carried significance in multiple ways. The Transfiguration demonstrated God’s glory and showed who Jesus was. It also revealed to the disciples, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they were putting their faith in the true Son of God. This message communicates that to children, reminding them that we can trust in God’s power and know who Jesus is. Law/Gospel Theme: It is essential to our faith that

Joshua Coloring Page

Use this coloring page when teaching about Joshua, the leader of the Israelites after Moses. The Bible stories about Joshua highlight his faithfulness and bravery. This is another illustration in our Bible Heroes Coloring Book. This line art illustration shows Joshua kneeling down in prayer surrounded by a sword and grapes. Download the PDF coloring page below or click on the large image to directly print the JPEG image. This coloring page features the name “JOSHUA” in block

Jesus Heals (Mark 1:29-39) Sunday School Lesson for Kids

Sickness and pain are all around us. Unfortunately, children today are quite aware of this, and it can seem confusing or frustrating. But we rejoice that in Christ we find hope and healing. Our ultimate solution to life’s struggles does not lie in any manmade treatment but in the one who came to suffer in our stead. While on Earth, Jesus demonstrated that He came to care for people. He provided physical healing, but also sought to

Jesus Heals Craft Ideas for Mark 1:29-39

Discussing the healing miracles of Jesus is a beautiful way to remember how Christ cares for His people. It also encourages children to reach out and care for those around them. These two crafts are meant to celebrate the healing work of our Lord, and to remind kids to love and serve others. A decorative “helping hands” wreath allows students to brainstorm ways to care for people, and a card or wall hanging reminds them that Jesus

“Jesus Heals” Mark 1:29-39 Children’s Sermon

Children (especially in a post-COVID 19 world) are exposed to a lot of discussion surrounding health. They may be worried or concerned, or genuinely uncertain regarding what maintains and aids quality health. This message reminds all of us that Jesus is the true healer. Even if we do not see physical healing as quickly as we might hope, Jesus promises to heal our hearts, and has already taken care of the “sin sickness” that dwells inside us.

“Jesus Has Authority” Mark 1:21-28 Sunday School Lesson

Children are used to taking instruction and following directions from others. But what does it mean to recognize and obey authority? And what kinds of people are reliable for information and authority? It’s important to elucidate that Jesus is the ultimate power. Students should respect authorities that God has placed over them (parents, teachers, etc.), but sometimes life can seem uncertain or confusing. Kids might not understand who to listen to and how. The Gospel story this

“Authority of Jesus” Mark 1:21-28 Bible Craft Ideas

What does it mean for us that Jesus has power and authority? In the Bible, we see miracles of healing and cleansing. In our lives, we know that Jesus can keep us spiritually “clean”, and that we can listen to and rely on Him for all things. No matter what challenges come our way, God wins! These crafts celebrate the element of being “clean”, as well as the promise of victory in Christ. A goodie bag includes

“Jesus Has Authority” Mark 1:21-28 Children’s Sermon on Listening to Jesus

This message describes what it means that Jesus has authority over all things. While on Earth, Christ demonstrated the power to cast out demons, heal the sick and injured, control weather, and even raise people from the dead! He was and is stronger than anything else. As such, we can listen to Him and trust Him because we recognize His authority. Jesus has power and authority in our lives, if we allow Him to.  Law/Gospel Theme: Jesus

“Being a Disciple is Worth It” Children’s Sermon from Mark 1:14-20

The main objective of this message is to communicate to children that following Jesus is not always easy, but it is worth it. Sometimes we have to let go of things that we enjoy or love. Being a “disciple” means putting Jesus first before anything else. The good news is that we are promised life with Christ is worth it. We might have to leave certain hobbies or practices if they get in the way or our

Fishers of Men: Bible Craft Ideas from Mark 1:14-20

The calling of the disciples and the idea of “fishing for people” is a fun story that can lend itself well to activities and crafts. Children do not always readily comprehend the idea of a metaphor, but can understand the concept of reaching out to others and following directions. The focus of these crafts, then, is on following in Christ’s footsteps and telling others about Him. A decorative ornament celebrates the following element; a fish-themed “invitation” welcomes

Called By God (John 1:43-51) Sunday School Lesson

For most children, the focus of day to day living includes trying to follow directions, having fun, and perhaps surviving time with siblings. Kids might not contemplate an overall “life plan” or goals for the future. They might feel that they are insignificant or too young to do anything important. It is important to remind them that God cares for them deeply, and has a specific plan for them. He knows each and every individual, and they

“Chosen for a Reason” Bible Craft Ideas from John 1:43-51

It is never too early to share with children that they have purpose and value in God’s eyes. Each and every individual is known by Him and chosen for special and specific purpose. These crafts celebrate that fact, reminding kids that God knows them by name and has called them. With reflections on discipleship calling and the Old Testament calling of Samuel, these crafts remind students that God loves them and has a plan for them. A

“He Knows Your Name” Children’s Sermon from John 1:43-51

This message aims to communicate to children the critical fact that God knows and loves them personally, and that He has a specific calling and plan for their lives. Kids can easily become confused or uncertain about things in this world, and being reassured of God’s love is important to boosting their confidence and identity. The optional object in this lesson uses simple beloved children’s toys to enhance understanding of what it means to have a plan

Craft Ideas: New Life through Baptism (Mark 1:4-11)

The New Year often brings with it new goals and resolutions for self-improvement, but for kids and adults alike, those aren’t easy to keep. Fortunately, we know that Jesus offers new life and fresh opportunities, and we can take hold of those and rejoice in our forgiveness. These crafts remind children of the blessings found in Baptism, and how we can remember who we are in Christ. Both of these ideas are variable and adaptable, but the

New Life in Baptism: Children’s Sermon from Mark 1:4-11 and Acts 19:1-7

This message combines New Year’s resolutions and goals with the beauty of new life in Christ through baptism. People do a lot of things in efforts to improve themselves or “start fresh.” We can truly start with a clean slate when we trust the work of Jesus and the cleansing power of His precious sacrifice. This message seeks to communicate to children the importance of relying on God for life and strength. “New Life in Baptism” Children’s Sermon

Follow God’s Guidance! Mathew 2:1-12 Children’s Sermon for Epiphany Sunday

This message celebrates the visitation of the Magi after the birth of Christ. Although there are many details of which we are uncertain, we do know that God’s revelation of the Messiah to the “Wise Men” was significant in demonstrating His heart for Gentiles as well as Jews. The Magi were led by a star, which guided them to where Jesus was. With this message, we remind children that we have our guidance from God’s Word, the

Bible Craft Ideas from Simeon and Anna at the Temple in Luke 2:22-40

These crafts coincide with the story of Simeon and Anna in the temple at the dedication of Jesus. They waited long, and God did not disappoint. Christ was worth the wait! We recognize from this story that God is faithful to fulfill His promises, and that we can wait on Him, too. These two crafts touch on the element of waiting as well as trust in God. A decorative “clock” reminds us to wait patiently, and a