What to Do Instead of Vacation Bible School?

Alternatives to Vacation Bible School ?

Vacation Bible School is an institution in many churches — but what if it’s not an option for your congregation? This post offers some alternative ideas for reaching kids instead of a a traditional VBS program. Three VBS Alternatives What to do instead of Vacation Bible School? Vacation Bible School is a tradition in many churches but it’s not always … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Why Is Vacation Bible School So Important?

why is vacation bible school important

Vacation Bible School is the perfect way to immerse visitors into your unique church culture and VBS provides a wide opportunity for volunteers to work in children’s ministry. If you’re not excited yet, just take a look at all the awesome 2020 VBS themes that are coming out for next summer. It’s time to shine for Jesus! Who’s ready to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What Is the Purpose of Vacation Bible School?

What's the purpose of Vacation Bible School

Unless you’ve grown up attending Vacation Bible School regularly, you may not understand the purpose. Why host a VBS? Are they really necessary? Why did we start this tradition to begin with? Well, there’s a lot of history Vacation Bible School but just know that Vacation Bible School’s purpose hasn’t really changed. In the beginning, such bible schools were used … More Children’s Ministry Resources

To Treat or Not to Treat (Snacks in Sunday School)

Kids—and some adults, expect children’s ministry leaders to offer some type of snack during their ministry time. What used to be an occasional treat or a tasty party extra is now practically a must-have in some children’s ministries. Of course most kids want snacks and treats—just ask them. But what about teachers? For many reasons, some teachers are bucking this … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Should Children Be Dancing in Church?

A recent post on the Ministry-To-Chilren’s website had quite a few people talking. We’re always glad to hear your feedback and we welcome discussions about the various topics we write about. This particular post asked the question, “Should children be dancing in church?” I’ve been in ministry for over 20 years and I’ve seen questions like these pop up now … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Lessons Teachers Can Learn from Nickelodeon

Okay don’t hate me but Nickelodeon inspires me, or at least it used to. You know the channel I’m talking about, the one where everything is geared to kids and there short attention span, or least it was. Now I know fully that Nickelodeon is about as holy as the MTV channel but nevertheless, kids watch it. I wondered why, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

DIY Bible Board Game Activity

Have extra time in summer camp that you need to fill? This exciting activity is great for small groups of kids. When the kids finish this project, they will also have a fun game to play. Kids come up with a game name, a concept and design. They get to decide what to include on their board game. Give kids … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Exciting Ideas for the Kids Church Intro Segment

Do your kids walk into the ministry facility looking bored and uninterested? Maybe they look sleepy or if they are new, they might even look scared. All of the above reasons are why you need a good intro segment! As a children’s leader, I love starting service with a heart-pumping activity or ice breaker. Introduce visitors to your regular attendees … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Baby Chick Bible Object Lesson

Watching a baby chick hatching from an egg is like watching a life transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. And since it’s spring it’s the perfect time to talk about this transformation and of course use cute and cuddly baby chicks to make the point come to life. First of few verses to explain what I’m talking about. You … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Golden Egg Easter Object Lesson

Easter is just around the corner and I am so excited! In celebration of my favorite holiday I have a few object lessons to share with you. It won’t take but a few supplies to teach but the end result should make a powerful impact on your class. In this “golden egg” object lesson, I talk about the power of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching Kids to Worship With Flags

Children can’t get enough of active worship and for some churches, this means teaching kids to worship with flags. With flags, kids will learn to worship God creatively, both individually and as a church. However, any children’s pastor worth his or her salt knows you can’t pass out flags to a bunch of kids with no instruction. Don’t assume kids … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Kid Volunteers: The Welcome Table

names of God lessons

Kids speak “kid.” When a new child walks into the children’s church for the first time they rarely feel brave. If he’s greeted by a group of adults giving him directions and talking to him all at once, he can feel nervous–even afraid. However, when you have children working the door, you’ve got a whole different dynamic in play. Since … More Children’s Ministry Resources

He Is Risen Object Lesson Using Eggs

Easter Eggs

Introduce your class to the wonder of the resurrection using this “He Is Risen” object lesson. This visual aid will help kids “see” that Christ is risen from the grave, alive again just as Acts 3:15 describes: “You have killed the author of life but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of that.” You’ll have to do … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Kids In Leadership: Training Kids to Serve

Next time you stand in front of your children’s church, take a good look around the room. Instead of seeing future leaders, think the way God does—these are leaders, now! Some people think you need to be a born leader but that’s not true. God has placed unique gifts in all of us but for most it takes some work … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching the Gospel with Cereal Boxes

Kids make great evangelists! They can often go where we can’t. Still, when a child isn’t confident in their relationship with God or how to lead others to Christ, they may be reluctant to share. Still I am committed to discipling children and part of that responsibility is sharing and teaching the gospel with others. Like Jesus showed us through … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Salvation Sundays in Kids Church

Teaching salvation to children is usually a first priority when you begin leading a children’s ministry but over time the desire to lead kids to the cross can get pushed to the back burner. We want to “keep it interesting” and opt for relevant lessons to help children deal with common problems or life situations. (Those are all honorable ideas, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Host a Pokemon Go Outreach at Church

Whether you love it or hate, or have strong misgivings about it, we can all agree that Pokemon Go is here to stay. At least until the next “Go” game comes out. (Which by all reports will be a Harry Potter rendition but let’s cross that bridge when we come to it.) Here’s my attitude about Pokemon Go. And you … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Benefits of Rebooting Your Children's Ministry

Don’t you love the phrase “do over?” I do! Especially when it concerns children’s ministry because I’m a bit of perfectionist and I always fall short. A few times in my life I’ve had the pleasure of heading up a reboot for children’s church. On one occasion, we had an abrupt change in pastoral leadership; another time we’d allowed our … More Children’s Ministry Resources